The Nightmares

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Upstairs, where the last chapter left off

Logan's POV

Stupid nightmares. The nightmares never stop, no matter where I am or who I'm with or what time of day it is. It doesn't matter. My nightmares aren't exactly like anyone else's. Mine are memories. Hauntings from a past I barely remember. Somehow I still know what they did to me. The things they made me do. The people they made us kill. Countless experiments. Damn it, I need a drink.

I walk out into the hallway to find two shadows disappearing downstairs. Unsure of who the owners of the shadows are, I follow them silently down the stairs and watch them turn the corner and go into a different room. I clench my teeth to keep myself from roaring out in pain as my claws slowly slide out of my hands and into position. I get close enough to where I can hear them and hide behind a wall. Rogue and Iceboy's whispering voices come from inside the room. My claws retract while I enter the room. Luckily it's the room I needed to be in anyway.

Me: What're you two doin'?

They both jump and look over at me with wide eyes which causes me to smile and let out a small laugh.

Rogue, whisper yelling: Dammit, Logan!

Bobby: Can't sleep?

Me: How could ya tell?

Bobby: You're awake.

His answer makes sense to me and my face shows it. I go over to the fridge and open it, looking inside for something to drink.

Me: Got any beer?

Bobby: This is a school.

Me, looking over my shoulder at him: Is that a no?

Bobby: Yeah, it's a no.

Me: Got anything other than chocolate milk?

Bobby, pointing to the left: There should be some sodas in the small cupboard.

Guess it's better than nothing. I close the fridge, go to the cupboard, take out one of the sodas, and pop its cap off. The bottle isn't cold at all. Rogue elbows Bobby which causes him to look at me.

Bobby: Here.

He reaches his hand out and I move the bottle in my hand closer. Once his hand touches the glass, it starts to get really cold. He pulls back and I put the bottle on the counter after gulping down some of it.

Me: So are you two-?

Bobby: Us? No, not at all. Just friends.

Me: "Just friends" huh?

Rogue: He's right, Scruffy. We're just friends.

Me: Right, so what does that make you and Gumbo?

Rogue: He's a cocky ass that keeps tryin' to touch me when he knows what the consequences are.

Me: So?

Rogue: When people touch me, they get hurt.

Bobby, seeing my confusion: If someone touches her bare skin, she absorbs their life force, memories, and powers.

Me: So you cool down drinks and her touch hurts people?

Bobby: That's one way to put it. What can you do?

Rogue: Yeah, sugah. What can you do?

I sigh, put the bottle down, and hold my right arm across my chest with my knuckles pointing towards the ceiling at an angle.

I watch their faces slowly change from looks of curiosity into ones of shock with a hint of fear, as my skeletal claws slowly protrude from in between my knuckles. Bobby starts to look disgusted while Rogue looks at me, smiles, then speaks.

Rogue: Nice toothpicks, sugah.

Me: These things can do a lot more than toothpicks, darlin'.

Rogue: Do they hurt?

I raise an eyebrow.

Rogue: When they come out, do they hurt?

Me: Every time.

I retract the claws and the holes they left in my hands are quickly covered and filled thanks to the healing factor, which neither of the two noticed.

Bobby: Have you ever killed anyone with them?

Rogue, smacking his arm: Bobby! Why would you ask-!?!

Me: Yeah. Yeah, I have.

Bobby and Rogue, whisper yelling: You have!?

Me: Look, I ain't proud of it, but yeah. I've killed people.

Rogue: Why?

Me: Why what?

Rogue: Why'd ya kill 'em?

Me: I had to. They made me kill 'em.

Rogue: Who is "they"?

Me: That's what I'm tryin' to figure out.

Bobby: You're not here to kill any of us, are you?

Me: Why would I travel over 3,000 miles to come to this school, take a tour of the place, and get to know some of you, just to kill ya?

Rogue, nudging him with her elbow: He's got ya there.

Bobby, looking down in defeat: I know.

I spend a few more minutes talking to the "just friends" before we all decide to head upstairs and get some sleep. Fortunately for them, it's not too late for them to get some rest. Unfortunately for me, I've gotta find something to keep myself occupied for the next six hours. I guess I could try sleepin' again. Not that it's ever worked for me before.


Inside Logan's nightmare

3rd Person POV

A heavily-guarded military base is covered in snow as the arctic winds of the night continue to bombard the soldiers with the frosty precipitation. Just outside the base, there's a large forest containing a dangerous weapon. The weapon leaps down from the top of one of the trees and slowly stands as his feet touch the rocky, white terrain. The glowing red visor of the weapon's large metal helmet is the only source of light in the darkness other than the small slivers of moonlight that grace certain areas of the ground with its presence. The weapon stands still and sniffs a few times before it is finally unveiled by the moon.

(A/N: Like this, but without the Adamantium claws.)

Three bony claws slide out between its knuckles on each hand. If any other person were to be out in the cold only allowed to wear the metal helmet, a pair of ripped black shorts, and a heavy belt with wires and cables hanging off of it, they'd freeze to death before they could accomplish anything. But they aren't like this person.

Voice through the radio: Logan, this is Colonel Striker. Eliminate the targets. They're directly ahead of you. After that, rendezvous with your brother and wait for extraction.

Logan simply growls in response before moving in to carry out his orders. The young teen sprints out of the forest and right to the front gate. There are two soldiers guarding the gate, but before either could radio in for help, they are brutally massacred by the feral child.

Guard 1: Stop right ther-! Ahhhrgh!

His cries are silenced by three bone claws stabbing into his throat.

Guard 2: What the hell is that thing!?!

