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I felt dizzy. My nephew is the son of a Greek god. And one of the most powerful of them all. He returned Zeus' master bolt, blew up the St. Louis Arch and prevented world war III when he was twelve, found the golden fleece, stole it from a thousand year old cyclops and turned his cousin from a tree back into a human when he was thirteen. Then he rescued two children of Hades, freed the goddess Artemis and held the sky when he was fourteen. When he was fifteen he blew up Mnt. St. Helens, landed on Calypso's Island and fought in the Battle of the Labyrinth. At sixteen he fought a war with forty demigods against at least thirty thousand monsters, bathed in the river Styx, fought Kronos and saved Olympus and the world. At seventeen he was kidnapped by Hera, put to sleep for eight months and all his memories were stolen. He fought the Gorgon sisters for a week, found Camp Jupiter and went on yet another quest. He drank a vile of Gorgon blood, fought a Legion of dead roman soldiers, saved the legions eagle, fell off an iceberg and freed the god of death. Then he saved Camp Jupiter, got all his memories back and became Praetor. Then he sailed in the Argo II, fell into Tartaraus, got tortured, escaped Tartaraus, fought the giants and awoke Gaia with a nosebleed. Then travelled back to camp half blood and defeated Gaia but then some guy turned everyone against him.

"What are your powers?" Was my only reply to that. Percy smiled slightly.

"My powers?" He asked.

"Well, yeah. Your Poseidon powers." I said.

"Do you have a pool here?" He asked. I nodded.

"Follow me." I led him to the pool.

"Okay, what should I do first?" He muttered to himself. He stepped on the water and to my surprise he didn't sink to the bottom. Instead he walked across the water like it was solid. Then he dived in. He stayed under water for ten minutes before resurfacing and climbed out again. He wasn't even wet. He flicked his hand and the pool emptied itself. The water floated around the room like there was no gravity, obeying Percy's every command. Percy made a fist and the water mimicked him, making a giant watery fist. Then the water slid back into the pool.

"Hmm. What else? Oh, I know." Percy said. Suddenly he was surrounded in a mini hurricane. No scratch that, he was the hurricane. I staggered as the hurricane pulled at me. Suddenly it was over. Percy smiled.

"That was fun. Also I can heal myself and others with water, I can breath underwater, I can communicate with sea creatures and horses, I can create storms and I can control most types of liquids." Percy told me.

"That's awesome!" Percy's face darkened.

"Actually its not. You see, I can do things like this." He said and pointed at Pepper. She froze then started dancing.

"What's happening to me?" She asked in panic.

"I'm controlling your blood stream. You will do anything I command." Percy said. His face was twisted, like he was in pain.

"I hate doing this. It makes me feel...dark." he stopped pointing at Pepper and she stopped. She shivered.

"That was horrible. I-I was being controlled." Pepper said. She looked pale.

"I'm sorry Pepper." Percy apologised.

"It's fine." She said.

"I-I nearly killed a goddess by downing her in her own poison. I couldn't stop myself. It was terrible." He shivered. Suddenly he flinched and looked around.

"What?" I asked him.

"N-nothing." He said quickly. I frowned. He's hiding something.

"Is anyone else hungry?" He asked.

"I am." I said. Pepper laughed.

"You two are definitely related."

"Who wants pizza?"

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