Anna and Elsa

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North's Point of View

Now these next two have had a bad past. Their names are Anna and Elsa. Now Elsa has the same powers as you but can use them differently and Anna has the heart of true love. Anna will give herself up for the people she loves. Their story starts as their parents died and they were the only thing keeping Elsa together. Anna never knew about Elsa's powers until this day, coronation day.

Anna Point of View

It's Elsa's coronation the first time I'll see her in like ages. "Oh sorry," I said to this man I just walked into. "No my bad i'm sorry, I'm Prince Hans by the way Of the Southern Isles," ge said to me. The bells went off so I said by and headed back to the castle. Elsa looked beautiful when she wsa crowned. At the party I spoke to Elsa and then we headed into a conversation that led me to leave her alone. Someone knocked me over but Hans came over and caught me before I hit the ground.

Elsa's Point of View

Anna came bakc with this man and said "We would like your belssing of our marriage," I was shocked and I said no you can't marry a man you've just met. They tried changing my mind but I got really angry and I let it go. I threw ice everywhere. With the look on their faces and cause I was so scared I ran for it out of the castle. When I got outside there was loads of people I tried dodging them but I got knocked back and I hit the fountain. Again ice went everywhere. Anna came calling my name, so I ran past everyone and ran across the lake which I could freeze and ran for the North Mountain.

Anna's Point of View

"I'm the one who did this so I will go after her," I said to everyone. I got my horse and we headed into the forest. My horse got scared and chucked me off and ran away. I found this place called Wandering Oakens trading post, I entered and went to get some warmer clothes. Then this man came in and I asked him if he had seen anything strange and he said yes the type of strange that was like my sister. So I comanded him to take me to the North Mountain. So that's where we were heading.

We got to know each other and his name is Kristoff and he is very nice. On our journey we met a talking snowman who called himself Olaf and he freaked me out at first but then it was fine. He knew where Elsa was so he helped us try and find her. When we did we saw that she had made a massive ice palace. I said that I should go in alone for a minute to talk to her so they stayed outside.

Elsa's Point of View

Anna came in and started saying how she wasn't scared how we could be together as a family again. But I said no and walked away. She came following me and I told her to go home and enjoy the sun and all that. She replied saying that Arendelle was covered in complete snow. I was so scared, I thought that I was free so this got me more and more scared cause Anna kept carrying on. I let go again and I struck ice and it went into Anna's heart. This time I told her to leave and she did with the help with a little creation I made.

Anna's Point of View

"Your hairs turing white," Kristoff said to me. I was like what and it was. Kristoff knew where we had to go and I followed him so did Olaf. We ended up in a place full of rocks. But then they started moving and I realised that they were trolls. They realised me and they put me next to Kristoff. My hair started to go even whiter and i fell into Kristoff's arms. Then the head troll came over and said that I had ice in my heart and only an act of true love could thaw it.

Elsa's Point of View

I looked out the door of my palace and I saw that Hans and guards were here. I ran up into one of the rooms and two guards came into the room I was in. I started firing ice at them defending myself and then Hans came up saying "Don't be the monster they fear you are." I stop but then passed out as I fell over and the ice.

I woke up in a dungeon which was in the kingdom and said to them that I cannot unfeeze everything cause I don't know how. Hans said that he will try.

Anna's Point of View

We arrived at the kingdom and I was freezing cold. They took me to Hans and Kristoff left. I told Hans everything and he was about to kiss me but then he didn't. He put out all the fires and said that he was going to kill Elsa and save summer and then become king. I tried stopping him but because I was so weak I couldn't reach the door in time.

Olaf then came in the door and started a fire. I told him about what happened with Hans and he told me how Kristoff left me forever. I thought that's it Kristoff he's my act of true love. I said to Olaf that I needed to get to Kristoff and he understood why. Each way we went we got trapped so we had to take the window. We slide down the castle and headed for the gates. I started shouting Kristoff's name and walking but I didn't know where I was going cause of the blizzard.

Elsa's Point of View

I couldn't see where I was going when I escaped the dungeon because of the blizzard I was causing. I turned around and seen Hans and he told me that I killed my sister as I struck her in the heart with ice. I felt so bad that I dropped to the ground and the blizzard stopped. I suddenly felt something cold touch me and I turned around and it as Anna frozen.

Anna's Point of View

The blizzard stopped and I could see Kristoff in the distance and we started running to each other but then I saw Elsa and Hans was about to kill her so I ran towards her instead I stopped him from killing her and he was pushed back and I turned to ice.

Elsa's Point of View

I was so sad I killed my sister. Kristoff and Olaf were were around and I was in bits. I hugged my sister who was frozen and cried on her shoulder. Suddenly she was alive again and we hugged each other tightly. "You scarificed yourself for me," I said to her. "Because I love you," she said to me. "An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart," Olaf said. I thought love will thaw and that was the answer love. I unfroze Arendelle so it was back to normal.

Anna went and punched Hans in the face and all the traders who came apologised and we said goodbye. Me and Anna opened the gates and are nevre going to close them again.

North's Point of View

As you can see Jack they love each other and will do anything to protect the ones they care about. Now what do you think about my mix of people you could have.

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