Chapter 3- To See You Again

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Chapter 3 - To See You Again

Ten Years Ago
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts


She was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

Perfect brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and the most heart-capturing smile he's ever seen. Alex knew he wasn't drunk this night... yet. Still, she's a vision to him. Like an angel sent to torment the most patient of men.

He's never been this mesmerized by any girl. Yes, he's seen a lot of beautiful women out there and dated most of them. But something about her says that she wasn't like the women he dated. She was so much more. Alex shook his head at the poetic words brought about by a moment of insanity. He looked at the drink he cradled in his hand and downed it in one gulp. The scotch trailed a path of fire down his throat and warmed his insides.

Yep, alcohol to give him courage for he decided he'd talk to her after staring at her for most of the time he spent on this bonfire event held in his university. Alex stood up and crossed the crowded area filled with couples dancing to the loud, upbeat music.

He smiled. Later tonight, he was sure he'd dance with her—his angel.

Slowly, he made his way towards her. Her eyes were on him the whole time and there was a fierce expression in those eyes as she stared at him.

"Hi," he greeted. She didn't reply but tilted her chin upwards to acknowledge his presence. "My name's Alex Smith," he introduced. This time, she smiled and his heart skipped a beat.

"Oh it's you," she hissed. "What?" he asked with a frown as he saw the murderous gaze she threw him. Truly, if a single look could kill, he'd be dead by now. He wasn't prepared for the next set of events. He never even imagined his night would suddenly go wrong like this.

She raised her perfectly manicured hand and swung it with as much force as she could. It connected with his right cheek and the force of the slap made his eyes water and his cheek sting.

"That's for breaking my friend's heart, you asshole!" she screamed before she stomped away. She threw him one last look and he saw the satisfied glint in her eyes.


December 30, 2013, 1500 hours
The Ritz-Carlton
Washington, D.C.

Alex smiled as he recalled that particular memory. Instinctively, he raised his hand to touch his cheek because even when so much time has passed, he still remembered how much her slap hurt.

The next time he saw her, he approached her to ask which friend she slapped him for. It was actually an innocent question. He's dated so many girls and broken so many hearts. But Isobel took it the wrong way and it earned him another slap.

The third time he saw her, he wore his football helmet.

Alex laughed as memories washed over him. He shook his head and stopped when he saw several people stare at him like he was crazy. Maybe they were actually right. Alex lowered his hand and glanced at his watch. He was really behind schedule.

The soonest available flight to Washington was after lunch. While he waited, he called Hack and asked him to find out everything he can about Isobel Clayton. Several hours later, exactly before he boarded his plane, Hack sent him the report on Isobel. And while he was on his flight, he read everything. He knew most of the things about her but still, he read every word like it was the most-awaited new book in his favourite series.

Every award she won, he knew. Every important thing that happened to her career, he knew and he was very happy for her. This was the life she deserved. She deserved all those awards she got and more. She was excellent in her field of work and Alex was so damned happy for her. Also, he couldn't help but wonder how her father, President Clayton, handled her choice of career. He wanted her to be a politician like him. Her being a journalist was far from her father's dream.

But no one could dictate to Isobel Clayton. She was a free-spirited, independent woman. When forced to do something, the first thing she did was to rebel. Alex raised an eyebrow. Maybe this was her act of rebellion against her father. He couldn't help the grin that spread across his face. President Clayton truly deserved this and so much more.

The plane landed in D.C late in the afternoon. By that time, Alex had already rehearsed all the possible lines he will say to her. He envisioned her reply and also thought of a clever comeback. He kept on thinking about those as he rode a cab to the five-star hotel he co-owned with his friend Nikos Demakis. He stayed in that hotel whenever he was in the US—which was rare for he was always abroad on a mission.

After unpacking his things and taking a shower in his penthouse suite, Alex went down to the hotel's bar for a drink. He cradled the glass of Scotch in his hands as thoughts of Isobel flitted through his mind. He knew what she looked like now because of all the pictures Hack sent. Even before that, he knew how she looked for he watched all her documentaries.

