Chapter 11- Confrontations and accidents

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Adrien and Marinette walked through the halls hand in hand, like in the older days. Marinette wore a big bright smile the entire day. One that has not been seen since junior year. She didn't even care about the tons of girls glaring at her in every step. The only eyes she cared about being on her were the emerald eyes of the blonde model standing beside her. Finally, everything was going back to normal. 

Marinette knew she should take things slow. She knew she shouldn't give him full trust. After all, it was only day one, and the change was so sudden. She couldn't help but think there was another motive for it all. But, even then, she couldn't help but be happy about today. She missed Adrien with all she had in her. Even when she tried to deny it, her heart knew better. 

Adrien felt like he was on top of the world. At that second in life, he had almost everything he ever wanted. Standing beside him was all he could ever hope for. At this very moment, he had freedom from his father (who may we add, was the reason for all his problems), he had great friends, and now his princess by his side. Right now, the bet was the last thing on his mind. He was so happy with Marinette. It was as if things had never changed. Everything felt so natural. 

Adrien's heart pounded loudly. The warmth of their held hands filled his heart with joy. His insides did millions of flip throughout the day, and he can't even count the times he tried hiding the blush on his face due to her teasing. Not to add the happiness he felt when he saw all the men in college envying him for being by her side.  This was the best day of her life. 

The rest of the day went by perfectly. Classes, messing with Alya and Nino, and Marinette and Adrien receiving each other's full attention. The day could not have gone better for either of them. Well almost amazing if it wasn't for Adrien's little episode at lunch. 


"When was the last time we had lunch together?" Alya asked, genuinely wondering and reliving the past. 

"The first day of junior year," Adrien answered dejectedly. Of course, he remembered. It had been the worst day of his entire life. 

That morning he woke up with a major headache, couldn't remember what happened the night before or how he even got home, then got threatened by his father, being forced to make changes that will destroy his happiness. Got to school, only to lose the only meaningful person in his life. If only she knew he did it all to protect her. 

"That does not matter anymore," Nino added quickly, recognizing the pain in his voice and the tortured facial expression. Everyone else nodded in agreement and began to eat. That was until Marinette took a bite of her homemade croissant sandwich and let out a moan. "Umm, omg, this is so good, want some?" She asked Adrien but instead of a response, she saw the blonde drop his sandwich and clutch his head. 


"Umm, Adrien," Marinette moaned, sinking her nails in his back. "God, Mari you are so tight. I love you. I really love you," Adrien panted. "Love you too, kitty."

-End of Memory-  

"Adrien, are you okay? Alright, what is happening to you? This is the second time today. I'm getting worried," Marinette said worriedly. 

Adrien cleared his throat, he didn't want to lie to her, but he definitely couldn't tell her about this. Hell, he didn't even know what the hell was going on. "I- I'm okay, I swear. Princess, please stop worrying about me," Adrien replied, grabbing her hand and placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Nino couldn't fight the grin that formed on his lips at the sight. His bestie was still in love with Marinette, that much was obvious. 

-End of flashback-


The gang was now heading to the ice rink. Marinette almost jumped with joy when Adrien told her the surprise. She hadn't been there since that dreadful day. As they arrived, the four young adults quickly picked up their skates, ready to enjoy the ice.

 Alya and Nino were the first to hit the ice. Meanwhile, Adrien waited for Marinette to finish, but Marinette was taking her time. Text, smile, text, smile, text, and smile. This is how it had been for the last five minutes. Adrien was not sure why, but he was not liking this one bit. He was sure it was a guy on the other side of the phone, and that is not something he would allow for much longer. 

"Who are you talking to?" His voice came out angrier than he wanted it to be. 

"Oh, n-no o-one," she lied, her stuttering making it really obvious. 

This only infuriated Adrien even more. "Bullshit! You have been back and forth on that phone for the last 5 to 10 minutes. I turned my phone off, and I have tried getting your attention since we got here. I have been giving you mine since the morning because I am really trying here Marinette, but now I am starting to feel like I'm wasting my time, and you don't even care," Adrien was not sure what was happening to him or why he was feeling this way, but the truth is he was and he couldn't hold it in anymore. 

Realizing what he had done, Adrien tugged on his hair and then proceeded to cover his face. He didn't mean to yell at her, but he was just so jealous. "Shit, Mari I'm sorry I -" "No,  you're right Adrien. I shouldn't have been on my phone. You have been amazing today, and I have been- well, stupid. I'm sorry it won't happen again. Come on let's go skate, shall we?" Marinette asked, extending her hand to him. 

Adrien felt like the happiest man in the world. The bet was not in his mind at all. In fact, all he wanted right now was to tell Nino the bet was over and forget all about it. He hated himself for what he did in the past, but he had to do it. If he hadn't Marinette would have suffered the consequences. He loved her, he couldn't let that happen.

 Marinette felt guilty for being on the phone. She was worried she had already messed up. If only she could turn back time and never answer the first message. 

