A New Home

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Xavier Institute, New York

3rd Person POV

As the thunder continues to roll and lightning strike throughout the night sky, the moon blocked by the storm clouds, a motorcycle pulls up to a gate and comes to a stop. The small headlight from the bike allows it's rider to barely read what it says: Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters. The gate opens and the rider rides his bike through and pulls up to the front of the large castle-like structure. He shuts the bike off and walks to the large doors. Rather than using the knockers that are built into the door, the rider uses his fist to knock.

Inside the Institute

Rogue's POV

Scott, Jean, Kitty, Peter, and the rest of us are watching some dumb movie. I honestly couldn't care less about the whole thing but it beats sitting in my room alone and listening to the rain. Although, with Remy's constantly making passes at me, it doesn't beat rain watching by much. I look over at Scott and Jean and Kitty and Piotr and I can't stop myself from getting a little jealous. How is it that the 6'7" Russian and a guy who has to wear glasses or he'll destroy everything found love before me?

Remy: Somethin' on your mind, chère?

Me: Just watch the movie, swamp rat.

He just chuckles to himself while turning his attention to the movie. Through the sounds of the happy couples laughing at the movie and the thunder, I hear a faint knocking sound.

Me: I'll get it.

As I stand up and go to the door, I see that no one even paid attention to what I said or that I'm gone. Maybe I should just leave. They wouldn't miss me if I were gone, would they? My thoughts wander from them missing me to the one thing everyone secretly wants: someone to love them. I highly doubt I'll ever find that. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Tolansky gets married before I do. I mean who would be interested in a girl they can't touch anyway? Other than swamp rat? I'm brought out of my thoughts and back into the real world when I open the door.

Me: Who is i-

I'm left speechless as I see a young guy, looks to be around my age, and is soaked from head to toe. He's wearing a dirty leather jacket that has three, light brown bands wrapping around his upper arm on both sleeves. He's got a plaid shirt underneath the jacket, the top couple buttons are undone, leaving his dirty, soaked undershirt and some of his chest on display. This mystery guy also has a pair of jeans, a belt with a weird looking belt buckle, and a pair of old boots on.

(A/N: This is what he's wearing right now.)

He's so wet from the rain, he's dripping all over the floor, but somehow he isn't shivering. He must've been in this rain for a good while but isn't even shaking.

Him: Are ya just gonna stand there or are you gonna let me in?

I stand to the side and let him in. I'm not sure who this guy is but I can't just let him freeze out there. I'd never be able to forgive myself if I did that.

The Professor: Ah, Logan. You've made it at last. Please, come in.

The Professor's sudden appearance causes me to jump a little and the guy with the leather jacket, whose name is Logan apparently, notices. A small smirk forms on his face and I cross my arms before looking at him coldly.

Me: What're you smilin' about, scruffy?

Logan: A pretty girl jumpin' at the voice of a guy in a wheelchair. Why?

I smirk at his retort although it did catch me off guard. Does he think I'm pretty? He might've just said that to catch me off guard. Well two can play at that game, ya wet mutt.

The Professor: I see you have already met Rogue. Rogue, this here is Logan. He is about your age and is our newest student.

The Professor goes quiet for a moment. After a few seconds, Scott and Jean walk into the room.

Scott: Yes, Professor?

The Professor: Jean, Scott, this is our newest student, Logan. Logan, this is Jean Grey and Scott Summers. They are two of my oldest students.

Jean: It's nice to meet you, Logan.

Logan and Scott just nod at each other instead of actually speaking to each other.

The Professor: Rogue, please show Logan to an empty room that he can stay in. Scott, where is Bobby?

Scott: In the other room with rest of the team.

The Professor: Good. Tell him and Remy to grab some towels and clean up the water.

I smile to myself as I remember what the two did that made them have to work as the Institute's maids. What idiot tries to bounce an energized card off of ice inside a mansion? And who just stands there and lets an energized card hit him?

The Professor: Rogue, once he is dried off and in dry clothes, do you mind showing him around the Institute?

Me: Not at all. Right this way, scruffy.

I lead him to the closest empty room I know of and try to open the door, but it's stuck. Whoever was in this room last must've locked it. My guess is either Kurt or Kitty from when they played hide and seek with some of the rest of the team.

