The Danger Room

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The next day

Logan's POV

Professor X: Welcome, Logan, to the Danger Room.

Me, lookin' around: Nice basement, Chuck.

Professor X: This is much more than a basement, I assure you. This room was designed and built by Forge and Beast years ago. This is where the students are able to test their combat skills and use their abilities to complete various challenges. Ah, here they come now.

Rogue: Lookin' good, scruffy.

I look down at my attire. I move my arms around, tryin' to get comfortable. Then, I look back up at Rogue.

Me: You don't look too bad yourself, darlin'.

Rogue looks at what she's wearing and blushes a little. Kitty nudges her with an elbow and a smirk. Rogue looks over at her roommate and whispers "shut up" before turning her attention back to me

Jean: Is there a problem with your suit?

Me, pullin' at the collar: Yeah. It's too tight. You actually go outside in these things?

Scott: What would you prefer? Yellow spandex?

I chuckle a little.

Rogue: Don't worry, scruffy. You'll get your own suit one day.

I smile at Rogue. She moves some hair behind her ear and looks toward the ground. Everyone stands in front of me and the Professor, waitin' for instructions. Everyone except the snowman, Evan, Ororo, and Warren. Chuck said they had more personal matters to deal with. He was tellin' the truth too. I could hear his heart and smell him from where I was standing. His heart rate stayed normal and the smell of sweat didn't hit my nose when he spoke.

Professor X: I believe it's time everyone shows you what they can do. I'm told you are already familiar with Rogue and Iceman's abilities, so we'll start with Colossus.

Piotr nods and steps forward. In the blink of an eye, his skin changes from being simple flesh to being metal. A brick wall is raised in front of the metal-skinned Russian. He raises his shiny hand and punches through the wall effortlessly, walking through the hole like the damn Kool-Aid Man.

Professor X: Good job, Piotr. You may get back in line. Shadowcat, it's your turn.

Kitty steps forward as metal walls are raised in front of her. She quickly runs through each of the walls, but not like her Russian boy toy. She doesn't leave any holes behind. She just runs through 'em.

Professor X: Very good, Kitty. You may return to your place in line. Nightcrawler, I believe you're up now.

The elf gets ready and disappears. I mean one second he's in line, then he's gone the next. The only thing to show where he's been is a flash of blue smoke. He appears up near the ceiling before teleportin' and landin' in front of me.

Kurt: So, what do you think?

Me: Impressive, elf.

Professor X: Indeed. You may go back to line now, Kurt. Gambit, I believe it's your turn.

Gambit steps up as some metal targets raise up outta the floor and the walls. He pulls a deck of cards outta his pocket. He smiles as his cards glow purple before he throws 'em at the targets. Each card hits their intended target, causin' the target to explode. He turns back around with his smile firmly planted on his smug face before he bows.

Me: Nice hat.

Professor X: Thank you, Remy. Please, step back in line. Marvel Girl, Cyclops, you're up.

Me: Marvel Girl? Cyclops? What do they call you? Wheels?

Chuck doesn't find it very funny and looks back at his students. I thought it was funny. Anyway, Jean starts liftin' these little disks and throws them at pretty boy. He brings his hand up to his glasses and red beams start shootin' outta his eyes. Once all the targets are destroyed, they both turn to face me and Chuck.

Professor X: Good. Very good, both of you.

There's a sound gettin' closer and closer. The sound of things freezin' and turnin' to ice. I can smell the water in the air goin' cold. The reason is revealed when the snowman enters, skatin' in on some ice trail.

Bobby: Hey guys! Sorry I'm lat-

Pretty boy and Cajun cut him off, shootin' lasers and throwin' cards at his ice bridge. He tumbles to the ground, then rolls to his feet. Chuck stifles a laugh at his students' actions.

Bobby: What was that for!?

Scott: Should've gotten here on time.

Professor X, ignorin' 'em: Now, Logan. It's your turn. Show us what you can do.

Me: Alright. Got a punchin' bag?

Several turrets and metallic, humanoid robots rise up outta the floor. I step forward and the turrets lock onto me. My claws slide outta my knuckles as I get ready to fight. Before I'm ready, one of the turrets fires and hits me in the chest, sendin' me backwards until I hit the wall.

The smoke clears as I stand up. I turn my head, poppin' my neck back in place before jumpin' at the nearest turret. I stab into it multiple times and jump away when it explodes. The blast wave is strong enough to carry me to the next one.

I go through turret after turret. I didn't think my claws would be strong enough or sharp enough to pierce the turrets' metal plating, but turns out they can. What a pleasant surprise. Might be because I'm stabbin' instead of slashin'.

Either way, I only have two turrets left. I stab into the top of one and wait for the other turret to look at me. It only takes a few seconds and it fires almost immediately once it sees me. I jump off of the exploding turret and fall towards the other. I hold my claws out and slash through the flexible joint holdin' the turret up. Now time to deal with the tin heads.

I cut through android after android, stabbin' them in the chest and slashin' their heads off their bodies. Turns out the robots' necks are made of the same flexible shit as the turrets' bases. Cuttin' through 'em gave me some kinda rush. Like I've been caged up for years and finally got let out, able to do whatever I want.

As the last robot falls to the ground, its head hitting the floor and rolling in the opposite direction, I turn and look back at the Professor and the other students. I retract my claws while the Professor, Jean, and Scott make their way over to me.

Professor X: Your claws and regeneration factor are very impressive. You have passion and anger, just like your father. Logan, welcome to the X-Men.

He reaches his hand up for me to shake. I shake it and thank him with a nod. I can see Rogue from where I'm standing and she's smiling, obviously happy that I was accepted. One thing keeps me from accepting the offer as graciously though. He said I was like my father. He knew my father?

Professor X: Yes, I knew your father. I'll tell you more during our session later today.

I look over at Chuck and see his mouth isn't moving. He's talking to me in my head again. This would freak me out, but he's the one who led me here using this power.

Professor X: You should celebrate with the rest of your teammates. Go out and have fun. You're still human after all.

I nod at Chuck with a smile. Then, the redhead and pretty boy walk me over to the group.

Scott: Now that you're part of the team, you're gonna need a name.

Me: Logan is the only name I remember havin'.

Jean: Really? No nicknames?

Me: You need friends or family to get a nickname, and I didn't have either.

Scott: You do now. We'll figure the name out later. Now, who's ready to go celebrate?

Everyone cheers and we all walk out of the Danger Room. Rogue walks next to me as we leave.

Rogue: What was goin' on with you and the Professor?

Me: He knows somethin' that could help me piece everything back together. He knows my father.

Rogue: I thought you said you didn't have family.

Me: I did. My family's supposed to be dead. If I can find even one member of my family that ain't dead, I can finally live a normal life. Well, as normal as it could get in a group of super-powered teenagers.

Rogue laughs a little at the last part. She looks down, like she's deep in thought.

Me: Darlin'? You okay?

Rogue: Hm? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinkin' is all.

Me: If you say so, darlin'.

She's hidin' somethin', but I don't know her well enough to pry the information outta her. Whatever it is, it's not makin' her happy. That fake smile might fool the others, it doesn't fool me. One day I'll figure out what she's hidin', but not today. Not right now at least.

A/N: Thanks for reading y'all. I know this one was shorter, but for pacing purposes it needed to be. Once again, thanks again. I'll talk to y'all later.

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