Chapter 45- Worries and Secrets

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Something wasn't right with his lady. Adrien was absolutely certain of it. Even when she pretended to be alright. Even when no one else noticed. Adrien most certainly could.

When he tried to talk to her about it, he always got the same response: "Adrien, everything is OK with me. I'm simply a little worn out. Please don't be concerned about me." Don't be concerned. How could he be unconcerned? He cared about her, so it was natural for him to worry about her.

Adrien was absorbed in his thoughts as he sat in his bed. He wondered if he had messed up somehow. He was almost sure that the bluenette was cutting their time shorter than usual. She had refused to participate in his photoshoots, claiming that she needed to finish her designs or that she had plans with Luka, but Adrien was certain that these were just excuses. Only in class or when he begged her to let him help her finish her creations did they spend time together.

No, he wasn't insane. There was unquestionably a problem.

Marinette was behaving strangely. She was a little more jittery than accustomed. She was more reticent than usual, preferring to spend her time alone or with Alya. She even tried to stay away from physical touch as much as she could.

Not to mention her persistent sickness and many trips to the bathroom.

Adrien's leg bounced up and down nervously. The blonde hoped that he was wrong and his princess was alright. But deep inside, he knew that was not true. He had observed a difference in her health a while ago, but it wasn't until a week and a half ago that everything changed.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that Marinette began to change following her visit to the doctor.


Adrien ran out of the classroom the second his phone vibrated, and a picture of his princess lit up his phone.

"Hey, M'lady, how was your appointment? Is everything alright?"

There was silence on the line, and Adrien began to worry.


"Um, hey, kitty. Sorry. I-" she hesitated.

"Yeah, it- it went good. I am alright," Marinette lied. Adrien's brows furrowed, and he could sense that his princess had just lied. There was sadness and worry in her voice. He was almost sure she had been crying.

"Princess, you are lying. I know you are. Please, tell me, what's wrong?"

Silence filled the line again. Adrien wanted to run to where she was and hug her. He wanted to know what was wrong, but how, if she clearly wasn't going to tell him?


"Nothing, kitty. It's nothing. I am alright, I promise."

Adrien was not all relieved to hear that. He felt as if she was hiding something from him, but he would have to wait for now.

"A-are you sure you are alright?" he asked again.

"Yeah, I promise. I was actually calling to let you know that I would be staying at Alya's tonight. I didn't want you to worry."

"Oh, okay, princess."

There was another moment of silence.



"Are you sure everything is fine? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Marinette gulped, nervously answering.

"I-I am a little overwhelmed, but I will be okay. I swear. The doctor just said I needed some rest and to stop stressing. That was all taking a toll on my health. H-he gave me some medicine to help with nausea but said I'd be fine soon. Don't worry, Chaton."

"Okay. Call me later, princess."

"I will."

-End of flashback-

Ever since then, Marinette began to change. She had returned a different Marinette, but it was as if no one else but him could see it. Well, no one but him and Alya. Adrien was sure she knew something but wouldn't tell him. Was she covering for Marinette? She had to be. The model had asked her about Marinette's health a million times. But just like Marinette, Alya's answer was always the same. "Adrien, stop worrying so much. Marinette is fine. She is just going through some stuff. Just give her time, and be there for her."

The answer only made him worry even more. His princess was going through something, and he didn't even know what it was or how to help. Why was no one telling him anything? What was really happening?


Alya couldn't believe what was happening herself. She could not believe that her best friend was pregnant. She knew Marinette dreamed of having kids someday, but this was definitely a shock. But even more, when she found out who was the father of her unborn child and how Marinette wanted to keep it a secret.

The day Marinette called Alya, she had no idea it was for something like this. Alya didn't realize her friend was sexually active until she noticed the hickeys on her neck, and even then, she assumed it was just an intense makeout session because she was never the sort to want to talk about sex.

Alya felt horrible about keeping the information hidden. Especially after noticing Adrien's concern. She went so far as to demand that Marinette tell the truth to both Adrien and Luka, but her friend refused. Marinette, on the other hand, would make her friend pledge to keep it a secret once more. She would claim that she was not prepared and required more time. At this point, Alya wondered just how much time that would be.

Alya groaned, biting her lower lip. It was incredibly difficult for her to withhold this information from her other friends. Particularly from Nino and Adrien. Nino was her life's passion and boyfriend. She didn't keep anything hidden from him. Until now, that is. But she knew that if she told Nino, he'd tell his best friend in a matter of days. Adrien Agreste, aka the baby's father.

