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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"When did you bring me out of the island?", I asked as I walked over to him.

"When you we sleeping", he responded while staring at me. What happened is, after having dinner with him last night, I went and slept in my room. When I opened my eyes, I am not in the same room. In fact I am not in the same house. Or should I say we are not in the island anymore.

"But why?".

"What why?", he asked me back with a confused look on his face.

"Why did you bring me out of the island?".

"I thought you don't want to stay there and you said I can't make you love me or at least prove my love to you, by taking you to the island. That's why", he reasoned.

I just stared at him not knowing what to say.


"Nothing", I said and turned away.

"Get ready soon baby, we have a long day ahead", he said as he went inside the closet. I followed him inside. I have not seen the closet till now. He flicked on the lights and I looked around. I gasped. There are women clothes here. He went and opened the door of a shelf and there are jewellery inside. There are chains of gold, silver, diamonds and watches and all other type of accessories.

"What is this all?", I asked in shock. He grinned sheepishly.

"You may think I am crazy, but... I brought these all for you. I thought if we get back together and if I have to travel to countries for business, there will be no need for you to pack your bags. You can just come with me. I made sure these are all of your favourite brands. Though if you don't like you can buy what you want. I made sure all my other houses have clothes and jewellery for you", he said.

I gaped in shock at him. My mouth is hanging open.

"Please say something", he said and I closed my mouth.

"Heath... All this... I... There is no need of all these things. We are not getting back together. You can't get me back, by showering me with these stupid clothes and jewellery", I explained calmly, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Baby, I brought these all a year ago. I wanted to make mine again from then, but never gathered the... Just leave it. I brought these all because I love you and want to shower you with happiness. Not to get you back with these. I know you are not like other girls who fall for wealth", he explained.

"But... these is still no need for all these things. What if we don't get back together? This is all a waste", I asked suddenly. He looked at me silently for a few seconds. He turned his gaze away. He looked back at me.

"You are thinking that all these things will be wasted if we don't get back together? Didn't you think of what will happen to me if we don't get back together? Anyway... there is no question of us not getting back together. We will and it's my promise. You may think I am arrogant and I have gone crazy. Then yes, I am crazy for you. There will be no question of us not getting back together".

I don't know what to say to that.

"Get ready soon baby. Wear whatever you want and come down soon. Today is the third day and there are surprises waiting for you", he said as he came near me and kissed my cheek. For some reason, I like it and don't want to push it away. He left the room and I still kept looking at the door he left. I got out of my trance and went into the bathroom.

I bathed and came out. I went to the closet and opened the door. There are a lot of clothes. I ran my hand through the clothes and picked out a baby pink floral print summer dress. I looked at the brand and it's really from my favourite brand. How did he know my favourite brand, when he never paid any attention to me?

I wore the dress with a pair of matching bra and panties inside. I went near the mirror and dried my hair, with the blow drier. After I dried it I tied it up and pulled it front to let it fall from breast to my waist. I looked at myself in the mirror and found my engagement ring on my finger. I looked at it and traced it with my fingers.


I talked to him last night. I explained to him everything. He didn't seem happy, but still didn't say anything. He knows how powerful Heath is. But am I ready to marry him when the time comes? I came out of my thoughts and went down stairs. Heath is waiting for me there and he is checking his watch every few minutes. He must have heard my heels clicking, because he turned around.

He came near me smiling his heart-breaking smile as he came near me and was about to hug me, when I turned my head away. He stopped and I saw his expression dropped. He took his hands back and stuffed them in his pockets. I feel bad that from treating him like this. Things are happening, just like the way I wanted when I was married to him. He is too late.

"Um... Ready?", he asked.

I nodded my head in response.

"Okay, let's go", he said and walked through the big front door. He house is a duplex. I didn't have time to notice the house. I walked out with him and his car is waiting for us outside. I walked to the car and he opened the door for me.

"Thank you", I mumbled and sat inside. He shut the door gently and went to the driver's seat. Soon we are in the traffic.

No one of us talked and I decided to talk.

"So, where are we? I mean which city is this?", I asked while looking at him.

"Pairs, the city of love", he said smiling lightly.

"What?! Paris?! Really?!", I asked excitedly. I always wanted to go to Pairs. I even asked Heath once to take me to Paris, but since we are not in a good relationship then, we didn't go. He almost laughed at my reaction.

"Yeah. I know you love Paris", he said while looking at me for a minute second, before looking back at the road as he is driving. There was a silence between us.

"Heath?", I called him.

"Yes", he asked as we stopped near traffic signals.

"How do you know my favourite brands and that I love Paris?", I asked while looking at him. He turned his face away.

He didn't answer for a while.


"There is no need to ask the person we love about their likes and dislikes", he said and I have tears in my eyes, which almost fell down. It was the line once I told him. I looked out of the window, not wanting for him to see my tears. I wiped them as soon as they fell.