Unable to draw his rifle in time, the second guard meets his fate as the animalistic assassin shoves the claws on his right hand through the unfortunate guard's bottom jaw, killing him almost instantaneously. Three more soldiers see the young boy and aim their rifles at him as the fresh blood of his kills drips off his skeletal blades. Logan moves quickly, leaping into the air and diving at the two soldiers closest to him claws first, puncturing right through their body armor and flesh. The third soldier watches the wild weapon unleash its fury on his allies in terror, but can't find it in himself to fight back. Unfortunately, that is what costs him his life as six claws are driven into his chest.

Striker: You are doing very well, Weapon X. Your objective is nearly complete. Eliminate the remaining targets further inside the compound. Remember: no witnesses.

The real world

Rogue's POV

Kitty: What do you think of the new guy?

Me: He's a bit rough around the edges, but he's nice. Very straightforward too.

Kitty: That's not what I meant.

Me: Kitty it's late. Can't ya just wait and bother me in the mornin' like you and Kurt normally do?

Kitty: I'll leave you alone once you answer my question.

Me: I've got a better idea: you leave me alone right now and I don't knock ya into a coma.

Kitty: Hey, there's no reason to get violent! I just wanted to know if you thought he was cute or not, jeez!

Me: Seriously, Kitty!? We just met the guy!

Kitty: So!? There's nothing wrong with finding people attractive, Rogue!

Rogue: I didn't say there...was.

I suddenly go quiet as I hear something. Kitty notices and begins to question it, but I shush her as I press my ear to the wall behind my bed. I hear a muffled voice groan and silently roar as if they were in a fight. Every now and then, noises that sounded like words could be heard, but I couldn't make any of them out except for one word: no. I back away from the wall with wide eyes as I realize whose room that is.

Me, almost silently: Logan.

Before Kitty can even think of questioning me, I bolt across the room, out the door, and into Logan's room.

Inside Logan's nightmare

Logan's POV

Thirteen, right through his skull. Fourteen, multiple stabs to the chest. Fifteen, slit throat. Sixteen, all six claws into the top of his skull. Seventeen, six claws through his chest. His hot breath hits my face and his warm blood runs from the holes in his body, down my claws, and onto my skin.

Me: No. No, stop! She's just a child!

This area's different than the military base. It's some kinda metal room. High up in the room is a little observatory deck. Standin' in front of me is a little girl. She's much younger than me.

Stryker: Kill her, Logan.

Me: No!

Stryker: You have to, Logan. Or she will kill you.

Me: Then she can come get me. I ain't fightin' a kid!

Electricity courses through my body. I drop to a knee, my knuckles holding my body steady as they push against the cold floor.

Stryker: You don't have a choice.

The girl has claws of her own. Two in each hand and one in each foot. She's only got a tank top and shorts on. She yells somethin' in Spanish before howling and running at me. My claws shoot out of my hand.

The real world

Rogue's POV

Me, whispering: Logan?

His head shakes from side to side abruptly, his body jumping as well. I slowly and cautiously approach the bed before speaking a little louder.

Me: Logan!

Inside Logan's nightmare

Logan's POV

I'm tired of letting this girl hit me. I'm losin' too much blood, even with my healin' factor. She jumps into the air. Before she can land another hit on me, I plunge my right claws into her torso. I drop to ground on one knee before turnin' around to face Stryker. He walks over to me with two soldiers beside him. I roar out and try to stab 'em.

In the real world

Rogue's POV

Logan yells as he sits up in the bed. I let out a yelp and quickly cover my mouth with my gloved hand. His roar is long and loud. So loud he doesn't seem to hear my yelp. He has his claws stabbed through the blankets and the mattress. Great, now we gotta get him a new bed. I slowly lower my hand and manage to speak to him.

Me: Scruffy? You okay?

He snaps his head in my direction. I reflexively raise my hands defensively and look at him with wide eyes. His breathing is heavy and primal. Almost like a growling wolf. He looks me in the eye, then seems to calm down. He

Logan: Y-yeah. I'm fine.

Me: You don't look it, sugah.

Logan: I'm fine. Just a nightmare.

I get closer to the bed. He turns in the bed and swings his legs over the side.

Logan: Sorry about the bed.

Me: Oh. It's uhhh I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll tell the Prof in the morning. Musta been some nightmare to get ya all wolf-y.

Logan: Yeah. I'd rather not talk about it.

Me: Whatever ya say, scruffy.

I go to leave the room when I hear him speak again.

Logan: G'night.

I stop at the doorway and look at him over my shoulder.

Me: Night, wolfy. Try not to break anything else.

Logan, chuckling: No promises.

I smile and leave the room. On my walk back to my room, I roll my eyes, knowing I'm gonna have to talk to Kitty about Logan some more. I get the room, go inside, and lay on my bed. Sure enough, Kitty goes on and on about how differently I act around Logan.

Kitty: Normally you keep to yourself. You'll respond with a sarcastic remark every now and then or yell at Remy, but other than that, you're usually quiet. But today, you were flirting up a storm with the new guy.

Me: I was not!

Kitty: Were too! You just went to check on him.

Me: I would've checked on anyone if they sounded like they were in that much pain.

Kitty: Admit it, Rogue. You like him.

Me: I won't admit somethin' that isn't true. Now, we've gotta be ready for tomorrow, so I suggest ya shut your trap and let me get some sleep.

Kitty: Whatever you say. Goodnight, Rogue.

Me: G'night, Kitty.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading. Sorry this update took so long. I was focused on my other stories, but I've decided to come back and update this one. Anyway, thanks again for reading. I'll talk to y'all next time. Whenever that is.

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