Alya couldn't believe her best friend was pregnant by Paris' most popular model and her lifelong crush, but here they were. To say she was taken aback would be an understatement, especially because the bluenette was dating Luka at the time, and neither she nor the blonde had mentioned it.

Alya never really found out what had happened the day Marinette had talked to Adrien, but at the moment, it did not matter. All that mattered was that the blonde was sober and looked better than he had in weeks.

The young reporter sighed and buried her face. She was so ashamed of herself. The guilt was eating her alive.

Adrien didn't deserve to be kept in the dark about this. The blonde has made it clear that all he's ever wanted is to marry the bluenette since being clean about his affections. He'd even thought about how he'd propose.

Adrien yearned for a future with Marinette more than anything else. One in which they may start a family with many children and a lot of love. Yet, he had no notion that a family was already on the way.

Alya could recall every detail of that doctor's appointment. The shock of learning the blonde was the father is still fresh in her mind. She recalled suppressing her emotions. Marinette was not aware of the almost proposal or the fact that Adrien wished to have kids with her, and as much as she wanted to scream with joy, she knew she simply couldn't.


"Congratulations, Ms. Dupain Cheng. You are pregnant."

Alya gulped as she saw her best friend's face. Marinette looked like her world was ending right before her eyes. Alya had a feeling that would be the results, but actually hearing it was still somewhat of a shock.

She didn't know what to say. Would she say congratulations or sorry? Most importantly, she knew her friend was not in love with Luka. Therefore, having his child was not the best idea. And what about Adrien? Oh, this news was going to destroy him.

"Oh, God. No, no, no. Alya, what am I going to do? This was never meant to happen," Marinette sobbed. In a second, Alya appeared by Marinette's side and held her tightly.

"Sh, sh, it's going to be okay. You are not alone, babe," Alya cued. You have us, Nino, and I would be great godparents," Alya said with a chuckle. "Luka would probably be an amazing father, and while Adrien might be hurt, I know he would never leave your side."

Marinette sobbed harder, confusing Alya. Had she said something wrong?

"He is not the father," Marinette sobbed. Alya froze, her hands falling to her side. She was sure she had heard wrong.

"What?" she asked, feeling genuinely confused.

"Luka is not the father, Alya," Marinette confessed. "We have never been intimate."

Alya covered her mouth to suppress the gasp. What did this mean? Alya was shaken.

"Are you saying-?" Marinette nodded before Alya could even finish the sentence. "A-Adrien," Marinette cried out. Alya fought a smile. She was so happy. She wanted to scream with joy. Tears filled her eyes. That damn blonde was getting his dream.

"That's good, Mari. Adrien loves you. You have to tell him-"

"No!" Marinette yelled, interrupting Alya. "No, we can't. Alya, please promise me you won't tell anyone. Not yet, please. I am not ready," Marinette begged.


"This was not supposed to happen. Alya, this will ruin his life. Can you imagine what this can do to his career, to his future? No, he is going to hate me. I am not ready for that yet."

"Mari, you can't keep this a secret forever. He deserves to know, and so does Luka. It's crazy that you think he will hate you. Please, tell them."

"I will, but not yet. Please, Alya. Promise me."

"Fine, I promise."

-End of flashback-

Alya was never one to abandon a promise, but she was beginning to believe she would have to break this one. Marinette hasn't confessed in over a week and a half, and she hasn't shown any signs of doing so. She felt compelled to act. She attempted to persuade her friend, but it did not appear to succeed. Perhaps she could drop some hints to Adrien or 'accidentally' inform Nino. Alya wasn't sure what to do, but she knew it wasn't right for Marinette to keep their child's existence hidden from Adrien, and for Luka to continue believing that he and Marinette could have a future together.


"And we are done!" Marinette yelled out excitedly. "Thank you so much, Chaton. I could not have done it without you," Marinette stated, looking at the last and final piece. She had finally completed all the designs, and right on time.

"Wow, it all looks amazing, princess. I am so proud of you. I am sure the inauguration tomorrow will be a success. In fact, I am certain that you will have sold every single design before the night ends. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a famous designer after tomorrow," Adrien confessed, looking at the bluenette dreamily.

Marinette laughed at the comment. "A girl can hope," she states with a chuckle, but soon her smile was replaced with a look of uncertainty.

"I- I know that Luka will be there and that you don't like him, b-but y-you are still coming with me, right, kitty?" Marinette asked nervously.

Adrien smiled lovingly. "Of course, I am. I promised, didn't I? No one will keep me from supporting you."

Right as Marinette was going to respond, a knock was heard.

"I got it," Adrien said, turning and walking towards the door. Standing outside was the one and only Gabriel Agreste.

