Morning Routine

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Me: *wakes up* AHH! FREE!

Free: Bwahaha. *runs away*

Me: *sits up in bed* He always does that!

Susan: *walks in and glares at her* YOU are late.

Me: For what?

Susan: For school.

Me: NOOO- Wait, I actually don't care.

Susan: 😠

Me: Okay, okay. *gets out of bed*

Susan: Here, I'll get your backpack and stuff.

Me: It's junk!

Susan: You have a test today.

Me: I failed twice.

Susan: Because you were supposed to study.

Me: I was too busy making stories.


Me: Okay, Mom.

Susan: What?!

Me: Nothing. *dabs*

Susan: You got away with something I just know it. *leaves room*

---5 Minutes Later---

Me: *walks out of room wearing her outfit* YAS!

Silas: You are so late.

Me: Quiet, Silas. I know.

Ken: I hope you do good on your test.

Me: Thanks, Kenny! Okay, I have... *checks wrist* I ain't wearing a watch.

Trad: *sighs and checks watch on wrist* You have 15 more minutes.

Me: ...*singing* I can do it!

Karina: *singing* But I'm only human!

Me: *runs to table and eats breakfast quickly*

Ghasem: Slow down, or you'll choke!

Me: *pretends to choke*

Ghasem: NOT FUNNY!

Arthur: ...Chickadillee.

Me: *looks around* Where's everybody?

Naoki: Your mom and dad are at work. The bus is coming to pick you up.

Me: Cool. Maybe I could listen to music on the way.

Silas: SICK BOY! :)

Me: Yas. :)


Susan: HURRY UP!

Me: Okay, okay! *finishes eating and brushes hair*


Me: I know! It has to be perfect! *ruffles hair* There!

Susan: 😒

Gabe: *sees bus* Um...

Susan: HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: ...You remind me of a youtuber. *grabs backback and runs outside to the bus*

Susan: ...Finally!

Arthur: What now?

Lui: Valt! Challenge to Fortnite?

Valt: You're on! I'm going to win!

Lui: Yeah right! People also call me the awesome gamer.

Gabe: *looks at him* No they don't.



Me: *walks in bus and raises hands up* SUP!! YA GUYS MISS ME?!

All: No...

Me: Yah, me too.

BusDriver: Please sit down.

Me: *weird voice* Okay, okay. *sits down*

Kid #1: *whispers* I read your story.

Me: Yah, what did you think?

Kid #1: I hated it.

Me: Well, they say dab on them haters, so... *dabs*

All the kids: *screaming*

BusDriver: Settle down!

Kid #2: But she just dabbed!

BusDriver: ...Oh boy.

Me: LOL, dude.


Karina: *singing* Without you, I feel broke, like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.


Karina: No, I love this song!

Free: ...Wow.

Joshua: Wow? Really?

Free: Yes.


Ghasem: I'm just looking out for you guys' safety!

Silas: You hate fun. You hate fun, so you never let anyone have any fun!

Ghasem: Says who?!

Silas: Says you...And everybody else.

Ghasem: Well! I'm going to have fun! Everybody is! *hands Silas back the hammer* EVERYONE, GO WILD!!

All: YEAH!

Arthur: Chickadillee!!

Wakiya: *grabs books from bookshelf and throws them on the ground*

Ben: *runs up and down the stairs*

Daigo: *laughing crazily while kicking shoes around*

Xander&RenWu: *punches each other* TAKE THAT! OW!

Ukyo: *knocks vase down and it breaks* Uh-oh.

All: ...

Silas: SAVAGE!!!


All: *goes back to what they were doing*

Jin: Uh, guys. You're going to tear the house down.

Ghasem: Oh, now JIN doesn't want to have any fun.

Jin: I'm just worried.

All: BOO!

Trad: *sitting in a corner on his tablet* I'm just playing Roblox.

Jin: Well, I'm scared.

Naoki: Calm down! The nightmare's gone!

All: YEAH! *goes rampage and breaks everything*

Jin: ...Help.


Teacher: Well, you did better.

Me: I just picked the ones that said Sick Boy.

Teacher: *sighs* Just try harder.

Me: Okay, okay. *walks out of classroom*

Bully #1: Hey, kid!

