You Need A Team

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Jack's Point of View

I was so tired after the fight with Pitch and becmoming a guardian that I went to find a room in North's Palace to lie dowm. But then I had this crazy dream, the moon was telling me that Pitch was not gone and would return. Then he said that we would not be able to defeat him, and that I would need to find myself a team with a total of six. I woke up in terror wondering could this be true.

I went to go and find North and see what he would think of my dream. When I finally found him, he said to me, "Jack you need to find yourself a team. Pitch is not gone he will return and be stronger than ever and we won't be able to defeat him." I was so shocked, didn't I only just have a dream about that. "North how did you know, I was just coming to ask you about it because I had a dream about it and I wanted to see what you thought about it," I said to him. "I know the moon gave it to you, the dream, and told the rest of us just a minute ago," he replied.

I was so confused from what he was saying but then I finally got my head around it. "I have no idea where to start, who am I supposed to pick and where am I gonna find them," I asked. North looked like he knew like always. "North you got an idea there cause you look like you do," I said to him. "I have an idea of who you could have, so listen very carefully Jack Frost," he replied to me.

What was he cracking on about, he knew who I could have and everything, telling me to listen carefully. This had better be worth it cause otherwise it is a waste of my time as for I could be finding my team right now. "Ok North you have my full attention, and this better be worth it," I said to him becoming interested. "Don't worry it should be worth it," he replied.

Hey everyone who has read the first chapter please comment on what you thought and just thought you should know that this is my first time writing a story so I wanna know what you thought and everything. Also I might do a sequel (so others) to go with this one. Thanks

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