36. Kayra

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“I am asking for the last time, Nolan. Where are we going?” I grumbled as my patience ran thin. We were in his car, driving from the past hour to god knows where. And the worst part was he refused to even tell me our destination.

“To a place you don't know.” He chuckled and there, the last thread of my patience and tolerance snapped. He can shove his surprises up his ass and go there by himself. “Oh really? Thanks for letting me know where YOU are going.”

“C'mon little devil, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you where we're going,” he said, looking at the road and me simultaneously. He was right but giving me a heads up wouldn't hurt. “Please, we're almost there.”

I folded my arms and just stared out the window for the rest of the ride. After about fifteen minutes, he slowed down the car and pulled in front of a house. I watched Nolan, as he shut the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt.

‘Are we supposed to get off here?’ was written all over my face and when he finally looked at me, he said, “This is my brother's place.”

What? My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. My face was still questioning him and he continued, “You remember Theo, my brother's son, who you met at my place?”

I nodded at his question. “Well, today's his birthday. And we're here for the celebration.” He smiled, I frowned and watching me frown, he also frowned. “What happened?”

“What do you think? You should've told me sooner. I mean I didn't even dress properly for the occasion and gift? I came empty handed for a 5-year old’s birthday. Nolan, that's terrible.” He definitely should've given me a heads up. I spoke nonstop, as panic took over me. But Nolan, as always, was calm. He grabbed my flailing hands and squeezed them a little to calm me.

“I brought a gift from both of us and about your outfit, I think it's perfect. You look good in everything you wear.” His reassuring eyes would've surely worked if I didn't know what I was wearing. A basic sweater and dungaree is not an appropriate outfit to meet your boyfriend's family. I looked like a teen going to her friend's place for a playdate.

“Trust me. You look perfect.” He reassured me again. He was quick to take on my expressions. “But if you are uncomfortable then it's fine, we don't have to go. Let's go back.” He smiled gently. Even though he said it's fine, it wasn't. He would definitely be disheartened if we go back.

Okay, I think I can do this. So what if I looked like a kid? This was a kid's birthday. Then I guess it's fine. Moreover, this was just his brother's place, I won't be seeing his parents so I guess it's manageable. I sighed and my eyes blazed with confidence.

“No. Let's go inside. We came this far so we can't just return without meeting them,” I said and a genuine, happy grin spread across Nolan's face. I'm glad I worked up the courage and decided to stay. I could do at least this much for him.

We both stood in front of the door, waiting for someone to open it. My heart was thumping loudly as it is, I didn't know what'll become of me once I went inside. After a few seconds the door fling open and we were greeted by a woman, who engulfed Nolan in a hug with a broad smile as soon as she saw him.

After a brief hug they both parted and the woman smiled at me. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. Her blond waves fell on her tanned shoulders and her face looked fully bloomed with warm and mature features. She was as tall as me but her build was way petite compared to mine. “Hello, I am Ruth. Ethan's wife and Theo's mother.” She engulfed me in a hug too after introducing herself. So, she was Nolan's sister-in-law. I never knew Nolan had such a beautiful sister-in-law and now that I was seeing her close, Theo kinda resembled her.

He must take after her a lot to be that cute. “Hello, I am Kayra. Nolan’s-” I got cut off by Ruth. “Girlfriend. I know. Theo told me about you and I'd also asked Nolan to bring his girlfriend along. It's so nice to meet you.” She giggled and I looked at Nolan with flushed cheeks. It felt weird to be introduced as a girlfriend but strangely it felt nice too.

“Come on in, you two.” She opened the door wider for us to enter. “Everyone is waiting.” She walked in front of us and we followed her. Nolan had the gift with him, a gift wrapped flat box. Judging from the interaction with Ruth, I felt a little comfortable. She seemed nice.

We walked through the foyer and the house looked splendid. It was nicely designed and maintained but the touch of homeness was there. We reached the living room and I spotted three figures sitting on the couch. The more we walked closer the more clear I could see them. With each step, my heartbeat increased and it finally burst when Ruth beamed, “Nolan's here.”