Still, seeing her on television or in pictures couldn't compare to the real thing.

Would she still be angry with him for leaving several years ago? Had she moved on and forgotten all about him? Or will she remember the past as he remembers everything that happened to both of them?

He thought about these things over and over again. When he glanced at his watch, is seemed as though time flew and it was now close to midnight. Alex retrieved several bills from his wallet and handed it to the bartender. Slowly, he got up and started heading for his room. Tomorrow, he'll talk to Isobel. For now, he knew she was safe for he instructed Hack to send men from the security firm he owned to watch over Isobel. He trusted them and they were good. She'll be safe for now.

While he was on the elevator, his phone rang.

"What?" he hissed after he saw that it was Hack calling. This guy really picked the time of his calls and he always chose the most inopportune moments. "Chief, checked the website and saw that Garreth James offered to take the contract to kill Ms. Isobel Clayton. Contract was granted to him a few minutes ago and I think he's on his way. The men we sent to the hotel aren't responding anymore. I also tried to call one of Isobel's personal bodyguards and nobody's answering," he said.

Hack's words turned Alex's blood into ice. Sweat dotted his brow and his heart started to beat faster as adrenaline flooded his system. Garreth was one of the best mercenaries in the field. When he accepted a contract, he made sure that the job was truly done. Up to now, no one ever escaped him. In so many ways, Garreth was like Alex. He was cunning, ruthless and without mercy.

"Where is Isobel right now?" Alex asked.

December 31, 2013, 0100 hours
The Ritz-Carlton
Washington, D.C.

Isobel Clayton exited the shower.

She went to her suitcase and retrieved her sweatpants and a comfortable T-shirt. She finger-combed her hair to ease out the tangles and decided to forego blow-drying it today. She was so tired and she just wanted to curl up in bed to sleep. Her fingers ached from all the typing and writing she did earlier today. Her ears also felt like they were blistered because of the shouts she received from her editor because she was running late for yet another deadline.

So much for being the president's daughter, right?

Nope. Not even that status could save her from her editor, whom she called Lucifer. Isobel was just glad she was able to finish everything and now she will get her much needed rest.

She towel dried her hair and went through her night time rituals of placing moisturizer, braiding her hair and placing lotion on her body. Then, she crawled to her bed, went under the covers and slept like the dead.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief when he finally arrived at Isobel's hotel. Hack already infiltrated their systems to see which room Isobel was staying. Alex was on his way there right now. He punched the button to the floor that housed the expensive penthouse suites for she was staying in one of them. He leaned on the mirrored walls of the elevator as he waited for it to take him to Isobel's floor.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror and wondered what she would see.

Has he changed so much during the past eight years? Alex frowned as he struggled to recall. Was it eight or ten?

Will she still feel something for him? Has she forgotten him? Or does she still think about him like he always thought about her? She occupied his mind whenever he was not on a mission. It took all of his self-control not to fly to her and seek her out to ask for another chance and to explain everything.

But Alex remembered who she was and who he isn't.

She was the beautiful, smart and adventurous award-winning journalist who also happened to be the only daughter of the most influential man in the world. And him? He was an orphaned mercenary who had a lot of money to his name but nothing else aside from that.

The elevator dinged and the doors slowly opened. Alex's pulse started to race. Finally he was going to see her. But what was he supposed to do? Knock on her door?

Say she opens it, then what?

Hi Isobel, it's me Alex. Remember me? Your college boyfriend? You once loved me enough to run away with me but I didn't show up and I broke your heart. Sorry about that.

Alex scoffed. Those words would earn him a slap in the face. Knowing Isobel, she'd give him several. Well, he deserved it—and more. When the doors fully opened, Alex felt a prickle of unease. Instantly, he was on alert. As a mercenary, he fully trusted his instincts because it was what kept him alive in battle.

To his right, he saw a man dressed as one of the hotel staff. Alex walked past him and from the corner of his eye, he saw the man touch an earpiece and speak into it. Alex tried to act nonchalant as he strolled down the wide corridor to go to Isobel's room. He kept his eyes and ears alert though.

