Chapter 2

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In Daisy's Room:

Daisy's mind:Wait how did it-

But before she could finish her thought, the infected piggy ran towards her and started trying to attacking her with it's weapon.Daisy tries fighting back but the infected piggy ends up scratching her right eye, causing Daisy to not see from it. Then it was scratching her arms,hands, and face. Even tho it was painful for Daisy, she managed to push the piggy off her, making it crash some of her stuff.

Daisy's mind:Ugh! Ow! I just have to knock it out and I'll take care of my scratches later...

The infected piggy tried stabbing her with a knife, but Daisy knocks the knife off it's hand. Then Daisy kicked the infected piggy, knocking it out unconscious.Then Daisy looks at the unconscious piggy laying on the ground and decided to pick up her device,open the piggy portal, and threw the unconscious piggy back into the world.

Daisy:Well, I took care of that, now to look at my scratches.

After getting her med-kit out of her closet, she ended up rolling up her sleeves and the scratches were bleeding a lot since the infected scratched almost deeply into her skin. Then she looked at her eye in the mirror and she had a scar. She couldn't see from that eye since the scar was making Daisy feel pain if she tried opening it. She started dabbing some wipes on her scratches to clean off the blood.

Daisy's mind:Ouch! This hurts... well, it's my fault for not being careful tho.

After that, she grabbed some bandages and started wrapping her arms to her hands. Then she got an eyepatch and put it on her right eye on her face where her other scratch was. Next, she looked at her room, and it was messy since the infected piggy crashed into her stuff. There were some items broken on the ground.

Daisy:I'll go ahead and clean that up-

But her phone started to ring, and it was Poppy. Since her phone was on the ground, she went over to pick it up.


Poppy:Hey Daisy! Come meet us at the cafe!

Daisy:Sure, why not?

Poppy:Great! See you there!

After Poppy hung up the phone, Daisy decided to change her clothes, since the clothes she was wearing had some holes from her scratches, and their was a little bit of blood oh her sleeves. She decided to wear a sweater to cover her arms but underneath, she wore longer gloves in case. Then she fixed her hair into a ponytail.

She then went outside and started walking to the Café. But while walking, she felt some pain in her head like if she was gonna pass out.

Daisy's mind:It's probably nothing...

And so, she kept walking until she got to the Café where the other's were. Poppy then saw Daisy walking towards them and greeted her.



Barb:Come on!

Daisy then comes over and takes a seat to rest a bit.

Barb:How's it going?


Delta Dawn:You okay?

Daisy:I'm fine...

King Trollex:Are you sure? You look sick.

Daisy:Nods head*

Delta Dawn:What's with the eyepatch?

Daisy:This? Oh, it's that in the other world, I ran into a cat and got a scratch. Ugh!

King Trollex:Whoa! You okay? Does your head hurt?

Daisy:It's just that I hit my head on a tree after the cat scratched my eye. Don't worry 😅.

Delta and Trollex:Okay...

Daisy:Anyways... how's your guy's day going?

Delta Dawn:Great, I guess..

King Trollex: It's awesome!

Delta Dawn:Awww... cutie.

Daisy:Oooh, what was that you said?

Delta Dawn:Nothing!

Daisy:Sure 😏

Delta Dawn:Hey!

King Trollex:*Confused* What?

Daisy:Oh nothing...

Delta Dawn:*Blushing, while embarrassed*

Poppy:So, how has it been?

Delta Dawn:Great!

King Trollex:Amazing!

Daisy:What about you Poppy? Don't you have that date with Branch?

Poppy:Oh! Yeah!

Daisy:Anyway... I had fun with you guys but I have to go. I need to rest, so see you guys tomorrow.


Then Daisy started walking back to her house, feeling happy.Until her head started to hurt again, but this time, it was more painful than before.

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