Logan: Problem?

Me: Uhhhhh no. No problem. Someone musta locked the door.

Logan: Let me try.

Me: Unless you know how to pick locks, I don't think you're gonna be much...

I don't finish my sentence as he raises his right foot and kicks the door, causing it to swing open without making much noise.

Me: ...Help. How'd you know that would work?

Logan: Practice.

Practice? Something about the way he said it confused me. I go to ask him about it while he throws his bag onto the bed but I find myself at a loss of words when he peals the jacket and the plaid shirt off, leaving him in his sleeveless, messed up, white undershirt and his jeans. He kicks off his boots and grabs his undershirt, pulling it over his head and throwing it next to his socks, which are in a corner on the floor. As he was pulling his shirt off, I found myself leaning against the doorframe and staring at his toned body. I bite my lower lip as I watched him, his hands moving towards his belt and undoing it. He slides the belt out of the belt loops and then turns around to look at me.

Logan: What? Want me to do a little dance for ya too?

I laugh before shaking my head.

Me: Nah sugah, the show's just fine on its own. No need to add music to it.

A smile crosses his face. I stand up straight and grab the door handle.

Me: Come to the theater room when you're dressed. I'll be waitin' for ya there.

Logan nods his head as I close the door and make my way back downstairs. As soon as I step into the theater room, my eyes widen. I forgot to tell him where the theater room is. I mentally facepalm at my mistake. I can't exactly go up there now. Way to go Anna Marie, way to go.

Logan: What the hell are they watchin'?

I jump again in surprise and turn around, my arms still crossed over my chest only to see him smirking a little. I give him a look that shows I don't find it funny, then return my attention to the screen.

Me: Some dumb movie. How'd ya find me? I didn't tell ya where the theater room was.

Logan: I followed your scent. Plus, the movie ain't quiet.

My scent? What is he, a dog?

Me: So, are ya ready for the tour, sugah?

Logan: Ready when you are, darlin'.

I smile at him and gesture for him to follow me.

Me: We'll start with any room that isn't this one.

Remy: Not so fast, chère.

The swamp rat slides in to my right and puts his arm around my shoulders, getting too close to me for my liking. Unfortunately, he knows this bothers me and is doing it on purpose.

Remy: Aren't you gonna introduce us? Remy Lebeau, but everyone 'round these parts calls me Gambit.

Me, shrugging his arm off of me: Not everyone, swamp rat. Come on, Logan.

I walk away from Remy and Logan follows. I show him where the different classes and bathrooms are, where the Professor's office is, and lastly, the Danger Room. During our walk, Logan met Hank and Forge. Unfortunately, the last room of the tour is the theater room where everyone else is.

Logan: A long way from home, aren't ya, Mississippi?

Me: Wha- how'd you know where I'm from? And don't call me that.

Logan: Your accent.

Me: You've been to Mississippi?

Logan: Once or twice.

Me: Why?

Logan: I guess you could say it was for a family trip.

I go to ask another question but Kitty and Peter greet us at the doorway.

Kitty: You're the new guy, right? Hi, I'm Catherine Pryde, but everyone just calls me Kitty. And this big guy is my boyfriend...

She pauses to let Peter introduce himself.

Peter, extending his hand: Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin.

Logan: You got a shorter name, bub? I ain't gonna remember all that.

Kitty: Everyone around here calls him Peter.

Logan looks down at Peter's hand, then back at Peter. The shorter, scruffy man slowly shakes the Russian's hand.

Logan: Name's Logan.

It's weird seeing the height difference between them. Logan is only a few inches shorter than Peter and both are very...muscular to say the least. Kitty leans over and whispers in my ear.

Kitty: So...what do you think of the new guy?

Me: Scruffy? He's not bad.

Kitty: Scruffy huh?

Me: Look at him, he's scruffy.

Kitty: So first you two are catcalling each other and now you've given each other nicknames. What happened between you and Remy?

Me: There was never anything for something to happen between me and the swamp rat.

Kitty: Whatever you say, Rogue. Is there something going on between you and Logan?

Me: For Heaven's sake, Kitty. I just met the man.

Kitty: Okay, okay. What do you think they are talking about?