Me: *turns around*

(All the bullies walk over)

Me: *high pitched voice* Oh, my goodness.

Bully #2: *smirking* Scared?

Me: Nah, it's that you are wearing a very ugly shirt.

Bully #2: But...My uncle bought this for me! He said it looked cool!

Me: He lied...He lied hard.

Bully #2: *runs away crying*

Me: Yah, I'm late for recess, and it's very important. *walks away*

Bully #1: We're not done!

Me: It looks like we are.

Bullies: ...


All: *still going rampage*

Jin: ...Welp! Might as well come up with an excuse. *walks into bedroom and falls asleep on bed*

Clio: *jumps out and scares Cuza* RAWR!

Cuza: AHH! *runs away*

Clio: Heheh.

Xander: *stops punching Ren Wu and looks at Clio* ATTACK!!!

All: *in a line holding something*

Clio: 😨Uh-oh.

Zac: CHARGE!!!


All: *charges toward Clio*

Clio: YIPE! *runs away*

Trad: *still on his tablet and looks up* Oh. Well... *grabs vase and runs after them*

Clio: *runs into basement*

All: *stops and looks into basement*

Susan: Don't go in the basement, it's haunted.

Ken: What are we going to do?

Free: *throws orange down in basement*

Clio: *screams*

Karina: Clio!

Daigo: Oh, boy.

Shu: He's in trouble.

Trad: Oh well. *walks away*


All: *grabs Trad*

Trad: Hey, let go of me!

Cuza: Throw him down there!!

Trad: No, no, WAIT!

All: *throws Trad in basement*


Rantaro: Are they both dead?

Arthur: Chickadillee.

Jin: *walking up to them* What happened? *yawns and rubs his eyes*

Naoki: ...Clio and Trad are dead.

Jin: I knew it! You guys weren't able to handle it yourselves.

Silas: Okay, you're right.

Yugo: Help us!

Arthur: Chickadillee!

Jin: Okay. *looks down basement* Uh... *kicks Joshua down*

Naoki: JIN!


All: *stares at him*

Free: ...I mean, uh, nothing. *sighs*

Naoki: Why did you do that?!

Jin: Nobody said I couldn't. Plus, it's helping with the problem.

Valt: How?

Jin: *walks down basement*

All: *follows nervously*


Karina: *screaming*

All: WHAT?!

Karina: Something's on me!!!

Jin: *turns on light* Karina, that's just a tissue.

Karina: ...Oh.

Silas: Heheh. Karina's biggest fail.

Karina: Hey!

Jin: *points down* Look!

Clio: *passed out in a corner with an orange nearby*

Joshua: *passed out on Trad*

Trad: Ow. Help.

Karina: What happened? *drags Joshua off of Trad*

Trad: HE came down here and fell on me! Clio passed out because I guess he's afraid of oranges.

Cuza: Why didn't you answer us?

Trad: Well, I was about to get revenge and try to scare you but JOSHUA came down here.

All: Oh.

Arthur: Chickadillee.


Me: *singing a song while walking to the bus*

Kid #2: You're a weirdo.

Me: Nah, I'm a writer.

Kid #2: 😕


All: *looking around the living room*

Silas: ...We made a mess.

All: Yeah.

Susan: *looks at the clock and gasps* GUYS! SHE'S COMING IN 10 MINUTES!!!

All: *screaming*


Daigo: *runs to bookshelf and put books back*

Shu: *runs in kitchen and throws away trash*

Karina: *runs and gets the vacuum*

Ghasem: *glues vase back together*

Arthur: *fixes paintings and pictures*

Valt&Jin: *picks trash and stuff off the floor*

Naoki: *washes dishes quickly*

Trad: *runs and fixes beds*


Me: *looking outside* Well... I hope they didn't get into any trouble.

Kid #3: Who?

Me: None of your business.


All: *panting while looking around*

Silas: WE DID IT!!

All: *cheers*

Me: *walking in* Hello. Wow. I'm surprised to find it clean in here.

Karina: What did you expect?

Me: A disaster. You guys deserve music.

All: YEAH!!!

Me: *plays music on radio*

All: Thanks for reading!! *dances*

(Ending song plays)

Thanks for reading, ya savage!

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