Chapter 44- Gifts and Surprises

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*** Hello, my loyal readers. I am back. Sorry for the wait. I know I promised an earlier update, but unfortunately, my internet was down for a few days. But I am here with the update. I hope you like it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Thank you for the support. Sending love, MMF***

It's been three weeks since the deal, and Adrien is overjoyed. Of course, things were awkward at first, especially during Marinette's first few hours back home, but that soon changed. 

In the beginning, Adrien was taken aback when he saw her being dropped off by her 'loving boyfriend,' or as he preferred to refer to him, 'professor pervert.' He couldn't believe the man still wanted to date her despite the fact that she was giving him the opportunity to fight for her heart. Could he, however, blame him? The bluenette was fantastic.

Truth be told. Adrien felt irritated. The second he saw Luka's face pop up from behind the bluenette, but soon calmed down, remembering he had no other choice but to accept it. At least for a while. After all, he never wanted to force her into an unwanted breakup, and it was his idea to start from scratch.

Adrien remembered messing up many times before, and he refused to allow that to happen again. He had every intention of doing things differently. He would do them right. Adrien was sure his princess still loved him. He just needed to prove to her that her heart would be safe with him.

Adrien looked down and smiled. How could he not? When there was a beautiful bluenette peacefully sleeping in his arms. Adrien bit his lip. God, she was so beautiful. It took great willpower for Adrien to stop himself from kissing her every time she came close, and even more so when she would lay in his arms. It was almost torturous.

Adrien sighed and closed his eyes, attempting to get some sleep. The two had worked on her designs for hours which was exhausting. Not that he minded because it meant he could spend more time by her side.

Adrien sighed again. He was incredibly confused. These past few weeks have made him feel like he was back to being 14. With the past having no effect on his relationship with Marinette. They have become just as close as they used to be. So much so that he was sure they spent more time together than she did with her own boyfriend.

The blonde opened his eyes and smiled as he remembered these past few days. Oh, how amazing they have been. Breakfast each morning and dinner each night and always together. Marinette has even accompanied him to his latest photoshoots and even modeled with him earlier. He has also been helping her with her creations for the boutique, practically together every second of the day.

The best part was that Marinette had not rejected any of his advances. She even flirts back sometimes, making Adrien's heart flip. There are even moments where Adrien believes they can be together any minute now.

How her eyes sparkle when they are alone, or her smile is genuine when he is around, made him believe she still loved him. He felt it as they kissed earlier for the photoshoot. While it was nothing but a peck, it was there. He was sure of it.

Once again, Adrien sighs. That's probably in his imagination. If that were true, then why was she still with Luka? Adrien was not dumb, he knew she had feelings for Luka, and they seemed to be closer than before, but it was not the same connection as she had with him, was it?

Things for Marinette had become more difficult by the minute. She had kept her promise, no matter how hard it was for her. She tries her all to be the best girlfriend to Luka and friend to Adrien, but it has become tougher to keep herself from falling apart.

Each day that passes, she realizes her feeling for Adrien are still present and stronger than ever, but so has her feelings for Luka. By the second week, it was clear to Marinette she would always be in love with Adrien, but Luka had earned a place in her heart, and while it was small, it was present.

Marinette thought the arrangement would help her realize who she wanted to be with, but instead, she had found herself even more confused than before.

The bluenette felt perplexed.

It's been three weeks since she offered Adrien the deal, and while part of her believed it was by far the sweetest deal she had ever made, the other part was beginning to think it was a mistake.

Was it possible that her feelings were a bigger mess now than before?

But, Marinette loved spending time with Adrien. If she was being honest, the times she spent with him were always the best part of her day. Yes, her relationship with Luka was going well, and she has realized she held feelings for the man, but it still did not compare to the way she felt for the blonde.

Marinette knew Luka was incredible, and he really did make her happy, but their time together felt limited. Surprisingly, it was not because of Adrien. Marinette was tired of hiding their relationship. She felt as if the two had spent so much time hiding the fact that they were in a relationship that it almost felt as if they weren't. The little time they had together was after school if Luka was not practicing with his band or she wasn't busy with designing.

Marinette didn't understand why they were hiding it anymore. She was not underage, and there had been other incidents of professors dating students in better-known universities, and it was not a problem, so why should it be different?