They were Nolan's Mom and Dad, I could tell just by looking at them. They fit the description mentioned by Nolan very well. I looked at Nolan with wide eyes and agape mouth. I wasn't ready to meet his parents yet. The confidence from earlier vanished and evaporated in thin air.

Suddenly, the sweater I was wearing felt too tight, even though it was oversized. Nolan didn't say anything and just held my hand tightly, reassuring me once again. I also took a deep breath, what's done is done. I was in front of his parents right now, they saw me in my childish state, so what's left now was leaving a good impression on them. Yes, that's what is important right now.

I also put on a smile and greeted them. His mother walked up to us and engulfed Nolan in a tight hug. She looked relieved looking at him, as if it'd been years since she last saw him. “Oh Nolan! How have you been, honey?” She asked with a motherly grin, while cupping his face.

“I've been great, Mom.” He smiled at her. Nolan's face was so full of emotions, it was hard to say what he exactly felt. Happy, longed, sad. He was good at concealing his emotions. “Oh, looks like you've become more beautiful since the last time I saw you, Mom.” There he goes, the flirt. But he was right, his mother looked beautiful despite her old age. Her brown locks were tucked nicely in a bun with a few streaks of white in them. Despite the wrinkles around her eyes, her ocean orbs looked majestic.

His mother slapped him jokingly, while his dad came up from behind her. “You have to come up with better lines, Nolan. That doesn't work anymore.” His father wasn't any less good looking than his mother. When comparing his father and brother, they both looked almost the same. Only differences were that his brother had their mother's eyes and his father had a few white strands in perfectly gelled black hair and age lines. His towering figure was huge in front of his mother's. His father looked quite intimidating with his keen dark brown eyes and sharp features.

“It doesn't matter, Dad. You already won her heart. I am just trying to get the scrap.” All three of them laughed at Nolan's words and looking at them, I knew they all got along well. They had an invisible bond that tied them all together. Now that I was seeing his whole family together, they all looked like models. The genes worked perfectly for Nolan and his brother.

“Mom, Dad, meet Kayra, my girlfriend.” Nolan wrapped his arm around my shoulder and suddenly I felt everyone's gaze on me. He really didn't have to grab me like that in front of his parents. I smiled awkwardly and greeted his parents once again. “Hello.” Why was I being so nervous? It's not like I never met new people. But maybe it was different this time because I was pressured to make a good impression.

“So, you finally brought your girlfriend home.” His father smiled at me and the intimidating air coming from him, which I felt earlier was dissipating.

“Oh my god. I've been wanting to meet you for so long.” His mother took a step toward me and held my hand in hers. She smiled at me with eyes full of adoration, as if she knew who I was and knew me full well. “Finally I see you.” She squeezed my hand in a manner that reminded me of Nolan. He also squeezes my hand when he reassures or comforts me. My stiffness melted and a genuine wide smile spread across my face.

“Uncle!” Our heads turned in the direction of Theo, who came running towards us with a huge grin on his face shortly after calling out to Nolan. He was looking adorable in his tiny shorts and new sweater. “Yay! You're here. Kay is here too.”

“Happy Birthday Theo!” I wished him. I was glad that he was happy to see me. Theo chirped instantly, “Thank you!” He was so excited that the wide grin on his face didn't fade at all, instead it grew more and his eyes twinkled looking at the present in Nolan's hands.

I looked at Nolan who was grinning as well. He crouched down to Theo’s level and extended the box in his hands towards Theo, “Go ahead, take it. It's for you.” The sparkles in the small boy's eyes doubled at his uncle's words but he hesitated to take the box. He glanced in his father's direction, as if to ask for permission. Oh, how that boy reminded me of my younger self. He must be afraid to go against his father. Just like me.

Ethan sighed and nodded with a small smile, which instantly made Theo’s spirits high and he quickly took the box from Nolan's hands. “Happy Birthday, little man!” Nolan ruffled Theo's hair but Theo was too engrossed in his happiness of receiving the gift. Even I, an adult, dies of happiness when I receive a gift, then he was just a four-year old kid.

