Chapter 10- Flashbacks and Challenges

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The couple finished their breakfast and headed to class, first, making a stop at the locker room for their books. Marinette was in deep thought as she pulled out her book. Thoughts of her prior conversation with Adrien played through her mind, making her smile. 


"So, do you like the dorm? Adrien asked shily, earning a small smile, and a nod from Marinette. Adrien cleared his throat before continuing. " You were right, by the way. You know about me using my name to convince them to let me dorm with you. I- I'm sorry. I just wanted to at least make one of our last wishes come true," he confessed shily. 

Marinette was confused but then looked around the room. "I remembered the night we talked for hours designing our future dorm and making plans for our future. I guess I still wanted that, and I thought that part of you still did too."  Adrien chuckled silently.  He couldn't understand why he was being this emotional. This was for the bet, right? 

"I guess it was kind of stupid, considering you hate me," he added sadly. 

Adrien had lied to Nino. He told Nino he wanted to be close to remind her of the friendship she there behind and then the only reason he was trying to get closer to Marinette was the bet, but it wasn't. He missed her, he really did, but every time he'd get close, he would panic and run. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but because he was scared. He was scared that she would reject him again, it still hurt to know he had to lose her to save her. Of course, no one but Kagami knew that. This year was different though he wanted to fix things which is why he tried really hard to set the dorm as she had designed it. Not that he would have ever had the guts to admit it if it wasn't for that dumb bet. 

Marinette sat with her eyes widened. She had honestly forgotten all about that. She had given all the designs to Adrien, and after they stopped talking, she tried her hardest to erase every memory of him from her mind. But, here he was, making their dream dorm while trying to fix their relationship. Marinette was sure she was dreaming.

End of flashback

Marinette still couldn't believe Adrien remembered, or that he actually went out of his way to make their dream happen. She wished he knew just how much that meant to her, but she was scared of what could happen if she let herself trust him again. 'Maybe it is time to let go of the past. It's obvious I am the only one holding on to it, and he is clearly trying,' Marinette thought. 

Meanwhile, Adrien grabbed his books and turned to walk toward Marinette. She looked like she was lost in thought, but what made Adrien's heart flutter was the angelic smile on her face. He was about to snap her out of her thoughts when-


Marinette smiled, her lips all swollen and red, "I love you too, my kitty. With all my heart." Adrien pulled her back in for a passionate kiss. "Say your mine, princess. Please tell me your mine," he begged in between kisses. "I'm yours, Adrien, only yours." 

End of flashback

Adrien dropped his books and clutched his head. He was sure the bet was making him go insane. Otherwise, why was this happening to him? He had to end this soon otherwise, he will go insane. Marinette was by his side before he could even think. As soon as she heard his books drop, she ran to his side. 

"Adrien, are you okay?" She asked worriedly, rubbing his back. Adrien snapped back to reality as Marinette's hand touched his skin. He felt his face go hot, and his heart pounded so fast he was sure she could hear it. 

Not wanting to worry her, he replied, "I'm okay, it was just a headache. Don't worry about me, princess." Marinette nodded but didn't quite believe him. She made a mental note to check on him later. 

"Ready, M'Lady?" Adrien joked, as he took a bow and extended his arm, attempting to lighten the mood. "Of course, my annoying knight," she replied, giggling. She proceeded to place her hand on his. Adrien kissed her knuckles, making them both blush, as they continued walking to class.

"Flirt," she whispered, making them both laugh.

On the other corner of the locker rooms, Alya and Nino stood watching the current events.  Alya gulped, she had a really bad feeling about this. She knew this whole bet thing was going to end up really bad, but she still had hope that Marinette could change Adrien. 

Nino, on the other hand, smiled widely. He hasn't seen his bestie smile and blush that way in a really long time. He was sure his plan was working perfectly. 

Adrien and Marinette walked into class happily, not realizing they were still holding hands. Feeling all eyes on her, Marinette looked away from Adrien and around the class. She stiffened as she noticed every single girl in class glaring at her with hate. As her eyes landed on Luka, she noticed he was also staring sadly. Upon seeing Luka's face, Marinette let go of Adrien's hand and took a step away from him. 

Adrien frowned upon her reaction. He couldn't help but feel like she was somehow ashamed to be seen with him. What if she liked Luka and didn't want him to see them together? Adrien looked toward Luka and gave him a cold look. He silently wished he would just disappear forever. 

"Ms. Dupain Cheng, could I see you outside for a second?" Luka called out, earning a nervous nod from the bluenette and a glare from Adrien. The second they walked outside, Adrien's mood did a 360-degree turn. His happiness turned to anger. He felt the want to choke that professor. 

He wanted to call his father and have him send Luka back to the United States. Had he not gotten rid of that pest? Can't that guy get the hint? Adrien was now faced with a new challenge, to get rid of that professor once and for all. 

Luka and Marinette went out of the class for only a few minutes, but for Adrien, it felt like hours. He wanted nothing more than to go out there and teach that professor a lesson. He wanted so badly to tell Marinette to stay away from him, but he knew he couldn't do that. At least not yet. 

After a few minutes, the two came inside the classroom. Adrien's insides boiled as he noticed the giant smile on Luka's face, and a blushing Marinette. Adrien was so upset that he failed to notice the guilt in her eyes. All he could think about was the fact that it was obvious something had happened between them. All he wanted to do was find out what exactly had happened outside of the classroom. He couldn't concentrate throughout the entire class.


The class had finally come to an end, and everyone was now exiting the room. Marinette felt extremely happy. The fact that Adrien had not looked at any other girl other than her the entire morning made her heart flutter. He had even gone to the extreme as to change seats and take his place beside her. Throughout the class, the only thing on her mind was Adrien. Unlike Marinette, Adrien still felt undeniably upset. His brain kept replaying the earlier events. She was clearly blushing. Marinette never blushed with him. At least not that he saw. 

Luka was coming in between him and his princess. He hated that man. 'Why am I feeling this way? Am I jealous? No! It's the bet, if he is involved I could lose the bet. Yeah, that's it.'  Losing the bet meant he would lose his Marinette lucky charm, and having to change his player-like attitude. He couldn't care less about the girls, but the charm was precious to him. He couldn't lose that, anything but that. 

Adrien was confident he still had a chance to win, but to do that, he had to get Luka away from his lady. Having come up with a last-minute plan and seeing Luka attempt to talk to Marinette again, Adrien approached Marinette first and grabbed her hand. 

"Ready to go, princess? Nino and Alya are waiting to talk to us before our next class," he stated loud enough for Luka to hear. For the first time in history, Luka found himself getting angry. He really hated that Agreste kid. He could have any girl he wanted, so why Marinette? Not once, noticing the two man's reactions, Marinette giggled. "Of course, kitty let's go." Adrien quickly grabbed Marinette's books with his free hand and led her out of the classroom, but not before sending Luka a glare that stated, "stay away from my princess." To his surprise, Luka smirked returning a look that stated-


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