A New Ally

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One week later

3rd Person POV

Outside of the Mansion, there's a figure sitting in a beach chair. The figure has a yellow drink in a glass with a small umbrella in it.

???: Hi, could you just tell them who I am instead of rambling on? Y'know what, I'll do it. Hello readers! It's me! Duncan Blake, but everyone just calls me...Deadpool.

Deadpool: No! That's Wade Wilson! That's the wrong fucking Deadpool! Let's try this again, and this time, you better get it fucking right!

Deadpool: Thank you! Was that so fuckin' hard!? Anyway, I know what you're thinking "What's SuperSaiyan4Life doing here? This isn't a Logan-Kenway story," and I have two responses to that. One: I was asked to be here. Now, I can't tell you what his name is, but it rhymes with PorBlandalore. And two: I'm going to be hanging around this guy's stories for awhile. Just the Marvel ones though. He said I'm not allowed to jump to the other ones.

As he talks, Logan and the Professor exit the Mansion and start walking through the gardens. Deadpool looks over at them, grabs some binoculars, then turns back around.

Deadpool: Shhh. The show's starting. Also, don't worry, I'm not a major character in this story...yet.

He winks before turning back around and holding the binoculars up to the eyes of his mask.

The gardens

Logan: You knew my father, Chuck?

Professor X: Yes. I had the pleasure of serving with him in Korea. He was a Mutant, with powers similar to yours. He didn't have claws like you, but he did have a regeneration factor. His name was James Howlett, but everyone called him Jimmy. After the war was over, he went missing after a group of government officials approached him about joining a secret task force. Your father refused initially, but I believe this government agency is linked to your father's disappearance and to your memory loss.

Logan: I wouldn't put it past the government.

Professor X: I don't trust federal agencies any more than you do, Logan. We'll continue this investigation together. For now, you must focus on being what you are: a teenager. I've enrolled you at Bayville High with the other students. You will start tomorrow.

Logan: You sure sendin' me to some high school is the best idea, Chuck?

Professor X: I see no reason why you shouldn't go. Going to the school will help you meet new and exciting people outside of the team. All I ask is that you keep your powers hidden.

Logan: I'll do my best, Chuck. Not sure how I can hide healin' fast.

Professor X: You're a smart man, Logan. I'm sure you'll figure something out.

Inside the Mansion

After his chat with the Prof, Logan walks back inside the giant school. He enters the main seating area and finds Rogue sitting on a bench, looking out a window.

Logan: Y'know nature's more enjoyable when you're actually in it, right?

The woman jumps and looks over at him. She puts a hand on her chest briefly.

Rogue: If ya scare me one more time, I'll drain the life outta ya.

Logan, with a smirk: I'd love to see ya try, darlin'.

Rogue, smirking back: That a challenge, scruffy?

The young man chuckles lightly before making his way over to Rogue. He looks out the window she's looking through and sees what she's staring at. Kitty and Piotr are having a date on one side of the courtyard. On the other side, Jean and Scott are getting in latter's car and leave the school.

Logan: I get it.

Rogue: Hm? Get what?

Logan: Wantin' to be close to someone.

Rogue: You do?

Logan: Yeah. Everyone I get close to gets hurt or winds up dead.

Rogue: I know whatcha mean. I hurt everyone I touch.

Logan: For now.

Rogue: What?

Logan: You're hear to learn to control your powers, right? One day you'll have 'em under control.

Rogue: How do ya know that?

Logan: Because by that time, I should've already found the sick bastard who turned me into...well, this.

He gestures to himself. Rogue frowns a little. She can't imagine what being forced to hurt and kill people feels like. She knows it must be terrible, so she decides to get his mind off of the subject.

Rogue: What'd you and the Professor talk about?

Logan: He told me about my father. Never met the guy. Thought he was dead, honestly. He also told me he enrolled me at Bayville.

Rogue: Does he really think that's the best idea? No offense, Logan, but you have a temper.

Logan: I know. He thinks it'll be a good experience for me.

Rogue: He's obviously never been to Bayville.

Logan: That bad, huh?

Rogue: It's not the most interestin' place. There's plenty of other things I'd rather be doin'.

Logan, scoffing: Can't wait.

Rogue: Relax, scruffy. At least you'll have a few familiar faces there with ya. Should help keep ya calm.

Logan: Let's hope so.

Rogue smirks. Just the mental image of the living weapon walking around with a book bag on is enough to make her laugh. She's never been more excited for school in her life.

Outside the Mansion

Deadpool: Holy cock thistles, Batman! The angry fuzzball is going to high school!? I...so...saw that coming. Anyway, I can't wait for tomorrow. Ten bucks says some asshat nearly dies. Also, what is going on between him and that Rogue girl? Seems like every Logan I meet is in love with that girl. Oh well, let's get to it. Timeskip, coming right up!!!

Bayville High School

Logan parks his bike next to Scott's car and looks around at the large building in front of him. Rogue, Kitty, Kurt, and Evan climb out from the sports car. The former weapon looks at all of the people and lets out a small groan. The only reason he's here is because the Professor told him go.

Scott: Come on, Logan. We've got fifteen minutes before first period.

Logan: First what?

Evan: The first class.

Scott: Sorry, I forgot you didn't go to school like the rest of us did.

Logan: I went to school...technically. Just wasn't a very nice school.

Rogue: You go ahead, Scott. I'll show scruffy to his locker.

The auburn-haired woman leads the living weapon through the school and over to a row of lockers.

Rogue: Alright, your locker is 616. This...