“Thank you!” Theo looked up at Nolan. “What did you bring?” His eyes were full of excitement and hope, appropriate for a birthday boy. “It's a gift, Theo, unwrap it later after you cut the cake, okay?”

“Okay!” Theo exclaimed and ran towards the dining table. The table was full of dishes set on it and a cake suitable for children was in the middle. After that, Theo sat on his father's lap and cut the cake, along with his parents holding his hand. They looked like a cute little family together. Once the cake was cut, Theo fed everyone the cake after eating some himself. I must admit I never found children cute or tolerable but Theo was undoubtedly adorable just like his uncle.

I laughed as Nolan fought with him as to who would eat the rest of the cake. What should I do with this guy? He became a child in front of a child and I seriously believed that there were two kids between us and everyone seemed too used to it too. The rest of the meal went as we talked about this and that. And I got to know a lot more about not only Nolan but also his family. Like, Nolan's brother, Ethan and Ruth were both doctors, his mother ran an NGO and Nolan does pottery. He does pottery and I never knew, like he knows what I like and my hobbies but I never knew his. It made me question why he knows everything about me but I know so little about him.

The answer was as clear as water, I never made the effort to know more about him. I just used him as an escape from reality. I liked being the sole receiver of his affection and surprises. I just felt like he wanted this relationship and I did enough by accepting him.

But I couldn't be more wrong. I wanted things to be quick and easy so that it'd hurt less when we break up. But seeing his affection growing and love blooming for me, I couldn't help but feel guilty. No matter how much he reassured me, I should know that being with me will only bring him pain.

“Kayra!” I blinked as I heard Ruth calling out to me. I was too lost in thought to realize that everyone was done with their meals. I glanced at Nolan who looked at me with worried eyes. Please, don't look at me like that.

“Are you okay?” She asked me. I must've worried everyone by zoning out for so long. “Yes, I am. I was just imagining Nolan doing pottery.” I laughed it off and the atmosphere was back to being jolly.

“I'll take these inside.” I got up, picking up the empty plates. “You don't have to.” Ruth tried to stop me but I should at least do this much. I can't just possibly eat and relax. “It's fine. I'll do it.” I took the plates from her hands and headed inside the kitchen.

I turned to go back after placing the dishes in the sink but halted when Nolan came in front of me. He leaned towards me until my butt touched the counter, my breath stuck when he extended his hand to place the plates he was carrying in the sink.

He leaned back and his eyes met mine. His eyes reflected worry and it was a given considering my behavior today. “You don't seem well.” He finally let his words out. “If you're not feeling well, then we can-”

“Why did you bring me here?” I cut him off. He seemed a little taken aback by my question. “Huh?”

“Did someone say something to you? Do you feel uncomfortable?” He bombarded me with questions. I felt even more down by the fact that he still took my side and the worried gleam in his eyes didn't help either.

“No. I am not uncomfortable or anything. In fact, I like your family. They are good people and I feel like they like me too.” I smiled, just thinking about it. I genuinely liked them. They were warm, kind-hearted and welcoming. Never in a million years would I not like them. “Then-” I cut him off again. “I was just curious, given our relationship…” I didn't have to complete that sentence for Nolan to know what I meant. Nolan's lips pressed into a thin line. Our relationship wasn't normal or a more suitable term for it was unserious. We weren't going to stay together for long anyway then why go through all this?

“I wanted to introduce you to them. They are important people to me, Kayra and so are you. I wanted you all to meet,” he sighed. He cupped my face and stroked his thumb over my cheeks gently. His words were laced with sincerity and honey, I almost melted in them.

“That's just an excuse, right? Maybe I am being selfish. I wanted to burden you a bit.” A smile ghosted on his lips and even though he didn't show there was a hidden gloom behind that smile. He thought that I thought he was joking but I knew he wasn't. At least his eyes weren't.

The fact that I was important to him made me more happy than burdened. And wasting these happy moments in overthinking and fret was truly idiotic. I should cherish them and hold this man close…for as long as I can. I can be a little selfish too, right?