Me: I dunno. Listen and find out.

We stop whispering and carefully listen to the guys' conversation.

Logan: Everyone here is a Mutant?

Peter: Yes. We all have unique genetic abilities. The Professor told us that we will demonstrate them tomorrow in the Danger Room.

Logan stops for a second before leaning forward. Peter leans forward too and their heads are side by side when Logan whispers something, but I couldn't make out what it was.

Kitty: What'd he say?

I shrug my shoulders as the two stand up straight, smile a bit, and then go back to talking.

Logan: What part of Russia are ya from?

Peter: Ust-Ordynsky.

Logan: Little town near Lake Baikal?

Kitty: You've been to Russia?

Logan: Went to Siberia once.

Kitty: How was it?

Logan: Cold.

Kitty, laughing: That's what Peter told us when we asked him.

Peter: We will let you get introduced to everyone else. It was good to meet you, Logan.

Kitty: We'll see you two tomorrow.

The love birds walk past Logan and me. Halfway down the hall, they hold hands and Kitty places her head on Peter's arm. I wish I could do that with someone or anyone actually. I wish I could touch someone without a glove. Be able to high five someone, hug someone, or even kiss someone. Damn these powers of mine. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a Mutant at all.

Logan: You alright, darlin'?

Me: Hm? Oh. Y-yeah. I'm fine.

Why did it hurt to lie to him? I've lied to a lot of people, even the Professor and Jean and they can read my mind. Didn't stop me from doing it. But this time, something is different. I felt guilty for lying to him.

Woah woah, we just met him. Anna Marie D'Ancanto, you need to calm yourself down. We don't know if we can trust him. We don't even know what his powers are or if he works for someone. Just because the Professor trusts him doesn't mean we have to. But look at him. He doesn't look dangerous. In all honesty, he looks trust worthy...and damn sexy without a shirt on. Damn it, keep it together Anna Marie!

Luckily, we're at the theater room. He'll be so busy meeting everyone, he won't have time to pay attention to me, and I can sneak up to mine and Kitty's room and relax. We walk into the theater room and Jean pauses the movie and turns on the lights with her telekinesis.

Kurt: Oh come on! It was getting to the good part!

Bobby: Yeah! Turn the movie back on!

Scott: We will finish the movie after you meet the new guy. Logan, this is Bobby...

Bobby: Hey.

Scott: Kurt...

Kurt: Hello.

Logan leans over and whispers to me.

Logan: Is he blue with a tail and three fingers and toes or am I just seein' things?

I laugh slightly before answering.

Me: You're not seein' things, sugah. He's blue, with a tail, and has three fingers on each hand, and three toes on each foot.

Logan stands back up and looks out at the rest of the team in the theater room.

Scott: Evan...

Evan: 'Sup.

Scott: And those two over there are Ororo and Warren.

Ororo: Hello, Logan. It is a pleasure to meet you.

As Scott was going from person to person, I quietly made my way out of the room. I quickly make my way upstairs to my room and close the door behind me. Kitty and Peter aren't in the room which is great. I needed to be alone anyway. Too bad I don't get to have peace and quiet for long as the sound of bed springs and Kitty's muffled cries of ecstasy breaks the beautiful silence. I put on my headphones and listen to music hoping to drown out all of my problems.

With Logan

Logan's POV

As pretty boy introduces the other students or Mutants or whatever the hell they are, I don't know, I notice that Rogue isn't in the room. I could hear her heart beating faster and the sound of her shoes walking across the rug. She may have been trying to get away quietly, but my ears are a lot better than others'. I can hear more than the people in this room can, like Gumbo humming some stupid song and the Russian and the real short girl's bedsprings. I really hate having ears sometimes.

Scott: Tomorrow, you will meet us in the Danger Room. There, we will demonstrate our abilities and see what yours are. Any questions?

Me: Is there somewhere I can park my bike?

Scott: Yeah. I'll show you where it is.

Sunglasses walks me outside which is still cold from the rain and from it being night. It isn't raining nearly as hard as it was when I arrived, but it's still drizzling. I grab the handle bars of my bike, raise the kickstand, and walk with Scott to the garage.

Scott: Nice bike.

I stay silent and walk next to him.