"Father?" Adrien asked, confused as to why he had visited. "What are you doing here?"

"I am here to speak to you about important business. Are you going to invite me in, or are you planning on keeping me outside?" Gabriel stated coldly.

Adrien gulped before opening the door and inviting his father inside.

"Hello, Ms. Dupain Cheng," Gabriel greeted as he watched the young designer pack her creations into boxes for the following night.

Marinette stiffened upon hearing the voice of the older Agreste. It was never good when he visited. "Hello, Mr. Agreste," she replied, faking a smile.

Unknown to the bluenette, the designer was very impressed with her success at such a young age. Although, if he was being honest, he knew this was a possibility. Which was the reason that he was so upset after learning she had refused his internship.

"Congratulations on your success. You must be very proud."

"I am. Thank you, sir."

After giving Marinette a slight nod, Gabriel proceeded to turn and speak to his son. "Adrien, may we speak in private?" Nodding, Adrien leads his father to his room.

"Father, what is this about?" Adrien asked nervously.

"I have received word from our investors. Based on rumors that I have learned were spread by Ms. Rossi, the investors are not sure that you are responsible enough to take over the company," Gabriel stated, showing a small amount of disappointment.

"Mr. Valenz has an even tomorrow night and has taken the liberty to invite the rest of the investors for the evening. They request your presence. They would like to meet the man that will take over the Gabriel brand. Meaning they will be deciding if they will continue their investments," Gabriel stated, getting right to the point.

"Tomorrow?" Adrien asked, watching his father nod in response.

"N-no, I can't, not tomorrow. Father, tomorrow is Marinette's inauguration. I c-can't miss it," Adrien added, shaking his head.

"Adrien, I understand that you want to be by Ms. Dupain Cheng's side, but this is equally important. If not more. Your future consists of this. We need these investors," Gabriel tried to reason."

"N-no, father! If it had been any other day, I would, but not tomorrow," Adrien refused a little louder. His voice alerted the bluenette that had just finished packing her creations. Now, Marinette was never one to eavesdrop, but this was Adrien we were talking about, and she worried for him.

"Do not raise your voice at me, Adrien. I raised you better than that. I have tried to make you happy. I have accepted your terms and your decisions. I have respected your feelings for Ms. Dupain Cheng, as all I want is your happiness, but this is not something I can accept. This is important not just for the Gabriel brand but for your future. Everything now depends on you showing up tomorrow and putting the rumors to rest. As the future owner of The Gabriel Brand, it is your responsibility to keep the investors happy. If we lose the investors, we lose Gabriel."

"Father, I promised her I'd be there. I promised," Adrien states sadly.

"And she promised you love. She promised nothing would make her stop loving you, yet it did," Gabriel replied, feeling irritated.

Marinette covered her mouth and gasped. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Promises are meant to be broken, Adrien."

"Not mine," Adrien whispered.

"So what now then? Are you going to throw away your future and the brand just to keep a promise to someone who couldn't keep hers? Throw your entire future away for what? For the girl who dumped you a week before you proposed to her? The same girl who claimed to love you but showed up a week later with a new boyfriend. Think about it son. Is that truly what you want? Do you want to throw it all away for someone who does not love you?"

Marinette felt tears in her eyes. Adrien was going to propose to her? Adrien wanted to marry her? Why didn't he tell her? After all their conversations. After his attempt to make her believe that he loved her, why didn't he tell her?

Marinette rubbed her chest. She felt her chest tighten. Had she really caused him so much pain? Had she really left him a week before his planned proposal? Marinette couldn't understand why the blonde didn't hate her. He should. She hated herself.

Marinette was disgusted with herself. She knew she had hurt him, but she never imagined just how bad it really was. Not only had she broken his heart, but now she was hiding being pregnant with his child.

Marinette walked away from the door and cleaned her tears. She knew what she needed to do, but she never imagined it would hurt this much.

Marientte jumped the second she heard the door open. She remained silent as Gabriel told his son to call him when he made a decision and walk out of the dorm.

"Go," Marinette said before Adrien could even speak.


"I said go. T-to the meeting. You have to go. It's your future," Marinette stated sadly.

"N-no. Princess, I am not going. I promised you I'd be there," he refused.

"It's okay, Adrien. I let you out of your promise. You have to do this. As much as I wish you can be there with me, your father is right. Your future depends on the meeting, and that is more important. I have already ruined your life enough as it is, and I can't do it anymore. So, go. Don't worry about me. Alya, Nino, and Luka will be there."

Before Adrien could respond, Marinette left the dorm, leaving a confused and hurt blonde behind. How had she ruined his life? 

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