Lets Go Get Them

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Jack's Point of View

"Wow thanks North that sounds like a pretty good team. But I didn't quite catch the part where they live and how to find them. I mean I listened to the important parts but not the rest," I said to North. Ok so he said to me two of them are in the kingdom of Arendelle, one lives on the island of Berk, one lives in the kingdom of Dunbroch and the last lives in a hidden tower in the forest. "How am I supposed to find her if she lives in a secret tower in a forest," I asked North. "Don't worry I'm going to help you collect them, you go and get the girls from Arendelle and I'll go and get the others." "Fine but whatever you do don't put them in a sac like you did to me just toss them through the portal," I said to him cause that's what I'm gonna do with the girls but have a talk first.

Rapunzel's Point of View

Whoa what was that. Quick I'd better hide. "Rapunzel are you in here," a huge man said. "Who are you and how did you find me?" I said to him coming out from where I was hiding. "We need your help," he said to me. "Why me and what do you mean we?" I said back. But as I said that he got hold of me and tossed me through the portal he just came through. Before I went through I shouted at him "Hey what do you think your doing, put me down. Aaaahhhh."

Hiccup's Point of View

I'm so tired maybe I should go home dad's probably wondering where I am. But I looked around and saw this huge guy standing in the door way. "There he is," he said looking straight at me. "Ummm exuse me but who are you and doing in my working area?" I asked him. "Sorry where are my manners I'm North and I'm here cause you are needed so you must come with me," He said grabbing me. "Hey I'm not going anywhere, Astrid, Astrid, put me down." After that he tossed me into this thing that looked like some sort of transportation a portal I think it was. Then I was away from Berk.

Merida's Point of View

Me and mother had another fight so I went and got Angus and we ran into the forest. And once again he threw me onto the ground and my dress was all ripped again. Just bringing back memories I thought. I got up and turned around and saw this big guy standing in front of me. "Who are you?" I asked "I'm North and your Merida and I correct?" he replied to me. "Yes what do you want?" I asked him. "You were chosen to fight with us against Pitch Black." "Exuse me your not taking me and who is Pitch Black?" But he didn't answer me he just grabbed me and tossed me into a sparkly portal I screamed for him to put me down but no he just tossed me through.

Jack's Point of View

Ok so I'm in Arendelle and all I need to do is find the castle and then find the girls seems pretty easy if you ask me. Oh theres someone "Oh hey could you tell me which way it is to the castle of Arendelle?" "Yes it's in that direction and keeping walking straight and it will be right in front of you." "Thank You." I started flying in that direction and I found it,, It was not completely coverend but decorated with ice and it looked beautiful. I went up and I knocked on the door of the castle, and the girl who opened the door looked beautuful like a snowflake and I was speechless.

Elsa's Point of View

I went to go open the door when I heard it go and as I opened it a boy stood there with white ice hair and a blue jumper on and brown trousers. "Yes may I help you?" I said to him. I think he was speechless cause he didn't answer my question. "Exuse me I just asked you a question." This time he answered. "Yes sorry I was looking for the Queen, Queen Elsa and Princess Anna do you know where I can find them." He asked me politley. "Well I do know them for one I am Elsa and my sister is Anna would you like to come in." I said to him. He came in and I led him to where my sister was.

Anna's Point of View

Elsa came back with this cute boy following her. "Elsa I think your being followed." I said to her. "yes Anna this is... Oh I didn't catch your name." "It's Jack, Jack Frost." he said. Me and Elsa looked at each other cause we both knew that name. "Wait your Jack Frost, the Jack Frost," I asked him and he nodded. OMG we were actually meeting Jack Frost, now I know why I thought he looked cute. "So why are you here Jack?" We asked. "I need your help." "What do you need?" I asked him.

Jack's Point of View

Well here it goes I just hope that they say yes otherwise I'm just gonna have to do it the hard way. "So it starts off as I need a team of six and I didn't know who to pick, so North told me about you two and what your story is about. And with what you two did was amazing and I thought yeah lets have those two. Anna you have a true heart and Elsa you have ice powers in a way I cannot use my." "Yeah but why do you need a team." Elsa asked me. "If you come with me then I will explain everything to you." "Elsa we can't just leave the Kingdom we have to stay and take care of it." "Your right Anna, thanks for the offer Jack but we cannot." I figured they would say that so I grabbed them and tossed them through the portal North gave me. I gathered they didn't like it cause they kept fighting me but I tossed them in anyway.

North's Point of View

Ah your back Jack and you brought Elsa and Anna with you good lad. "Don't call me that ok I don't like it and yeah I got them they didn't want to come but yeah got them here anyway." Jack said to me. "Well I brought the others here as well and too they didn't like the thought of it either and they passed out when they got here and they haven't woke up so we're gonna have to wait a while." I said.

Merida's Point of View

I woke up in a place which I knew wasn't Dunbroch and I could other people around me who knew as well that they weren't at their home either. "Why do bring me here?" "Ah your all awake thank goodness you've been alseep for ages," said the guy who called himself North. "Yh why are we here my dad's proberly freaking out by now," said this boy with brunette hair. "Jack come in here their awake we need to tell them why there here." North shouted across the room. Then this boy came in and I could guess that was Jack from the name North was calling. "Now first why don't you introduce yourselfs to each other that could be a great start," North said to all of us.

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