Marinette knew it was selfish, but she wanted to show off her boyfriend. When she was younger, she always pictured herself walking through the college halls with her boyfriend by her side, stealing kisses every now and then. True, she pictured the blonde with green eyes by her side during that time, but it didn't change her wanting the same thing with Luka.

Unlike Marinette, Luka was extremely happy with their relationship. The two had become closer than before. Marinette was so supportive when it came to his music. Not many people knew, but he had a band. They mostly played in bars but lately have been getting recognized by different producers. Ever since he began to date Marinette, he felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

While there were still times the two had small arguments regarding Adrien and her friendship, they were always able to bounce back quickly.

In his defense, how could someone not be jealous of having to share his girlfriend and with her ex-boyfriend never the less? Luka wished she could be all his, but as long as Adrien was around, that would be extremely difficult. But he couldn't complain as long as his melody was happy, he would be too.

Marinette loved spending time with Adrien. It was like they were back to being 14. They almost did everything together. Although they did not talk about the past, as agreed, Marinette felt like they were living as they had wished all those years ago. Their dream dorm, dream school, spending time together with Alya and Nino. Who would have known?

For the past week and a half, Marinette worked hard on making her designs come to life. She had a contract with the boutique to fulfill in two weeks' time. She almost thought she wouldn't get them done in time. Luckily, Adrien was quick to offer a helping hand, and the two have been working very hard since then.

Two weeks! Her designs would be on display and sold in the biggest boutique in Paris in a matter of two weeks. After the owner posted about his new association with MDC Designs, the website blew up.

Everyone was excited about the new arrival. So much so that the owner decided to increase his original order amount and make an inauguration, stating that if it did well, he would make the necessary connections for her to become huge. Her dream was so close to coming true. She was grateful for both Luka and Adrien's help.

"kitty, is the movie over already?" Marinette said in her sleepy voice. Adrien laughed. That was so like the bluenette. "Yeah, M'Lady, you fell asleep again."

Marinette groaned, stretching. "Why didn't you wake me?" she asked, feeling embarrassed.

"No can do, M'Lady," Adrien stated, shaking his head. "You have been working so hard these past few days. I thought you could use the rest."

"We," she corrected.

"We have worked hard, Chaton. I wouldn't be able to do all this without you. Thanks, kitty," she whispered.

"Only for you, princess."

"Adrien?" Marinette called out after a moment of silence, earning a hum from the blonde.

"You'll be there, right?" She asked nervously.

Confused, Adrien asked, "what?"

"You'll be there, by my side, the day of the inauguration, right?" She repeated. Her voice hinted at hopefulness.

She knew the blonde was always busy. After all, being a model for his father was no easy work. She was not sure how Adrien managed to make time for her.

Adrien made sure to make eye contact before responding. His heart swelled as he realized his princess wanted him there on her special day. Of course, he was going to be there. He would do anything for her.

"I promise," he whispered, placing a long kiss on her head.


The following morning came by in a blink of an eye. Once again, Marinette woke up in the warmth radiating from Adrien's arms. She grunted as she got up. She really needed to stop doing that. She had a boyfriend. If Luka found out about this, he would flip. But it felt so right. It had become normal to do so, and Marinette struggled to break the habit.

Deciding not to think about it at the moment, Marinette proceeded to get ready. She had a surprise for Adrien. She had worked so hard to make it happen. Which was difficult considering everything she was already doing and having to keep it a secret. She hoped he liked it.

"Chaton. Chaton, wake up," she whispered in his ear. This earned a grunt from Adrien as he turned around. "Mari, stop. Five more minutes," he complained. Marinette covered her mouth, attempting to silence her giggles.

Picking up a fake feather, Marinette began to tickle his ear. As a reaction, the blonde slapped his ear hard, grunting in pain soon after. Marinette almost fell on the floor in laughter.

"Damn, Mari. That's not funny!" Marinette laughed louder. "Wake up, Chat. I have a surprise for you," she stated after getting her breath back.

Adrien's eyes went from his princess to the clock on the nightstand to his princess again. Although he was surprised that she woke up early, he was tired, and it was early. Ignoring her, he decided to close them again and turn around.

"Okay, I guess I'll eat all the croissants by myself," she added teasingly. Adrien jumped out at the sound of croissants. "I'm up!" he yelled, making Marinette burst into laughter.

"Silly, kitty," she said, tossing him a croissant. "Now, get ready because I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise? What is it, princess?" he asked, feeling genuinely curious.

Marinette smiled before turning around and reaching under her bed, pulling out a box.

