Chapter 1

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In the Trolls Universe

All the troll leaders were at their meeting talking about what to do for today.

Poppy:Ok, what can we do for today?

Barb:Maybe do some Rock!

Delta Dawn:Didn't we do that yesterday?

Barb:Oh right...

While discussing, Daisy comes in wondering what's gonna happen today.


Poppy:Oh hello Daisy! Can I ask you a question?


Poppy:Do you have ideas about what to do today?

Daisy:Wait, but don't you always have something in mind all the time?

Poppy:Yeah, but this time, I don't have any ideas 😅

Daisy:Hmmm.... wait I know! We can do something like-

Then that's when Daisy's phone buzzed that she got a text from Zizzy.

Daisy:Wait, hold on a sec... I need to check what's from Zizzy.

Daisy pulled out her phone from her bag and began going on texts to see what was from Zizzy.

Hey Daisy! I wanted to text you saying that we caught Mr.P! He's no longer a threat! Anyway, I wanted to ask you something. Since we are taking the day off today, can we visit you guys tomorrow? It's been a while since we came ever since the infection started spreading around in our world.

After reading the text, Daisy turned to Poppy to ask.

Daisy:Hey Poppy, is it alright if some of my friends can visit tomorrow?

Poppy:Your friends? Yes, they can! I want more visitors!

Daisy:Are all of the other trolls leaders okay with it?

Poppy asked the others and they agreed.

Poppy:Yep! It's alright!


Daisy then started texting Zizzy back and said that it was okay to come tomorrow.

Hey Zizzy! It's great to talk with you again! Also, great job on catching Mr.P and that he will no longer be giving out potions. Also, about your question, I asked Poppy and the other troll leaders, and they are excited for you guys to come tomorrow!

Awesome! See you guys tomorrow!

Same to you! Bye!

Daisy:Sorry Poppy, I need to go get something at my house, see you later!

Poppy:Wait, but you-

But Daisy have already ran off, so Poppy went back to the troll leaders and started discussing plans for the day.While that, Daisy ran to her house and went inside to rest a bit.

Daisy:Well, that was tiring! I guess I'll organize my room.

Daisy then started cleaning her room. Organizing her clothes, shoes, items, and other stuff that were all over the floor. While cleaning her room, she dropped her device that she uses to go to other universes, and opened an portal without herself knowing since she was too busy cleaning. Just then, an infected piggy came out of the portal and then started creeping towards her without Daisy hearing it.

Daisy:Why do I feel like something is behind me?

Then she turned around and saw the infected piggy looking at her with it's weapon, and Daisy looking back at it, unsure of what to do...

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