Let's Go Back

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Rapunzel's Point of View

We headed back and they all started comforting me like I was a baby and that I needed protection. I didn't need it, I could take care of myself. I swear if they keep doing it I'm gonna burst. One thing that does stick in my mind though is that why would Pitch just give up like that and wait for another chance. I mean he could of just carried on. Guess just working out another plan.

"Rapunzel are you ok, I mean with what Pitch said...." Jack sadi coming up to me. "Shut up, all of you stop asking me if I'm ok I'm fine. If he comes for me I can take care of myself. I don't need protection." I shouted at all of them cause they were getting on my nerves. "How did you know we were planning on doing that," Jack asked me. "You have got to be kidding me." I said back and stormed out of the door.

Elsa's Point of View

Rapunzel, I'm so sorry but why did you have to storm out like that. We shouldn't have done what we did. I wasn't nice, I mean she's right she can take care of herself why does she need us. She has her hair. It's like a lethol weapon she can take anyone down with it. "Guys we shouldn't so it, she can take care of herself. But one of us needs to go after her and see if she's ok. Plus tell her that we aren't gonna protect her and she was right she can take care of herself," I said to everyone. "I think I should go," Merida said. We all looked at her like are you serious. She said "Look I'm not gonna argue with her and plus I do like her she's not like my enemy or anything." So we let her go.

Anna's Point of View

I didn't like the idea of Merida going after Rapunzel. She may of said she liked her but I didn't believe it. I don't trust her 100% so far. But of course if everyone thinks it's ok then of course then go ahead lets just wait and see what happens.

(Few Hours later)

They had been gone for sometime now and I was starting to get a bit worried. Everyone else seemed fine and it clearly showed I was the only one worried because "Anna are you alright you look like you've seen a ghost or something," it was Hiccup. "Actually Hiccup, I'm not alright. Merida and Rapunzel have been gone for quite a while and their not back yet," I said to him. "Your right, I'll go look for them and if I don't return in 1 or 2 hours tell the others and come look for us." So he set and looked for them with Toothless.

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