He rounded a corner and stared at the numbers on the doors. Standing outside one of the doors was another hotel staff. He had a trolley of food in front of him. He smiled as Alex approached and he realized that it was outside Isobel's door. This was where he truly knew there was something wrong.

Isobel was the president's daughter and her bodyguards should've been crawling all over the place. But there wasn't a single one of them.

Alex moved to knock on the door but the man intercepted him. "Sir, the room is being cleaned as of now, please come back later," the staff told him. He knew it was no staff and he saw the bloody hand he struggled to hide beneath a pristine white towel.

Alex smiled.

"Sorry. I'll come back in a few minutes," he said as he turned slowly. The man nodded to him and resumed staring at the door. That was his chance. Alex swung his right foot up and it connected with the man's jaw. The attack took him by surprise and he ended up sprawling backwards and knocking over the trolley of food. It sent plates and silverware crashing onto the floor.

Alex didn't wait for him to get up. Without wasting another second, he kicked the door open and burst inside the room. The first thing he saw was a man dressed entirely in black. He held the end of a rope in each of his hands and was bent over Isobel's bed.

"Isobel!" Alex shouted as he lunged. He tackled the man on the back and both of them ended up on the floor. Alex wrapped his arm in a death grip over the assailant's neck effectively cutting his air supply. He tried to budge Alex and elbowed him in the ribs several times but it was no use.

"Isobel!" he repeated. This time, she stirred and he saw her rise from the bed. She took in the scene through dazed eyes. It was as if she was moving in slow motion. Then, she blinked as if realizing the gravity of the situation and vaulted off the bed towards the other side. Her eyes were wide with fear as she quickly fumbled through the bedside drawer.

Alex groaned in pain when the man's elbow connected hard with his ribs. His grip loosened for a split second and that was all the man needed. He freed himself from Alex's choke hold and breathed in much needed air. Alex pumped his legs and arched his back. Instantly, he was standing again and he let his right hand fly. It connected with the man's nose and he heard a satisfying thud. The man staggered backwards and Alex followed it up with another kick. It connected with his ribs and he almost fell. But at the last second he was able to right himself and clutched his ribs as he panted. Alex dropped low and swung his right leg in a sweeping motion. This finally made the burly man lose his balance and he toppled over.

Suddenly, the one dressed like a staff who served as a lookout burst through the door. This time, he was carrying a gun and it was pointed directly at Alex. He rolled and jumped to the other side of the bed.

"Alex?" Isobel squeaked. Her frightened eyes took him in and he saw an unbelieving look in her face. He also noticed she was holding a 9mm pistol. It was pointed at the door but her hands were badly shaking. Alex wrenched it from her and used his left hand to force her to duck as the first shots were fired.

It hit the wall behind him. Alex peeked over the bed and also fired two shots. The first hit the man on the chest and the second hit him between the eyes. He dropped dead on the floor. The other man, realizing defeat, struggled to get up and before Alex could shoot him too. He ran through the corridor and rounded the corner before Alex could give chase.

But chasing them down wasn't his priority— her safety was.

"Alex?" Isobel repeated. She was pale and she was shaking from head to foot. He noticed her shoes on the floor and he picked it up and threw it to her. "Put those on, we're leaving," he ordered.

"W-what?" she asked. Clearly, she was still dazed. It was traumatic to see what happened and to realize that someone almost killed you. Alex sighed and approached her slowly. "I'll explain on the way. Isobel, please. Come with me. You're not safe here. Your guards aren't anywhere. I think they were already killed. Please, we have to go," he pleaded.

That seemed to snap her out of her trance and she put on her shoes and grabbed her jacket and handbag. "I'd have to call my dad," she told him. "When we're out of here, call whoever you like. I just have to get you somewhere safe then I'll explain everything," he told her.

He started to walk and he expected her to meekly follow him but she grabbed his hand and stopped him in his tracks. "Wait! How do I know you're not one of them?" she asked.

Alex opened his mouth and his face shut down in the mask he always wore when he refused to show his emotions. He was taken aback by her question and her words stung him to his very core. He didn't say anything and closed his parted lips.

