The Haunted House Pt. 1

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Previously... On Full House- Oops, wrong story!


Previously... On a Beyblade Ask or Dare Chapter...

All except RenWu: *standing in front of a well-built haunted house*

Legend: *covered in paint and wood scraps* ÙwÚ Told ya.


Susan: Wait! There are a few rules before we enter!

All: *groans* COME ON!!!

Susan: We all each must go with a partner!

(Everyone all gets together in partners.)

Me: o^o *tries to scurry away*

Susan: Oh, no you don't! *puts a leash on Venria* We are both partners.


Susan: Oh, come on. I'm not that bad.

Xander: Ren Wu isn't here, so.... *picks up a trash can and dumps it over the street*

Orochi: *lands onto the street* Ow! *looks at Xander* Oh, hi.

Xander: You're my partner now! :D

Orochi: ...

Xander: ...

The whole world: ...

Orochi: *faints*

Xander: ...Okay then! *picks up Orochi and puts him over his shoulder*

Susan: Okay, NOW we can go!

All: YAY!! *runs into the haunted house*



Legend: *jumps in front of them* Hold on!

All: WHY?!

Legend: There are a couple of rules!

Lui: SUCH AS!?

Legend: Such as... *grins evilly* You're in the hall. Once you enter through these doors, there is no escape. You must all be with a partner. I have created mazes, obstacles, and even traps! The only way to escape is through clues... But be warned... The clues may not be what they seem.

All: ...

Cuza: Oh! So, like, an escape room!

Legend: I... I guess. •-• Or- *grins evilly* -YOUR DEATH!

Cuza: Nah, it's totally an escape room! *walks to the doors* Come on, Silas!

Silas: *walks beside him* Uh, Cuza?

Cuza: What?

Silas: This doesn't feel safe.

Cuza: Silas, we're fine-

(The floor beneath them breaks.)

Cuza & Silas: *falls into the darkness screaming*

All: *looks down*

Clio: Cuza!!

Rantaro: Aw, man... That looks dark...

Legend: Now it's your turn!

(A large glass wall separates the group into two.)

All: NO!!

Ghasem: *punches the glass* It's indestructible!

Naoki: *holding a scanner* How is this possible?!

(More glass walls separates everyone until there are 2 people into each glass section.)

Goldie: *on the ceiling and barks*

Arthur: MY BABY!!! JUMP!!

Goldie: *jumps into the glass section with Arthur and Ghasem*

Legend: Meh. I'll allow it. *holds up a violet button*

Me: O0O  One of the rarest buttons of all!

All: The violet button!

Legend: ÙwÚ  *pushes the violet button*

(The floor disappears under everyone's feet.)

All: *falls into darkness* NOOOOOOO!!!

Legend: Welcome to your nightmare!


Me: *still screaming* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-

Susan: VENRIA!!! You're fine! Open your eyes!

Me: *opens eyes and is on the floor* ...Oh.

Susan: -___-  *looks around* Where the heck are we?

Me: *holds up phone* As if I know!

Susan: ...What are you doing?

Me: Trying to get a signal! That way, I can-

Susan: -use your GPS to find out where we are and how to get out! Good idea!

Me: Actually, I was going to watch kittens singing autotune...

Susan: ...

Me: But that works, too!

(Venria's phone beeps red.)

Susan: Well?

Me: o^o  ...I don't think I'm able to watch kittens singing autotune... or your idea.

Susan: UGH! I hate this! *walks around then stops* Wait, Venria, give me your phone!

Me: ...Just don't go through my search history. *gives phone to Susan*

Susan: I won't. Plus, I already saw some before.

Me: Oh...

Susan: Yeah... So pickles and carrots aren't the same thing. *turns flashlight mode on* Perfect! Now we can actually see.

Me: YAY! We're going to escape!

Susan: Heck yeah we are! *walks with Venria*

Me: Oonce, oonce, oonce, oonce, oonce-

Susan: Ugh...


Rantaro: *has his face close to an unconscious Wakiya* Wakiya? ...Wakiyaaa? ...Hey, wake up!

Wakiya: Rantaro... Five more minutes...

Rantaro: We won't even be alive for five more minutes!

Wakiya: *suddenly wide awake* WHAT?!

Rantaro: Kidding. That was to get you awake.

Wakiya: Oh. *looks around* What happened?

Rantaro: Well, we fell down, landed in a room that looks like a preschooler's dream room, and you fainted. But now you're awake! *pokes his cheek*

Wakiya: -__-  Ugh. What did Legend say...?

Rantaro: I dunno. Something about our worst nightmare.

Wakiya: No, before that.

Rantaro: Something about our turn.

Wakiya: No, before that!

Rantaro: Hobba-Chong?

