lEt'S gAtHeR 'rOuNd ThE cAMp- Part 2

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Me: *running for her life* GUYS, I'M SORRY!

All: *chasing Venria with weapons*

Me: I promise I'll make it up!!




Daigo: Guys, stop!

(Everyone stops what they are doing.)

All: What?!

Daigo: Shh! Do you hear that?

All: ...

(Growling is heard.)

All: BEAR!!!!! *runs back into the van and jumps in*


Yugo: Dangit, Venria!

Me: Guys! I know things look bad, but still! Let's just enjoy the environment!

Lui: *poking a dead bird* Some environment.

Trad: Susan, let's just go home.

Susan: Good idea. *glares at Venria*

Me: ... *looks up* Meep.

Susan: *sighs and tries to start the car* That's... weird. Venria, how much did you put in for the gas?

Me: ...

Susan: Venria.

Me: Well, I saw an airplane, so when I waved at it, something fell on the van. I found a taco and ate it. But I felt sick and went to lay down on the roof. But then you told me to get in the van, so I did. Then Cuza and Ghasem came back with the snacks, Free was found, and we went back to driving.

Susan: ...Conclusion?

Me: I didn't fill up the van with gas.


Me: *crying* MEEEEEEEEP!!

Naoki: I want to go home!

Lui: Well, we can't do that, can we?!

Ukyo: Let's just stay here for the night. It's pretty late.

Wakiya: Gross! Camping is the last thing I want to do!

Rantaro: Then you shall be used for food.

Wakiya: Yay, camping! *laughs nervously*


(Everyone is trying to sleep in the van, but it is too crowded.)

Free: Joshua, get your hair out of the way!!

Joshua: Tell Silas to move over then!

Silas: How about you shut your mouth when I clearly can't get comfortable!

Jin: Move, Naoki! Why are you always in the way?!

Naoki: Someone go sleep somewhere else!

Susan: Good idea! *searches around the van* Where is she?! *opens a cooler*

(Venria is in the cooler, sleeping, and looking oddly comfortable.)

Susan: ... *grabs Venria*


Susan: *dropkicks her out of the van* For our suffering, you shall sleep outside!!

Me: o^o *looks at Susan* •^•

Susan: ...Ew. *closes the door*

Me: ...Meep. *crawls to the door and whimpers and scratches it* Susan, it's cold! Please, let me back in!


Me: ...Susan?


Me: ...Meep. *looks around* ...Meep. *wanders around* Meep, meep, meep, meep, meep, meep, meep...


Susan: Valt, go sleep in the cooler.

Valt: *sleeping on Shu* I don't know... This pillow is comfortable.

Shu: i Am NoT a PiLlOw!!!

Valt: *wakes up* Huh?

Susan: Go sleep in the cooler.

Valt: ...Okay. *barely makes it to the cooler before falling asleep*

Ben: *whines* IT'S SO CROWDED!!!

AzureEye: Then get your Pillow Pets off the chairs and maybe we all can get more comfortable!

Ben: No! *hugs Pillow Pets* These are my babies!!

Ken: *grabs one* Ooh, this one's cute!!

Ben: IT'S MY FOOFIE!! *grabs Pillow Pet away from Ken*

Ken: Please, Ben. *shivers* I'm cold.

Ben: Then find a way to warm up.

Xander: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ben: Kick him out next.

Arthur: Where is my baby?!

GoldenRetriever: *sleeping on a mountain of pillows and blankets*

Susan: Arthur, we need those.

Arthur: No! He's sleeping!

Susan: NOW!!!

Arthur: NO!

Susan: DO IT-

(They all hear growling.)


Jin: No, it's my stomach. *hugs his stomach* I'm hungry.

Susan: Then eat something.

Shu: Can't. I ran out of snacks.

Cuza: *gasps* NOOO!!!

Hoji: *looks out window* Huh. I wonder where Venria is.

Susan: Who cares? *turns to Shu* Maybe we can search for food tomorrow.

Jin: *stomach growls and has tears in his eyes* I ran out of smarties...

Shu: ...No! I shall search now! *gets flashlight and basket and exits the van*

Susan: Shu! Get back in the car!

Shu: It'll only be for a bit! *walks into the woods*

Susan: ... *sighs*


Shu: *searching around* Hmm... What can I get for everyone?

(A stick snaps behind Shu.)

Shu: *turns around* Who's there?! *looks down*

(A bunny stares up at Shu with big eyes.)

Shu: Uh, hey little guy. *kneels down* You know where I can get some food?

Bunny: ...

Shu: ...

Bunny: ...

Shu: ...

Bunny: ...

Shu: ...Right. Why am I talking to you? *walks away*

(The bunny follows Shu.)


Wakiya: What's taking him so long?! I'm starving!

Susan: I'm sure he'll be back soon. *looks out window* Then you guys will eat.

Karina: What about me?!

Susan: *sighs* Guys and GAL.

Karina: ^w^

Susan: ...Hey, are we missing someone?

Lui: Yeah, Shu!

Susan: I know. I feel like there's someone else though...

Quon: Yeah, me too.

Rantaro: It's probably Venria.