The car ride went silently and stopped at a local diner. I gave Heath a confused look. He got out of the car and came to my side to open the door. I came out and he closed the door.

"Let's go", he said as he took my hand. I quickly tired to free my hand form him.

"Heath", I said struggling my hand in his.

"Baby, please let me hold your hand. It means a lot to me really", he said with so much emotion in his voice and how I didn't want to say no to him.

I stopped struggling and let him hold my hand. He intervined our fingers and kissed my hand.

"Thank you. You at least let me hold your hand", he said while staring into my eyes. I looked away.

We walked inside and sat near a table. He sat beside me still holding my hand and put our hands in his lap. A waiter came and she asked Heath for order. She gave him lustful looks and I looked away, but from the corner of my eyes, I saw Heath having an annoyed face. He ordered our breakfast. She went away and I am looking around the diner.

"You know, this is my favourite place in Pairs. The food here is so good", he said while looking at me. I just smiled at him.

The food arrived we ate and came out of the diner. He is still holding my hand, he started walking on the road and I followed him. We were walking and came to a park at the end of the street. We walked inside and we sat on a bench. Heath's cell phone pinged and he took it out. He read message and stood up. I gave him a confused look.

"Baby, wait here for a minute", he said and went away. I saw him disappear near a tree and sat there waiting for him. It's been five minutes since I sat there, I stood up as I decided to go look for him. Suddenly there are kids singing. I turned to look at them and they are singing to me. I looked behind me to see if I am mistaken, but no.

I love you too much

To live without you loving me back

I love you too much

Heaven's my witness and this is a fact

I know I belong

When I sing this song

There's love above love and it's ours

Cause I love you too much

I live for your touch

I whisper your name night after night

I love you too much

There's only one feeling and I know it's right

I know I belong

When I sing this song

There's love above love and it's ours

Cause I love you too much

The kids are singing with a smile on their cute faces. They are holding roses. Everyone is watching. I have tears in my eyes. When the song ended from behind the kids a lot of balloons flew into the sky and some kids are holding cardboard charts.

S O R R Y.

It written on the charts with big letters. Did Heath do all this for me? All the kids ran to me and gave me roses. I feel someone tug my hand and I looked down to see a small girl looking at me with hope in her eyes.

"Pwease fowgive him!", she said cutely in her baby voice. I am sure tears are flowing down my cheeks right now. Then I looked up and found Heath coming back. He stood a few feet away from me. He is holding his ears with his hands, showing that he is sorry. My heart is rushing. He sat on his knees in front of me looking down, like he is ashamed for what he has done in the past.

"Heath", I whispered his name.

"Baby. I don't know where to start to say sorry. But whatever I do will never reverse the pain I caused you. Whatever I do will never show how much I am truly sorry. But if you find in heart a small place for me, please forgive me", he ended and I am sure there are tears in his eyes too.

"Heath", I whispered his name.

"I am so sorry baby. While counting the stars, I didn't the beautiful moon with me. But once the moon left, I don't like the sky or the stars anymore, cause there is no moon n the sky. I truly am sorry", he said still looking down. All the people around are awing and almost have tears in their eyes, but I am too interested to notice.

Heath is here, in front of me kneeling and holding his ears. Asking for my forgiveness like no one ever does to anyone.

"Baby", he whispered looking at me with his tear filled eyes and that is enough for me. I fell on my knees too.

"I forgive you Heath. I do", I said while holding face.

"Really?", he asked with big eyes like a kid. I laughed.

"Yes. Really", I said and he lifted me off the ground.

"Thank you so so much baby. You don't know how happy I am. Thank you so much for finding it in your heart to forgive me", he said as he gently put me on the ground and held my hands.

"You deserve my forgiveness Heath. No just because you did all this, but this shows how much you are sorry. Now that you understood your mistake. I forgave you", I said and he kissed my hands before pulling me closer. He held my face.

"Thank you so much", he said with lot of emotion in his voice.

"You are welcome. Now can we go home?", I asked pulling from him a little, trying to maintain some distance. His face dropped a little when I pulled away. Everyone is watching us.

"Yeah. But wait a minute", he said and went to the kids.

He gave each of them a chocolate and some kids even kids his cheek, which he returned with happy smile. He never used to smile when we were married. I remembered those days, but quickly dismissed them. Some people congratulated him. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see a women of mid-fifties.

"Is he your husband?", she asked.

"Um... No mam. He is my ex-husband".

"Oh dear! I don't know what got you separated, but never leave the person who fights for you and loves you more than themselves", she said while patting my cheek and left.

I turned back to find Heath coming back to me.

"This is a special day for me", he said smiling. I smiled back a little.

"Come on. There is a long day ahead and I want to show the whole Paris", he said as he held my hand and intervined our fingers.

This feels so natural.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Finally, she forgave him. I hope you guys like the way, he asked forgiveness.

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