Scott: What is she?

Me: A 1963 Harley Duo Glide FLH.

Scott: Where'd you get it?

My mind flashes back to the couple that helped me after I escaped from that hell hole. I remember them taking me in, them giving me clothes, them feeding me, them dying before my eyes. They were assassinated by a sniper. Two shots, two kills. I took the bike and got out of there just before the barn was blown up by a helicopter. I shouldn't have lived. It should've been me that died that day. I was the target. They paid the price for opening the door for a freezing kid with nowhere to go. I swore that I'd avenge their deaths whenever I get the chance and I always keep my promises.

Scott: Logan? You blanked out for a second there. Is everything alright?

Me: Everything's fine, bub. And as for the bike, I got it from a farmer. Said he was gonna give it to his son but his son ain't around to get it, so he gave it to me.

Scott: He sounds like a nice guy.

Logan: Yeah. He was. Mind gettin' the door for me?

Sunglasses hits a button on what looks like a key and the garage door opens, revealing a red convertible with white, twin racing stripes going down the middle and a tarp that is covered in dust. I walk my bike in and kick the kickstand back out, park it next to the tarp, and walk over to the dusty cover.

Me: What's this?

Scott: Some stuff we should have thrown out years ago.

Me: Mind if I take a look?

Scott: Go ahead.

I remove the tarp and see a busted up Jeep that has no roof or driver and passenger doors in the front, a dirt bike with its engine lying on the floor next to it, and a motorcycle with its headlight shattered and the seat torn up amongst many, more serious issues. I approach the Jeep and pop the hood only to find several issues with it too.

Scott: We meant to get rid of them a few years back but never got around to it. Forge said he'd fix them up, but he's been too busy with helping Hank with the X-Jet and hasn't had the-

Me: I'll do it.

Scott: Uhhh do what exactly?

Me: I'll fix 'em.

Scott: Are you sure about this?

I walk back over to him and smile.

Me: Congratulations, Summers. You've given me a reason to stay.

I pat him on the back before walking around the garage and grabbing the tools I need. Once I have everything I need, I go back to the three busted vehicles, take off my jacket, and get down on the floor. As I'm taking them apart to get a closer look at their issues, Summers speaks up.

Scott: What are you doing?

Me: I'm taking them apart so I can see what we're dealing with. Now, you can either go back inside or come over here and get your hands dirty, but standing there like an idiot ain't an option. It's your choice, bub.

Jean, from the porch: Scott!

Scott: Yes, Jean?!

Jean: Can you come help clean up the theater room!?!

Scott: I'm sorry, Jean, I can't! I'm helping Logan right now!!

Me: Nice one.

Scott: Shut up. (Turning back to Jean) Sorry Jean! I wish I could help!!

Jean: It's okay, Scott! I'm sure Logan needs more help than I do!!

Me, quietly: You don't know the half of it.

Jean goes back inside and Scott walks over to me.

Me: Since you've chosen to stay, stop standing there and make yourself useful.

Two hours later

Rogue's POV

I struggle to get some sleep due to the sounds Kitty and Peter going at it on the floor next to her bed. I swear those two go at it like rabbits. Anything is better than listening to them two so I get up and walk out of the room quietly. Wouldn't want to ruin their "special moment" or anything. I stand out in the hall, thinking of where to go to get some sleep tonight. I could go to swamp rat's but he'd just hit on me all night again. Scott and Jean are probably "busy" themselves so they're out.

???: Rogue?

I whip around quickly only to see Bobby giving me a quizzical glance. I put my hand on my chest in an attempt to slow my racing heart.

Me: Geez Bobby! You scared the hell outta me!

I whisper yell at him. He puts his hands up in a mock surrender.

Bobby: My bad. What are you doing up?

Me: It's better if you don't know.

Bobby: Whatever you say. I'm going down to the kitchen to get a snack, you want anything?

Me: Actually, do you mind if I tag along? I could use somethin' to get my mind offa things.

Bobby: I don't mind. Let's go.

I follow Bobby down the stairs and into the kitchen. We grab some drinks, nonalcoholic ones unfortunately, sit down next to each other, and start talking.

End of chapter

A/N: Thanks for reading. I'll talk to y'all next time.

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