Alya and Nino stopped and watched their best friends skate just like they used to. Even after all these years, they were so in sync with each other that it was unbelievable. Even now, only a day of speaking, after many of not even looking at each other, the two were the envied couple of the ice rink. 

The two danced on the ice only noticing each other. The world around them was a blur, lost in each other's eyes, the only thing that mattered was each other. That was until Marinette's clumsiness kicked in. 

Closing her eyes, she waited for impact, but it never came. "Don't worry, M'lady, from now on, I'll always be here to catch you when you fall," Adrien whispered huskily in her ear. His arm was around her waist and back as their chest pressed against each other. They both smiled, getting lost in each other's eyes.

 For a second, they had forgotten where they were and who they were with. Slowly, they began to lean in. Their lips brushed against each other, they could feel the warmth of their breaths, and heart-pounding loudly they could almost hear them over the music. Just as Adrien was about to close the remaining distance between them, a clearing of a throat was heard from behind, making them both jump and back away. "Am I interrupting something?" 

Marinette widened her eyes, and there it was, her mistake did end up showing up. "L-Luka!" Marinette called out, feeling edgy. Adrien had already called her out about texting, this would definitely not end well. "Hey Marinette, thanks for inviting me," Luka said, sending a smirk toward Adrien. 

Betrayed, stabbed in the back, crushed, helpless, you name it, Adrien was feeling it. 

He couldn't believe the words that had just come out of Luka's mouth. 'Marinette invited him?' He thought, looking straight at her. He watched as she nodded at Luka before turning towards him. Adrien's eyes said it all; anger, betrayal, hate, disappointment, and pain. Marinette's sight went toward the ground, she felt so guilty. She didn't even know what she was thinking when she invited him, but it was too late to change anything now. 

 All she knew was that it all began with Luka questioning her relationship with Adrien at school, then he texted her, and to prove she and Adrien were just friends, she invited him to the ice rink. She didn't know just how big of a mistake this was till after Adrien had gotten upset at her texting, but by then, it had already been too late. She just wished she had warned Adrien before Luka showed up. 

"Excuse me," Adrien growled, skating around Marinette, and leaving the rink. It only took him but a second to kick his skates off, grab his shoes, and run off. Marinette also responded quickly, excusing herself, skating after him, and running after him. 

"Adrien, wait!" She yelled, making an outraged Adrien stop and turn around to face her. "Wait? Wait for what, exactly? Wait to watch how you keep making a fool out of me? Wait to watch you give the attention I have been fighting so hard to get from you to Luka? So much for giving me a chance."

 "Here I am trying desperately to be better, better for you! So you can be proud of me, so we could be like we used to be, but you invited him. You chose him!" Adrien yelled, pointing behind Marinette to where Luka now stood. 

Tears began to form in his eyes as he felt his heartbreak. He was not sure why the situation bothered him so much, but it did. This was not an act. His words were nothing but real, whether she knew it or not. Whether he believed them to be or not.

 But after what she had just done, he couldn't believe he ever thought of calling off the bet. She deserved the heartbreak. She was good at breaking hearts, but would she be able to handle one, herself? 

"Look, man, calm down," Luka called out, walking towards him. "Screw you, Couffaine! I know what you want. I heard the two of you talk. You are a grown man. Out of all the women in the world, why her? Why my princess?" Adrien yelled, pushing Luka with force, making him stumble backward.

 Marinette was not sure what in the hell was happening. Was Adrien jealous? After everything he did to her, he had no right! But why did it make her heart pound? Why did she wish he was?

The two men were at each other's throats. "Screw me? No, screw you, and all your my princess bullshit. I like her, and I want to be with her. Unlike you! She is only a game to you! You made me believe you two were dating just to keep me away from her!" Luka yelled, pushing Adrien back harder. Adrien got even more upset. How dare this asshole tell him Marinette is a game to him.

"W-what?" Marinette asked, shock clearly plastered on her face.

  "Adrien, is this true?" She continued, looking Adrien straight in the eyes. Okay, it was half true. He did lie to Luka, and he did get close because of the bet, which he now intends to win, but his feelings for her were not a game. Everything he had done, he did for her. If she was a game to him, then why did he care so damn much about losing her again. 

Adrien couldn't admit the truth right now. If he did, he would lose her forever.

 He needed to find the right words before he did, if not he would be pushing her away, and into Luka's arms. But if he lied he would lose her as well. He had to do something, but what? As long as Luka was around, he was in danger of losing her for good. Adrien forgot about Luka for a second and focused on Marinette. 

"Princess I-" before Adrien could finish, Luka yelled again. "Tell her the truth, you coward!" Adrien was about to turn around, but Luka had already pushed him again, making Adrien lose his footing, and come crashing toward the ground. 

Marinette gasped, as watched Adrien's head bounce back up after hitting the concrete. She let out a scream before running towards his now unconscious body.


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