I stood up on my toes and planted a kiss on Nolan's lips quickly. He was once again taken aback. “I'm glad I met them,” I said, getting back on my heels. I met his eyes and smiled, “I even forgot about you, while I was talking to- Ah!” I gasped when he lifted me off the ground and placed me on the countertop. He smirked, as if proud of his actions, “Let me remind you then.”

My breath hitched as he drifted my legs, sneaked in between them and pecked my lips lightly. “Hmm, Kay?” He was getting crazier with each day, his family was right next to the kitchen. What was he thinking, gripping the small of my neck, stroking his thumb on my cheek ever so gently and staring at me with those wanting eyes. He was so close to my face that his breath tickled my ears. Blood rushed to my cheeks, neck and lust, straight to my crotch.

But I composed myself and pushed him lightly and whispered, "We can't, your family is right outside." I looked towards the door to see if anyone was there. Even kissing here feels wrong. “No one will know anything,” he whispered, leaning more and more towards me.

“Know what?” We both jolted away from each other at Theo's voice. When did he get here? I looked the other way and fanned myself to bring down the heat. “What are you doing here, Theo?” Nolan asked him and judging from his voice, he seemed kinda irritated. I mean this was the second time Theo interrupted us, so Nolan can be frustrated.

“Mommy said come out to both of you,” Theo said and I finally looked at him as I got off the counter. We were in the kitchen for too long and to place plates in the sink doesn't require much time. I was afraid they might get the wrong idea, I mean what we were doing wasn't good but I don't want them to think anything at all. Oh god, I was beyond flustered. I wasn't even able to understand myself in my own mind.

“Why don't you go ahead, Theo. We'll be there in a minute, okay?” Nolan said and forced a smile. I was sure even Theo would know he was forcing it. He wasn't thinking with his brain but with his dick.

I side eyed him and although I was silent, my eyes screamed at him. Be rational Nolan, for fuck’s sake.

“Mom told me to come out with you two.” Theo was all innocent and judging from his words, Ruth must've suspected this. God, how was I to face her now? This is so embarrassing. What if they think we made out or something? Shit.

“What the fu- fuss?” I nudged Nolan with my elbow, who was about to curse when Theo didn't budge from his place. He just stared at us with his big blue doe eyes. I exhaled a deep breath, “Let's go, Theo.”

I glared at Nolan who was standing still in place with a sulking face. I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head towards the door to tell him to go. Finally, he sighed and followed us to the living room.

I sat on the sofa beside Nolan's mother and beside her was Ruth. Nolan joined his brother and father in the scrabble game they were all playing. Whereas, Theo was busy opening his gifts. Not even five minutes in, the men were bickering. “That is not a word.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Then show me!”

I glanced at Ruth and Nolan's mother who were looking at them with disappointment, as if they were all too familiar with this. It was a little funny to witness. “Have some oranges, Kayra.” Ruth pushed the peeled oranges towards me. “Thank you.” I popped a slice of orange in my mouth.

“I'm happy to see everyone together.” I looked at his mother who was staring at Nolan with a gentle smile on her lips. My lips parted and closed again as I hesitated to ask her. “You know, we barely see Nolan once a year, mostly on Christmas. He's so busy that I worry if he will neglect his health.” She sighed and turned towards me. “But I'm glad that he has someone like you by his side now. From what he's told me about you, I'm sure you care for him.” She squeezed both my hands and passed me a warm smile. My stomach dropped at the thought that I was lying to her. How am I supposed to tell her that I won't be with him for long? That we decided to part ways soon and I can't care for him.

“You know, Kayra. Nolan wouldn't ever shut up about you. Ever since he met you, whenever I called him or if we talked, all he could talk about was you.” She chuckled. “Our every conversation included you.” I didn't know that Nolan talked about me from the time we first met. Did I always occupy his thoughts that much? Well, it figures, he also occupied mine, since we always got on each other's nerves. Now that I remember, it makes me laugh.

“And now that I see you, I know that he's found the one. I can finally rest worry free now that my both sons have wonderful partners.” His mother’s eyes were full of stars and satisfaction. It reflected in her words that she meant them. But can I really be considered the one? Even if I can, there’s nothing I can do or rather want to do. I am bound by chains that keep me from crossing the line of like and love.

