17. Kayra

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I took a deep breath and entered the restaurant. I was partly nervous and partly expectant for my date. Afterall, it was the first date of my life, and maybe the last day of my virginity. But somehow it didn't feel as thrilling as it should have felt.

The restaurant was close to campus. Set on the tenth floor of a magnificent building, with huge floor to ceiling windows, it provided beautiful views of the city. Slow and elegant ambiance of the restaurant was making it a perfect place for a date night. Almost all the tables were occupied, mostly by couples but other people also came here to drink and enjoy the view. I scanned the restaurant and looked for him, my date. His last text was ten minutes ago, saying he'd arrived. So, where was he? I didn't see him anywhere.

A waiter approached me and asked if I needed any help. Figures, I must've looked like a lost child looking for its parents. I opened my mouth and was about to ask him about Nick but realization struck me. I didn't know how he looked, so how was I supposed to describe him?

"Is there a guy in his early twenties who's been waiting for someone for maybe like ten minutes?" That was everything I knew about him, other than that Nick was a psychology major but I'm sure the waiter wouldn't know that.

It took some time before the waiter nodded and escorted me towards the table. Relief washed over me and I followed him. The waiter left after showing me the table across from the balcony. There was a guy sitting there, back facing me. He looked awfully familiar from behind. Have I seen him before?

As I neared him, more details came to light. Brown hair, tall built, veiny hands. He was way too familiar and the feeling that it's not Nick was way too strong for me to ignore.

I walked in front of the table and stopped. My suspicions were correct. It was him.

"Nolan," I called out as he seemed too engrossed in his phone to notice me. He looked up at me and then down at his phone again. I folded my arms and lightly tapped my fingers. He didn't seem surprised to see me. That's suspicious.

After a minute, he put his phone down and looked up again but this time for longer. His gaze lingered lazily on my face and then it slipped down to my body and then back again at my face. It felt weird when he gazed at me like that.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me, relaxed. But there was a different gleam in his eyes. Was he here on a date?

"What's it to you?" I didn't know what annoyed me more; getting stood up and ghosted on my first date or seeing him here waiting for someone else. Nick wasn't even answering my texts now.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What's it to you?" He mocked. He looked like he was enjoying this. It made my irritation soar. If he wants to mess around then I'll show him how to properly do so.

"Why are you sitting here?" He asked as I grabbed the seat across from him. Now that I don't have a date, I'll just take my frustration out on him.

"I'll sit wherever I want," I shrugged.

"Aren't you here on a date?" He hit the nail right on my head. I hated the way he asked that in a mocking tone. Keep fueling the fire, Nolan and then you'll see what this fire can do.

"No. But I'm going to ruin yours," I smiled.

A full blown laugh escaped from his mouth, like he literally doubled over laughing. He looked oddly relaxed after hearing me. What if his date sees us and misunderstands? Doesn't he care? This guy was way too hard to understand.

I scoffed, dumbfounded. "Looks like you don't care or is it that you have been stood up?"

"Love, guys like me don't ever get stood up and we also absolutely don't make someone else wait." A cocky grin spread across his face, after he delivered that cheesy line. But I couldn't care about the line at all. I could only remember the first word-


Is this how it feels to be called love? My heart skipped a beat but it shouldn't have, not when Nolan is the one who's calling me love. My teasing smile from earlier faded and I just blankly stared at my hands. He must've realized what he called me as he cleared his throat and called for a waiter.

There was no use in sitting here so I was about to stand up and leave but Nolan interrupted me. "What happened to ruining my date?"

"It has already been ruined, Nolan. Mission accomplished!" My voice was dull and I grabbed my bag. I couldn't stay here any longer, the atmosphere may get more awkward than it already was.

"Then let's eat here... as a reward," he said. Is he kidding me? He was the one who made things awkward. What does he want now? Suffocate me with the heavy air.

"We are not exactly in the type of relationship to have dinner together, are we?" I said as calmly as I could.

"C'mon, we can eat as fellow stood-ups," he said and gave his order. Did he hit his head somewhere? Why was he being clingy? And the name he just called us, was pathetic. "Wow!" I scoffed and turned to leave but his next words halted my actions.

"Kay, do you remember the new year's night-"

"One Fettuccine Alfredo, please," I ordered and sat back. Nolan passed me a cheeky eye smile, which I returned with a forced one. I wanted to smack him so badly but I controlled the urge. This fucker's gonna die if he utters one more word about the new year again.

Our orders arrived and the rest of the dinner went by us picking on each other. Halfway through the dinner, I realized that it was not that bad to eat with him alone. In fact, I was enjoying myself. Tonight didn't go as planned but I wasn't complaining either. And the strange part was, I didn't hate Nolan tonight, at all.

"Did you eat the cake I forgot by the swing?" Nolan continued slicing his steak, without looking up.

"The butterscotch one? Yup I did."

Nolan huffed out a laugh. "You have no shame at all, Kay. Not only did you eat my cake but you are also so proud to brag."

"Excuse me, you are the one who's shameless for barging into my personal space," I retorted. It wasn't my fault, I can't say no to butterscotch caramel.

"God! Little shit! How did it taste?" He acted surprised but it all seemed like an act. He seemed as if he wanted to look angry but deep down wasn't.

"Great," I answered, almost instantly with a pleasant smile tugging on my lips.

His lips curved upwards a little but I also could have imagined it. His face was straight again. He shrugged. "Get me one next time."

"Why should I?" I, too, focused on eating.

He whined. "You ate mine."

"It was abandoned and you know that finder's keeper."

"You owe me, Kay," he said, defeated while looking at me with narrowed eyes. As if I'll ever owe him. As the night proceeded my thoughts about Nick vanished. This was the thing about Nolan, whenever we were together, I forgot about everything else but him. My problems, my responsibilities, my ache. He makes me focus only on himself while also letting me reflect on myself. I am constantly buried under the burden of the future but he pulls me out in the present. In more weird ways, I might add.

Maybe he's right, I do owe him.

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