Wakiya: No, I lied! After that!

Rantaro: This is an escape room?

Wakiya: Yes! And in order to escape an escape room, you must...?

Rantaro: BLOW IT UP!

Wakiya: NO! Find clues! We have to find clues in order to escape!

Rantaro: Oh, that works, too! We're such a great team!

Wakiya: -_-  Uh-huh. Man, I wonder if anyone else got to be with their partners.


Yugo: WHAT?!

Hoji: Yugo, calm down!

Yugo: No, I'm not calming down! Where's Ukyo?! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE WITH UKYO!!

Hoji: Legend split us all up, remember?! Anyone who is with their partner is lucky!

Yugo: Yeah they are, but WHERE'S UKYO?!

Hoji: He could be with someone else right now! I should've been with Azure Eye!


Yugo: You don't think...?

Hoji: ... *quickly goes onto his phone and tries to call Azure Eye* Come on, come on, pick up...

Yugo: *scoffs* There's no way you're getting a signal.

Hoji: Actually, I am!

Yugo: Eh?!

Hoji: Just a tiny bar!

Yugo: ...Do you know what this means?!

Hoji: We can walk around and see if we're getting a signal higher-

Yugo: -and that will help find the others!

Hoji: Yes! A perfect plan!

Yugo: Follow me and keep an eye on your signal. *walks into a dark hall*

Hoji: *follows him* We're such a great team!



Ukyo: *sitting on a rock* Please. I didn't want to be here. I was supposed to be with Yugo.

AzureEye: Ugh, this can't be happening to me...

Ukyo: Guess what? IT IS!!

AzureEye: Whatever. Help me search for clues. *starts to pick up rocks and inspects them closely* There's so many rocks here, this is supposed to mean something!

Ukyo: Hm.

AzureEye: This rock had a message on it! It says, "BIG ONE"! ...What's that supposed to mean?

Ukyo: Whatever, Rock Lover. *lays down on the rock*

AzureEye: *stops and stares at Ukyo* ...That's it! That's the biggest rock here! *runs to Ukyo and pushes him off* Move!

Ukyo: AHH- *falls on the ground* Oof!

Azure: I found a message!

Ukyo: *looks at the writings on the rock*

Well done.
You have managed to find the first clue.
But be careful.
There are many more that awaits you.


Both: ...

Ukyo: What the heck is that supposed to mean?!

AzureEye: Clues, clues... We need to find more clues! Hey, maybe there's a secret room here or something! *searches around*

Ukyo: ... *takes a picture of the message with his phone* Just to be sure...


Legend: *sitting in a large chair with a crystal ball in hand* Hmm... Let's see how far everyone has gotten! *touches the crystal ball*

(The crystal ball shows an image of everyone.)

Legend: Interesting... Only one has gotten farther... *chuckles darkly* They just don't know it.

(Azure Eye's voice comes from the crystal ball.)

Legend: Huh? WHAT? Huh... Make that two... Maybe we should give them a challenge... *pushes the Violet button*


AzureEye: *patting the wall* Hey, you know those little brick push things? Maybe it's that!

Ukyo: *searching under rocks* Or some sort of map out of here.

AzureEye: Maybe! *still patting the wall*

(His hand pushes a stone that is actually a button.)

AzureEye: It is!

(A low rumbling sound fills the room.)

Ukyo: What is that?

AzureEye: I don't know! I just pushed-

(An avalanche of rocks start heading towards them.)

AzureEye: UKYO, RUN! *runs away from the rocks*

Ukyo: AHH! *runs with Azure Eye* What did you do?!

AzureEye: I-I don't know! *sees a small cave* Look! We'll be safe there! *runs towards the cave*

Ukyo: Wait up! *follows him*

AzureEye: *runs into the cave*

Ukyo: *suddenly gets his foot stuck between two rocks* W-wha-?! *tries to pull his foot out* How is this possible?!

AzureEye: Ukyo!

Ukyo: Help!! I'm stuck! *still trying to pull his foot out*

(The rocks are headed towards Ukyo.)

AzureEye: I-I'll help you! *about to run out of the cave*

(A rock drops right in front of him.)

AzureEye: *stops* AHH!

(More rocks fall from the ceiling and around Azure Eye until he could only see out of a gap in the rocks.)

AzureEye: Ukyo!!

Ukyo: *stares at Azure Eye with his pupils small*

(A rock blocks Azure Eye's view just as the avalanche of rocks hit Ukyo.)

AzureEye: UKYO!!!


AzureEye: *is carrying a motionless Ukyo while limping slightly on a mountain of rocks*


AzureEye: *falls to his knees and lays Ukyo down gently onto a rock* I'm so sorry... It's all my fault...

"All my fault."

To be continued...

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