Fight Together

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Pitch's Point of View

After I left Jack I went to put more children into deep sleeps. I got quite a few of the children until they showed up. Merida, Hiccup, Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa and wait Jack. What I put him in a deep sleep what is he doing awake. "Frost what are you doing here?" I asked them all. "I healed him with my hair and I indeed to do it to all the kids that you had put into a deep sleep here," Rapunzel said to me. "Oh do you think so do you. Not if I can help it," I shouted at them. "Rapunzel you go and heal the children we'll take care of Pitch," Hiccup shouted across to Rapunzel as she ran for it to the first childs house.

Hiccup's Point of View

As I told Rapunzel to go PItch had his eyes set on us and especially Jack. We all set off in different directions. Me and Toothless headed for the sky as for we could camoflage ourselves so Pitch couldn't see us. We didn't know where the others went but as we heard the signal we'd been practising that was our chance ot fire. Before it was our turn we saw ice arrows and everything. Then it was our turn. After Toothless took his shot we went back down to the surface to see what was happening.

Once again Pitch and Jack were having a fight by themselves. Everyone else was just standing there. "What are you guys doing, we need to help," I said to them. But they looked as if they were in a daydream. They must of got hit by Pitch cause they just suddenly fell to the floor and was asleep. Rapunzel came running out if the last house calling "I've done all the children and their fine, what happened to them." I just shook my head.

Merida's Point of View

I suddenly awoke from this terrible nightmare and felt quite dizzy. Hiccup and Rapunzel were looking at me like what happened so I explained it to them. "Once we attacked him he fired a black arrow at us but you were camoflaged in the sky so it couldn't get you. So he hit one at us and went for Jack again. End of Story." We watched as the others started to wake up. When they were all awake we headed towards Pitch and Jack.

We all split up in different directions again. Hiccup went into the sky again, and the rest of us split up on the ground. We hit behind objects thay could camoflage ourselves and we started put our abilities together and aimed them at Pitch. He got knocked over and Jack came over to join us. "With out abilities combined Pitch you cannot defeat us so leave and never come back or get defeated once again," Jack shouted at him. "Fine, but I will be back and I'm coming for you Rapunzel for messing with my plans so be warned," Pitch replied to all of us. After that he vanished.

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