She hands him a piece of paper with three numbers written on it. The three numbers are seven, thirty, and eleven.

Rogue:...Is your combination.

Logan: Why can't I just pick the lock?

Rogue: We're tryin' to blend in, remember?

Logan: I didn't mean with my...toothpicks.

Rogue: You can pick locks?

Logan: Yeah, why?

The auburn-haired woman rolls her eyes, then talks with Logan some more about upcoming classes. While they talk, Logan notices a group of assholes picking on someone.

Logan: Hold that thought.

Rogue: No, wait. Logan!

By the time she finishes speaking, he already turned started and walking towards the problem. Rogue rolls her eyes and watches him leave. Three guys are messing with a guy about the same age as them. He's got some muscle, but he's still a little skinny.

(A/N: Looks like this, but younger)

One of the guys punches the bearded teen, then grabs him by the jacket and forces him against the lockers.

Guy #1: Still got something smart to say, Blake?

The bearded teen looks over to his left with a smile on his face. The first guy punches him again.

Guy #2: He asked you a question, Duncan!

Guy #3: You better answer him.

Duncan: Alright, alright.

He looks back at the guy holding onto his jacket.

Duncan: What was the question?

Guy #1, after punching him again: I said you still got something smart to say, Blake.

Duncan: Oh. Then yes. Did you know your mom's a squirter?

The guy goes to punch Duncan again, but Logan interferes.

Logan: There a problem here, boys?

The three guys and Duncan turn their heads to see the young Howlett walking towards them. The lead guy lets go of Duncan with a push and turns to face Logan completely.

Guy #1: Check out the lumberjack. Look, you're new, so I'll let this one slide. For future reference, stay out of my business.

Logan: Huh. What's your name, bub?

Guy #1: Tyler Matthews.

Logan: Alright, listen Ty, you and your buddies got two options here. You leave this guy alone and no one gets hurt.

Tyler: Or?

Logan: Or I embarrass you three on my first day. Your choice, bub.

Matthews gets in Logan's face and they stare each other down.

Logan: Come on, bub. If you're gonna hit me, hit me. Quit wastin' time.

Tyler, releasing a sigh: Come on, guys. Let's go.

The three guys walk away, leaving Logan and Duncan alone. Logan reaches his hand down to help Duncan back up to his feet.

Logan: Need a hand?

Duncan, taking his hand: Are you an angel?

Logan: Far from it, bub. You got a name?

Duncan: The name's Blake...Duncan Blake.

His joke causes a smirk to grow across Logan's face. Once he gets to his feet, they shake hands and continue to talk to each other.

Logan: Alright, listen up, Blake. I don't like fightin' other people's fights. I got enough on my plate as it is.

Meanwhile, in Duncan's mind

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Little hearts appear around Logan's head as Duncan stares at Logan, not hearing a word he's saying. He has a big, goofy grin as he looks at his rescuer.

Logan: Are you listenin' to a word I'm sayin'!?

Outside Duncan's mind

Duncan: Absolutely not. I heard "listen up, Blake" and then I stopped paying attention. Can we be best friends?

Logan: Anyone ever tell you you're a weird guy, Duncan?

Duncan: Just my mom...and my dad...and my uncles...and this lady I helped across the street once.

Logan: Now, you can add me to the list. You're a weird guy, Duncan.

Duncan: Thanks. You're new around here, right?

Logan: Yeah. You?

Duncan: Yeah. I moved here a couple months ago.

Logan: Where're ya from, bub?

Duncan: Saskatchewan. What about you?

Right as he asks, a surge of flashing memories run through Logan's head. One thing that sticks out is a snow-covered plaque that reads "Alkali Lake Industrial Complex".

Logan: Alkali Lake.

Duncan: You're from Canada too?

Logan, confused: Apparently.

Duncan: Awesome! Who was that girl you where with?

Logan: That's Rogue. She's been showin' me around.

Duncan: She's cute. If I were you, I wouldn't have left her to rescue some asshole like me.

Logan: I'll keep that in mind next time.

As the two guys talk, Rogue looks on with a smile. She makes her way over to them and changes her smile to a smirk.

Rogue: Makin' friends already, scruffy?

Logan: Somethin' like that. Rogue, meet Duncan. Duncan, this is Rogue.

Duncan: Scruffy, huh?

Logan: Shut it.

Rogue: Someone's grumpy. The bell's about to ring, so you better get to class. You have algebra two with Mr. Kirby. I got chemistry first, so I'll see ya at lunch.

Logan: See ya then, darlin'.

Rogue smiles and walks off. As she does, Logan and Duncan walk off in the opposite direction.

Duncan: I've never her seen her so nice before. Normally, she's mean. You must have a-

Logan: Enough. Mind tellin' me where Mr. Kirby's class is?

Duncan: I was gonna say a great personality, and no, I don't mind. Follow me. I have him first anyway.

Logan, sarcastically: Great.

The bearded teen puts his arm around Logan's shoulders. He looks over at him, then smiles.

Duncan: Looks like you're stuck with me, fuzzball.

Logan: Call me that again, and you'll be on the first flight back to Canada in a big, wooden box.

Duncan: That sounds unsanitary, so I think I'll pass.

The two Mutants enter the class and take their seats. Duncan looks genuinely excited now that he has a new friend, meanwhile Logan is wishing for the day to end so he can go back to training in the Danger Room.

A/N: Thanks for reading, guys, and I wanna give a big "thank you" to SuperSaiyan4Life. It's always a pleasure to work with you and I hope you enjoyed the chapter, man. Anyway, thanks again for reading and I'll talk to y'all next time.

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