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Colours swirled around me and my head felt like lead. I heard voices. People arguing. Someone was humming besides me. Something cool dabbed at my forehead. My head lolled loosely.

"Percy." I heard someone call me vaguely.

"Percy." The voice was getting stronger.

"Percy, wake up." I cracked my eyes open. Slowly things began to come into focus. I was in my room in Stark Tower. A wet cloth was on my forhead. Pepper sat next to my bed. She was the one who was humming.

"Good, you're finally awake." She said softly. "How are you feeling?"

"I've got a killer headache." I said croakily.

"Here." She handed me a glass of water. I gulped it down and my headache faded away.

"Thanks." I muttered. I sat up.

"No no, sit back down. You have to rest." She chided me.

"Please, get me my backpack."

"Why?" She asked but got it for me anyway. I dug in the pocket and brought out a block of ambrosia. I broke off a piece and and stuffed it in my mouth. I sighed I relief as the pain went away.

"What was that?" Pepper asked.

"Medicine." I replied simply and got out of bed.

"Hey! You need to rest!" She protested.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Two hours." Someone knocked at the door.

"Pepper?" Tony's muffled voice called out.

"Come on in." She called out. He came in looking worried. He relaxed visibly.

"Thank god you're okay." He said, relief clear in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I muttered.

"What happened in there? Why did Fury want you? Are you really okay? Why would-"

"Okay, okay, time out." I made a T sign with my hands.

"I'll answer all your questions in a moment. I just need to-"

I froze.

"What was that?" I asked. Pepper and Tony frowned.

"What?" He asked.

"That! Don't you hear that voice?" I asked. They glanced at each other like,

Is he going nuts?
Percy, come save me...

The voice was soft and silky. It swirled in my ears like a soft breeze. I shook my head slightly.

"Nothing. I'm just joking." I said and grinned. They looked relieved that I wasn't going crazy. But I knew I had heard the voice.

"But I do need to tell you something. You deserve to know." Pepper and Tony glanced at each other nervously.

"What is it?" Pepper questioned.

"Well... I'm not normal." I blurted out.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not exactly mortal-I mean-human."


"Um...well, Greek gods are real."

"Greek? I thought the only gods were the Norse gods." Tony muttered.

"You know about the Norse gods?" I questioned.

"Yeah, Thor is part of the Avengers." I frowned in confusion.

"Why would a god help you?" I muttered.

"Please, carry on." Pepper said.

"Well sometimes the Greek gods come down from Olympus and fall in love with mortals. They have children called-"

"Demigods. Right?" Pepper interrupted.

"Exactly. How did you know that?" I asked.

"I read a book about Greek myths the other day."

"They're also called Half-bloods, because they're half human and half god."

"Get to your point please." Tony grumbled.

"Well, you know that summer Sally stayed at the cabin in Montauk?" I asked.

"Yeah? What about it?" He asked wearily.

"She fell in love with a god." I said simply.

"SHE WHAT?!" He shouted. I nodded and tried to smother my laugh at his reaction.

"Yeah. I'm a demigod."

"YOU WHAT?!" He shouted again.

"Tony, calm down." Pepper commanded him. He was still gaping at me, eyes bulging. I took out Riptide.

"This was a present from my father." I said and uncapped it. A few seconds later I was holding a sword. They both frowned.

"A baseball bat?" Pepper asked in confusion.

"Stupid mist." I muttered. I dragged three fingers across my heart and hoped that they could see through the mist now. Pepper gasped.

"Is that a sword?" She asked. I nodded.

"It's name is Riptide."

"Then who is your father?" Tony asked.

"Poseidon, god of the sea, father of horses and earth shaker."

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