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North's Point of View

The first person I think that you could have is a girl with the name Rapunzel, I sadi to Jack once he told me I had his full attention. She has the ability to heal people with her hair, yes I know very strange. She has this ability from a magical flower which was used to heal her mum as she was very sick and from that day forward when she was born the magic was in her body. The story of Rapunzel starts like this and this is why you need to pay attention Jack. You know when I said she was born, well that night a women named Mother Gothel as she likes to be called kidnapped Rapunzel as for she wanted the healing power to keep herself young and beautiful forever. She locked Rapunzel deep in the forest where no one could find her and raised her as her own. She never let Rapunzel go outside as she said it was dangerous and she would be safe inside.

Rapunzels Point of View (North is still telling Jack the story of Rapunzel so this is in the story)

Same things each day, but today is the day I'm gonna ask her, I'm sure that she'll say yes I mean it's my 18th. Oo she's here ok lets do it. "Rapunzel let down your hair," I heard her call, "Coming Mother," I called back. "Mother I was wondering as it's my 18th tomorrow could I go outside," I asked politely. Well i could of guessed what her answer was cause I was correct. The answer was no. So instead I asked for a new set of paints. It would take her three days so i would be alone which was fine as I'm used to it.

Once she was gone this guy climbed my tower so I knocked him out as I was scared. When he woke up I got some info out of him and convinced him to take me to the lanterns and return me safely and I would give him what he wanted back.

I've had an incredible journey with this guy and is name is Eugene. We just survived a drowning incident. He cut his hand during the process so I healed him with my powers. He was shocked so he went to get more wood for the fire. Then my mother had found me and sadi she was taking me home. I refused and said no.

She then left saying "If he's lying don't come crying Mother Knows Best." Eugene then came back with more wood for the fire.

It was the day of my birthday and we went to see the lanterns when it got dark. I watched as they lit up the night sky and it was a beautiful site. When it was over we went to the beach as Eugene had to do something. The next thing I see is that he is on a boat sailing away and two men are trying to kidnap me. I ran for my life and got stuck then heard my mothers voice so went back to have a look. I ran to her saying "You were right mom."

When we got back I started seeing the sun symbol from the palace all over my room. I then realised that I was the lost princess. Mother heard me so came up to check and see if I was alright. I told her everything and became to leave. As I did she got me and put me in chains.

Eugene then climbed the tower and got stabbed by Mother. I said "If you let me heal him we can be togther just like you want, I promise." She let me heal him but instead he cut all my hair and I saw Mother go old and gray and vanished into thin air. But Eugene he died.

"Heal what has been lost, change the fates design, save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine," I sang. Suddenly a glow started and my hair came back and Eugene was alive. We stayed in the tower together and lived cause I didn't want to live with the King and Queen.

North's Point of View

Now do you see Jack why I think you should have her. She has a true heart and has healing properties which could help your team.

Sorry this chapter was so long a few of the others will be like this just so you know. Comment on what you thought. Also I changed the ending in case some of you thought thats not how it ended.

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