Susan: No... *sighs* Nevermind. It's probably nothing. *looks out window*

Ukyo: ... *gasps* You're right! It is nothing!!


Shu: *still searching and walking* Ugh. How long have I been walking?

(A twig snaps behind Shu.)

Shu: *looks behind himself* Who's there?! *looks down*

(The bunny is there again.)

Shu: *sighs* Listen! Just go away! *walks away*

Bunny: *follows him*

Shu: *looks at the bunny* I'm serious!

Bunny: OwO

Shu: ... *keeps walking*

Bunny: *follows him again*

Shu: *looks at the bunny* I'm done being nice! Leave. Me. Alone!!!

Bunny: ... *has sad eyes and runs off*

Shu: ... *keeps walking*

(Another twig snaps behind Shu.)

Shu: *turns around* LISTEN HERE-

(A switchblade is pointed at Shu.)

Shu: *stops* Uh. O-Orochi?

Orochi: *holding the switchblade* Hey, Shu.

Shu: What are you doing?

Orochi: *puts the switchblade back in his pocket* It was too loud in the van. Plus, I felt useless and wanted to help.

Shu: Oh. Well, thank you. I'm in need for some company.

Orochi: No problem, Shu.

(They both walk deeper into the woods.)

Shu: How was everyone before you left?

Orochi: They were getting pretty angry.

Shu: *sighs*

Orochi: How much food have you found?

Shu: *looks at basket* ...None.

Orochi: That's alright, Shu! *takes out switchblade* We have each other and my blade!

Shu: Uh, why do you have that?

Orochi: For emergencies.

Shu: O_O


Susan: *asleep by the window*

Lui: *sing song voice* Susan...

Susan: *still asleep*

Lui: ...Mom. Mom. Mom. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mum. Mum. Mum-

Susan: *wakes up* WHAT?!

Lui: ...Hi.

Susan: -____-

Lui: Baby Lui is starving!

Susan: Lui, I-

Ken: No good. Stress is not good for the baby.

Ben: What baby?

Ken: Me.

Ben: ...Oh. *internally crying*

Susan: *sighs* I should go out and look for Shu.

Ukyo: Don't. He probably got eaten by a bear.

Lui: *scoffs* Yeah, right!

Ukyo: True. He probably got eaten by The Otuarus.

Lui: The what?

Ukyo: What?! You're telling me, you never heard of the Otuarus?!

Lui: Who is that?

Ukyo: *turns lights off and gets a flashlight* The... *turns on flashlight* Otuarus is a very very VERY dangerous... Well, I wouldn't call it an animal. Nor a human...

Lui: Then what is it?

Ukyo: Nobody knows for sure... But! Legends say that when you are at the woods late at night, you may come across....NOTHING! You will not know if the Otuarus is there or not because it can turn invisible!!

Lui: ...Then what's so scary about it?

Ukyo: The Otuarus doesn't like pictures... so when you take a picture... you may see it... If you show it to anyone, the Otuarus will get you. If you keep it the Otuarus will get you.

Lui: ...What happens if we do keep it?

Ukyo: Oh, Lui. Sweet, innocent Lui... HE'S GONNA EAT YOU OF COURSE!!!

Lui: *shrieks*

Susan: UKYO!

Ukyo: *laughs* Oh, man. That's funny.

Lui: O__O


Shu: *looking around bushes* Nothing! How are animals even living here?!

Orochi: *far away* Hey, Shu! I found something!

Shu: You did? *runs to Orochi* What'd you find?

Orochi: *holds up the bunny*

Shu: ...Orochi... We can't eat that.

Orochi: Yes we can! We can cook it!

Shu: ...That would be so cruel...

Orochi: Do you want everyone to starve, Shu?

Shu: No, but I don't want to kill an animal!

Orochi: You won't have to kill it. *takes out his switchblade* I will.

Shu: OROCHI, NO!! *pushes Orochi over*

(Orochi falls, dropping his switchblade, and also letting the bunny quickly escape.)

Orochi: Really, Shu?!

Shu: Yes, really! That was an animal!

Orochi: That was probably the only food we were going to get everyone!

Shu: We can find something else!

Orochi: Like what?

Shu: Like.... *looks around* ...Berries!!

Orochi: Berries?

Shu: Yes, there's berries! *runs to a bush* Berries! Lots of them!

Orochi: *walks over to the bush* Uh, Shu? We probably shouldn't eat those.

Shu: But if we test it out, we can give it to everyone! Then we don't have to kill anything!

Orochi: Shu-

Shu: *quickly puts some berries in his mouth*

Orochi: Shu!!

Shu: See? They taste fine. *looks around* Hey, Orochi? Since when did the trees have faces?

Orochi: Oh, no... *shakes Shu's shoulders* Shu!

Shu: Hehehe...

Orochi: Shu, what have you done...?

Shu: Don't talk to me! *stands up and limps to a tree* Hehehe... The world is all colorful... *sees Orochi's switchblade on the ground and picks it up* Hehehe...

Orochi: Shu, put that down...

Shu: I... feel... dizzy... *falls to the ground with the switchblade stabbing his arm*

To Be Continued...

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