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North's Point of View

So that was his story, this next person is called Merida. She is the Princess of Dunbroch and is an excellent archer. Her story starts off like this and she took it all in her power to make sure she didn't have to do what her story is about. Her father lost his leg against the bear Mordu and the story became legend.

Merida's Point of View

I became a sister to 3 new brothers, 3 devils more like. They can get away with annything, I cannot get away with anything. I'm the princess, my whole life is set out in front of me, Until the day comes well to become my mother. She controls everyday of my life. But there is one day where I don't have to be a princess. No expectations a day where anything can happen, a day where I can change my fate.

That day I ran put to get Angus my horse and rode off into the forest. I placed targets so I could shoot my arrows with my bow. We did this all day until sunset came I climbed the Kings Tooth and drank from the fire falls. I stood at the top of the Tooth and felt free. No one telling me what to do. Doing whatever I like. I then went back to Angus and we headed home for something to eat.

I went into the kitchen and picked up an apple and little mini plateful of cakes for my brothers. I went into the hall to sit at the table and my dad was telling the bear story again. I cut him off "Chop dads leg was clean off, down the monsters throat it went." "Thats my favourite part." My father said. I put my bow on the table but my mother was like "Merida no weapons on the table." "It's just my bow," I said to her. "Princess's shouldn't have weapons in my opinion." My dad said to her leave me be. I then winked at my brothers and showed them the cakes and I chucked them under the table for them to have. "Fergus, they've all accepted," my mother said unexpectedly. My dad looked like what and I'm sat here confused. "Who's accepted what mother," I asked her. She said that brothers were excused and so I was like what I have done now." "The tribes have accepted to be here for your betroval." "What!" "Merida this is what you've been preparing for your whole life." "No it's what you've been preparing me for, I won't go through with this, and you can't make me!" I shouted and stormed off.

I grabbed my sword and started hitting the post on my bed. Then my mother came in and started telling me the story of the ancient kingdom like always. The story where the oldest brother followed his own path and everything fell to pieces. "It's not fair," I said to her. "It's marriage it's not the end of the world." She left and I slammed my door on her.

The day came where it was the celebration of the suitors. I wasn't going to let this happen. My mom got me all dressed up and I looked riduculous. We went down to the hall and the 3 tribes came in. All of their sons looked ugly and I didn't like any of them. The fun part was that they all started fighting each other. Then my dad got involved and that was more funny. My mom got up after a while and stopped them. She started speaking about the games for who would be with me. She said that the princess herself could decided. So I jumped out of my seat and said "Archery, archery. I choose archery." This was my chance to stop all of this.

We all got ready for the boys to compete and I hid my bow and arrow from my mom and dad. The first one almost didn't even hit the target as he was so bad. The next was pretty impressive but not quite the middle. The last one was very dumb he couldn't even hold it properly. But when my dad shouted shoot I was gone getting ready for my shot. I stood up and said "I am Merida and I will be shooting for my own hand." I went to lift my bow and arrow but cause the dress was so tight I ripped it so I could shoot. I hit the first one and the second and as my mom was coming towards me and shot my third and it went straight through the third. I looked around and me and my mother glared at each other.

She chucked me into the room with the tapestry and she said "You embarressed them, you embarressed me." "I followed the rules," I said to her. "Urgh you never listen to me, you boss me around telling me what to do, what not to do, well I'm not going to be like you.""I am the queen you listen to me." "You are a beast that's what you are, I'm never going to be like you, I'd rather Die than be like you!" I shouted at her. "Merida you are a princess and I expect you to act like one." She grabbed my bow and threw it into the fire. I was so upset I left and ran to Angus and went into the forest.

Angus threw me off in the middle of the stones in the forest where we last saw Mordu. I then saw a wisp and it started leading a trail so I followed them. It lead me a cottage and I went in and there was an old women. She came over to me and when I looked back around her broom was sweeping all by itself. Then a crow started talking to me, "Your a witch!" I said to her I'd but it all for a spell. She took the deal and made me a cake. She said I should give it to my mom and it would change my fate.

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