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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

I stared at Heath. I am shocked. Is this a dream? What is he doing here?

"I brought breakfast for you", he said smiling and put it in a plate. I am still looking at him with shock. I came out of my trance as he put the plate in front of me.

"Heath, what are you doing here? Where am I?!", I asked him as I stood up from the bed.

"You are in my island. Actually our island. I brought it a year ago, so that we can come here on vacation anytime we want and can have some alone time", he explained while smiling. Why doesn't he stop smiling?

"Our island? What do you mean and... How am I here? I was sleeping at my house last night and when I woke up, I am here. I don't remember you waking me up and coming with here".

"Today morning I came to your house at four in the morning to wake you up and take me with you here, but when I saw you sleeping I didn't have the heart to wake you. Do you know that you look so beautiful when you are sleeping?

So, I picked you up in my arms and carried you to my car. From there we got to the airport and we got on my private jet. Then I brought you here and about the island, I told you I bought it for us.", he said while tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. I pushed his hand away.

"You can't bring me where ever you want and whenever you want! This is called kidnapping! Urrgh Heath! I don't even know where I am on this planet now! You don't have any right to bring me here!", I said angrily. He smirked.

"You think I can't. I have every right to bring you here. Read the contract twice. The man who bought you will have every right to court you and take you to any place he wants. The only thing I can't do is touch you in that way without your permission. Although I won't do it even if it isn't written in the contract".

"So you brought me here?! To an island?! Is there anyone in this island at least?".

"No. Only the two of us. Actually there are total six people including you and me. Mr. Brown's family lives here, cause they are the one that looks after the island and this house".

"But I want to go back. I don't want to be here with you", I expressed calmly.

"Why?", he asked as he came near me.

"Heath, I know you are trying to make me fall for you again. But it will never happen".

"Nothing is impossible baby".

"Don't call me that", I said while glaring.

"I like to call you that. No, actually I love calling you that", he smiled and came near me with a plate of food again.

"Heath please".

"Come on eat breakfast", he said again.

"I don't want to", I said and went out of the room. I tried to go out of the house for air, but the house is so big. I got lost for at least five minutes.

"Where do you want to go?", Heath asked. But I ignored him. He kept following me. Where ever I go, I meet with a dead end. I gave up after a few minutes. I turned back and found Heath looking at me patiently, waiting for me to say something.

"I... Uh... I want some fresh air".

"Come, I will take you out. We can go to the beach", he said pulling his hand out for me to take it. I looked at his hand and then at him. I didn't take his hand and walked ahead. I hear him sigh and come with me, maintaining a little distance. It feels so strange to walk with a distance between us. Once we were a couple, now... not even a mere aquaintanance. Then I remembered something. Paul.

"Heath, can I borrow your phone? I need to call Paul to tell him where I am". Hearing that his face turned into anger. His lips were gone into a thin line. His jaw clenched. He then looked at me and gave me a stern nod.

We walked to the beach in an awkward silence. The air is cool, though the sun is shooting hot rays. The sand in the beach is warm. I raised my hands up and stretched my body not noticing that Heath is watching. I turned to look at him and found him looking down. That's when I noticed that I am in a mid-thigh nightie. A freaking nightie! I quickly put my hands down. I cleared my throat.

"Um... So, where is this island exactly located?", I asked trying to make a conversation.

"What? You really want to know about the exact location of the island?", he asked amused.

"Not really. I am just trying to make conversation", I admitted and turned other way. I walked along the beach and some small waves hit my legs, sending chills all over my body due to their coolness.

Heath didn't say anything. He just came along with me. There is a comfortable silence between us. I am walking front and Heath is walking my back, with some distance between us. I turned back and found Heath walking carefully, while looking down. I followed his gaze and found what he is looking at.

There are my footsteps on the sand, as I am walking closer to the water. Heath is walking beside them, making his footsteps just beside mine. His left footstep, beside my right footstep. His right footstep, beside my left footstep. I looked up and found him still doing the same. I quickly turned back and a tear fell from my eye. My inner feelings for him are waking up.

I took a few quick steps and turned my direction to left to go back to the house. I folded my hands near my chest while walking fast. Don't be soft Celestine! He is doing all this to make you fall for him! Remember how he said that he was only with you for the company?! There must be something again this time!

I hear his footsteps behind me and rubbed my tears away.

"Celestine! What happened are you okay? Suddenly you turned back", he asked as he came near me.

"Yeah. I want to go to the house. I want to bath", I said making a reason.

"Oh, okay", he said while walking along with me.

I walked fast and soon we are near the house. I didn't see it from outside when I came out and now I am looking at it. It is so big! I knew it was big, but I didn't expect it to be this big.

"Wow! It's almost a mansion".

"Yeah", Heath said. I looked clearly at the top and found two words carved on the mansion. HC. My eyes widened, by looking at them. They are carved beautifully in some writing style.

"Heath! What is that?!", I asked pointing to it. He smiled big.

"Our initials. Do you like it?".

"What?! No! Why would I?! Heath see... Maybe if you would have done all these when I was with you, it would have mattered to me so much. But not now! I... I don't like our initials carved on a mansion you bought! Why are you even doing all this?! I told you I am not giving you a chance! Then why?! I know there must be some reason as to why you are doing this! Tell me what is it?!".

"You! You are the reason. I don't want anything from you. Celestine. Listen clearly. I am business man and one of the very powerful man. I don't need anything from you. I just want a chance. A chance to prove myself to you! A chance to tell that I am in love with you! A chance to say I am sorry! A chance to show my love and love you!".

I just stared at him with tears in my eyes. I looked away from him.

"You believed me when I told you lies, then why don't you believe me when I tell you the truth?! A real truth. I love you. I love you!", he shouted in the end.

I can't hear anymore. I ran inside. I went to the room that I woke up in and closed the door behind me. I fell on the bed and a few tears fell.

Should I give him a chance? No! He cheated on me! I love him so much and he just threw my love like it meant nothing to him! He didn't respect my love for him! He slept with someone while he is with me! Now he appears out of nowhere and wants me back?! I am not some toy to be taken back! I have a heart too! I will not give him a chance! I like Paul and I will marry him soon!

With that thought I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up and found that it's already four in the evening. Did I sleep that much time?! I stood up from the bed and went found myself still in the nightie of last night. I scrunched my nose in disgust. I decided to bath. Then I realised that I don't have any clothes. I went outside to find Heath. I searched for him, but he is nowhere. Where is he?

"Heath!", I called out.



Still nothing.

"Heath!", this time I called out louder.

"Celestine! Baby what happened?! Are you okay?!", Heath asked while running to me. He came near me and lifted my shoulders to check. I pulled my hands away.

"Heath, what are you doing?", I asked him confused.

"You shouted my name and I thought you are hurt. Are you?", he asked with concern.

"No. I am fine". Then I noticed him.

He is wearing a dark grey apron.

"Heath what is this? Why are you wearing an apron?", I asked looking at him and found a little baking powder on his face.

"I... I was just making a strawberry cake for you. I know you like it", he said while blushing a little. I smiled at him.

"Thank you Heath".

"You are welcome. Celestine, we are having a date tonight. I put the dress in the wardrobe of your room. Please wear it". I sighed.

"Heath, I don't want to go on a dat-".

"Please Celestine. I know you don't want to come, but this is the only week where I can prove my love".

"Kidnapping me and bringing me to an island that I don't know and making me go on a date with you proves nothing Heath, even if you make food for me. It doesn't prove that anything. It doesn't make me love you!", I said angrily and went upstairs.


Hey my cute dumplings!

I hope you guys love what Heath is doing.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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