"I- umm, I wanted to thank you for all your help recently. I hope you like it," she stated nervously, tapping on the box.

"Princess, you didn't have to. I told you I wanted to help," Adrien replied.

"I- I know, but I wanted to." Stretching her arms, she handed Adrien the box.

"Thank you," he whispered.

Marinette played with her fingers nervously as she watched Adrien open the box slowly. She watched as Adrien's eyes widened and gasped. She bit her lip, waiting for a comment.

Adrien was in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His finger delicately touched the contents of the box. He was at an aww. He didn't know what to say. He was afraid the second he tried to speak, he would burst into tears.

"Is this-" he tried but didn't find the words.

Noticing his reaction, Marinette spoke up. "I know we agreed on forgetting the past, but I- I just couldn't. I'm sorry. If you don't like it or don't want it, it's okay, but I wanted you to have it," she said quietly.

Adrien looked at her, surprised. Not like it? Not want it? Is she crazy? This was the best gift of his life.

"The other one wasn't as special anymore. I know it might be a bit late, and it wouldn't be my first time, but I am sure it would be just as amazing as we dreamed, if not more. I- well, of course, if you want to. I know it won't be as you pictured, but-" Marinette stuttered.

Adrien held on to the box as if his life depended on it. His eyes watered as he stared at the beautiful bluenette in front of him. She truly had no idea how much this meant to him.

"I- I do. God, I do," Adrien whispered.

"Do you like it?" she asked lowly. Adrien looked at the gift again. In the box laid two tickets to China for the summer, and under it, matching outfits.

Adrien pulled out the outfits, taking in all the details. The way the gorgeous golden edges complemented the white, the way the lanterns in the back were almost realistic, and most importantly, how the words 'only with you' popped from the middle of the lantern underlined by what looked like an image of their lucky charm. It was truly one of a kind.

"I-I love it. Thank you, M'Lady. I can't wait," Adrien cried, pulling Marinette in for a hug. But that happiness only lasted a second.

Suddenly, Marinette felt the urge to puke. Pushing Adrien aside, the bluenette proceeded to cover her mouth and run to the bathroom.

"Princes!" Adrien yelled worriedly, running after her. "Mari, are you okay?"

Marinette nodded, feeling Adrien rub circles in her back.

"Y-yeah, sorry. I must have eaten something bad," Marinette replied.

Adrien shook his head in denial. "Marinette, that is the third time this week. You need to see a doctor," he argued.

"N-no, I am okay," she disagreed. Choosing not to argue, Adrien simply turned and picked up his phone, making a few calls.


Marinette panted, finding it hard to breathe. She was sure to be having a panic attack at the moment.

"Oh, God. Okay, okay, let's not panic," Alya stated as she hugged her friend. "Are you sure it has been two weeks?" she asked, getting up and beginning to pace back and forth.

Marinette nodded, crying.

"I- I hadn't realized it before because of this stupid crazy schedule. I have been so busy I failed to notice, but I checked. Alya, I double, triple-checked. It's been two weeks. Oh, God, what am I going to do?" Marinette cried.

"Okay, calm down. You could just be late. It has happened before, right? And the vomiting could just be from extreme exhaustion. We could be wrong, but we should probably get you tested to be sure."

Marinette nodded again. "Adrien wouldn't give up. He scheduled a doctor's appointment for one o'clock. He expects me to go. I- I can't walk in there by myself, and Adrien can't know yet. Please come with me," Marinette begged.

"Of course, girl. It's already 12:30. We should probably head out. Come on, girl, but breath for me. It's going to be okay."


Marinette's foot tapped rapidly on the ground. Alya watched her friend in worry. They have been in the clinic for over an hour. After explaining her symptoms, the doctor immediately began various tests. Now, they awaited the results.

Alya bit her lip. She was sure what the result would state. She just hoped her friend would be able to handle them.

Marinette prayed for good news. She was bearly in her first year of college, this could not be happening to her.

"What is taking so long?" Marinette asked, feeling desperate. Every second that passed by made her more nervous.

"Girl, calm down. It will all be okay. No matter what the results say, you are not alone. You will never be alone. We are all here for you."

"I know. Thanks, Al-"

Marinette was interrupted by a knock on the door. A second later, the doctor entered the room, with a smile on her face.

"Well, it seems that my suspicions were confirmed. Congratulations, Ms. Dupain Cheng, you are pregnant." 

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