She was safe with him. Truly, she was the one thing in his life he'd hate losing.

"If I was, I would've killed you right now instead of trying to save you," Alex hissed. He turned around and she let go of his hand. She looked like she wanted to apologize but he didn't want to hear her words. She had every right to doubt him.

Isobel wished she hadn't touched him. The instant her skin touched his, what felt like an electricity current ran through her skin. Then all the memories she strove to keep buried burst towards the surface of her mind.

She recalled him running the back of his fingers down her cheek before he bent and kissed her lips, how he touched her with those callused fingers and how he brought her to the brink of pleasure over and over again.

Isobel noted the hard edge in his voice and she was almost sorry for doubting him. She knew there was a threat in her life—there was one in any journalist's life. She just never thought it was this serious. She never even imagined she'd wake up with a man looming over her to kill her. But she also didn't imagine that Alex Smith would be the one to save her.

But he was right. If he was trying to kill her, he would've done it easily like he did to the other men. He could've easily overpowered her and she wouldn't have been able to do anything except put up a weak fight. So she pursed her lips and followed him outside to the elevator. He pressed the button and the doors closed. He held two buttons down so that the elevator wouldn't make a stop on any of the other floors.

Isobel leaned against the mirrors and allowed herself to look at Alex through one of his reflections. It was dark a few minutes ago and she didn't really get the chance to look at him. Now, she did... and she looked her fill.

Seeing him made her feel like she a woman dying from thirst who was suddenly being given a pitcher of ice-cold water.

He looked the same but there were lines in his face that denoted his age. But it was the same blue-green eyes, the same nose and the same stubborn jaw. The biggest change in him was his body, though. Before he was lean and muscled—the body of an athlete. Now, he was much bigger. With every movement, she could see his muscles bunch beneath the black shirt he wore. His bigger body made him look more menacing. He looked stronger and the small scars that crisscrossed his arms made him look several times more dangerous.

He wasn't the same Alex she knew before. Gone was the easygoing football quarterback she dated and in its place was a hardened man who didn't even think twice about killing. But she was thankful that he came in time or else she would be the one lying in a pool of her own blood and not the men who tried to kill her.

The elevator doors opened and Alex grabbed her hand. He crossed deserted parking lot with big strides that she struggled to keep up with. He stopped in front of a black Camaro and opened the door for her.

"Get in," he commanded. Isobel's eyebrows rose and she hesitated. Should she really come with a man she knew nothing about? Someone she dated before and broke her heart? Someone who came back several years later in time to save her?

First of all, how did he know about the threat to her life? Unless he was part of it? Or part of something bigger?

Alex sighed. "Isobel, you're safe with me. I'm not going to hurt you. I'll drive and explain everything on the way. You can call your father and your bodyguards when I'm certain that we're out of harm's way," he told her.

She clutched her bag tighter and got into his car even when every instinct she possessed screamed at her that this was wrong. Also, self-preservation kicked in and she started to recall all the pain she suffered when he left.

She regretted coming with him the instant that she sat in the passenger seat. Alex slammed the door shut and went around the car to the driver's seat. She saw him scan the area before he got in and started the engine.

Then, he glanced at her and she had a glimpse of the old Alex.

He stared at her for a few seconds as though taking in the sight of her. He looked at her the same way he did all those years ago. He looked at her like she was his salvation, his greatest treasure—something he'd fight to the death for.

Several years ago, he looked at her with so much joy and disbelief. When she asked him about that before, he told her that he just couldn't believe that she's his; that someone like her could love someone like him.

Now, gone was the joy and in its place was regret. It was an expression similar to a man who found the most beautiful jewel in the world would have. But he couldn't keep the said jewel and had to let it go...

Isobel watched as Alex slowly shook his head and turned to look ahead. He placed the car into gear, exited the parking lot and they sped off into the busy streets of D.C.

Writer′ s NoteHope you guys could support me by buying the next few chapters! You can wait for 7 days for it to be free but a few coins would mean soooo much. I can write more and make this my job. Haha. Thanks!

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