“Nolan's a great guy. To be honest, at first I hated him but now that I think about it, he always had a place in my heart.” I smiled and she didn't seem surprised by my words. If Nolan was telling her about me from the start then she must know that we weren't good to each other at first. No matter how much I hated him or despised his presence, he was the only person capable of pulling me out of darkness.

“I also don't wish to break his heart.” A wish, if only wishes did come true. If only there was a god who granted my wishes. I'd started to cherish Nolan so much that it was starting to scare me. “Now, that is a confession.” Ruth laughed and blood rushed to my cheeks. Maybe that really came out as a confession. “I’m happy to hear that.” His mother also stifled her laugh. Did I speak too much! Ah god!

“Marry him already. You guys are madly in love with each other and it shows,” Ruth teased me further and I was even getting teased. His mother was also chuckling. “Don't tease her, Ruth. She's already red like a tomato.” And they laughed even more. This was why I kept my thoughts to myself, people teased me a lot because of them.

What Ruth said bothered me. Maybe I let my feelings flow and spoke without weighing the words. Maybe I spoke the truth without any filter and that's the troubling part. There was no denying now that I loved him. I loved Nolan Gray, so much that I was scared of it.

But even if I admitted it to myself, I wouldn't admit it in front of anyone else. It'd be better for both me and Nolan to not admit our real feelings or confirm our love, as it'd just hurt more. Giving in to love was something I couldn't afford. It was a luxury for someone like me, and yet here I was.

“I don't see Nolan. Where'd he go?” I said, changing the topic. We needed to talk about something else because when I delve deeper into my emotions, it shows. I make it so fucking obvious that everyone knows that I'm bothered and I can't let that happen. At least not here.

“Oh, I saw him go outside earlier,” Ruth said while peeling the orange. I didn't even notice when Nolan got up and left. “That boy! It's cold outside.” Nolan's mother grumbled. She was right, it was cold and he didn't even wear his jacket.

“I'll take his jacket to him.” I got up from the sofa after Nolan's mother nodded. I grabbed his denim jacket from the stand on my way and headed outside. I slid the glass door to the backyard and stepped outside. The cold wind hit my face and I was already shivering, what was Nolan doing out here in this cold, I wondered.

To be honest, Nolan's family was more down to earth than I thought. Even though Nolan told me about them before, I still had my doubts but everything was cleared now. They were just like normal people with not a hint of arrogance or superiority despite their status and wealth.

I looked around the yard to find him sitting on the stairs attached to the patio. The gloomy and down look in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by me. What was he thinking? What made him so sad?

I covered his shoulders with his own jacket and sat beside him. He looked a little surprised but relaxed after seeing me. “What are you doing here?” I asked after a beat passed. “Just getting some fresh air.” The look on his face had changed. His expressions were similar as they were during the whole day.

There was a slight shadow of his earlier gloom on his face but he managed to hide it too. I wondered what was bothering him? And fresh air? Was he planning on freezing to death then? I kept my thoughts to myself, I couldn't just nag him about his carelessness when he looked like this.

“You know, I'm going to inherit the company after graduation,” he spoke after we both stayed silent for some time. He was staring blankly at the front. I knew he was a conglomerate hier, since he took up business admin. for studying and well, The Gray Corporations wasn't a small company either. Everyone knew that he'd eventually take over. But ‘after graduation’, it was new information to me. “That's a good thing, I suppose?”

The bitter gleam flashed on his face once again before he scoffed, “Yes…but sometimes I question if I even deserve this.” The moonlight shone on his moist eyes. At that moment, I realized that Nolan also had problems. He was much more behind the easy going and all-good facade he wore. He was a normal person with insecurities, responsibilities and a side to them that no one knows of.

I didn't utter a word, as I felt that he wanted a listener more than an advisor. I just sat there, with my hands on my knees and head hung low as he let out further. “I'll tell you something, Kayra. I’ve never told this to anyone, even my family,” he said, smiling and looking at me with those beautiful, sad eyes. And I knew this was something big and important to him.

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