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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"Wow! It's beautiful!", I said excitedly and smiled at the scene in front of me.

"Not as much as you", I heard Heath say. I ignored his comment and stared at the night beauty of Pairs from the top floor of the building that we are in. I can even see the Efil Tower. It's shining bright due to the lights. We are in a highest floor that I feel that the world is under my legs.

I turned around and came inside feeling tired. I am wearing a pink tank top and a black track pant. I put my hair up in a bun. I wore a sweater feeling cold. Heath followed me inside. I went and sat on the dining table and served myself. I didn't wait and see if he sat or not. He came and sat on the chair beside me. I felt his gaze on me while I am eating. I decided to ignore him.

After forgiving him, he gave me a whole tour of Paris and was beside me all the time, asking me if I want anything or if I am tired. Why was he not like this then? We would have been happy couple now. He paid me so much attention. For a minute it made my heart swell and then I remembered all the things that he did to me and how he hurt me and the feeling stopped.

My mind is occupied my Paul soon. What might he be doing now? Did he eat? I should call him. It's been a whole day. I came out of my thoughts as I heard Heath call.

"Baby, can I ask you something?", he asked and I rolled my eyes at him. I told him a lot of times today not to call me that, but he just won't listen to me. I gave up. I waste to try and tell him.

"Yes", I said and continued eating.

"Can we go on a walk after you ate dinner?", he asked and I paused eating. I looked at him and I feel tears almost glisten in my eyes. It made me remember something that happened between us when we were together.

I sat beside him and kept serving him as the food in his plate is over. I like serving him. I can't stop the smile that appeared on my face and the happiness I felt. He is home early today and eating what I made for him. I was about to put more on his plate when he stopped me.

"Celestine, that's enough. I ate more", he said while putting his hand to stop me.

"But Honey, you ate so less. Just this one. You can sleep happily with your stomach full", I said trying to put food on his plate. He pushed my hand away.

"Can't you understand?! I don't want to eat anymore!", he almost shouted angrily. I put my head down and stopped the tears that were about to fall. I know our house maid heard him and felt myself being embarrassed.

"I am sorry", I whispered and expected something from him. To at least hug me. But he got up and went to wash his hands. All the while I put my head down, not wanting him to see the tears in my eyes. He was about to walk away passing by me, but I stopped him and gulped the lump in my throat down and looked at him smiling.

"What now?", he asked like he is annoyed.

"Can we go on a walk after I eat? I swear I will eat fast. It will not even take three minutes. Please", I pleaded. He sighed.

"What do you want woman?! God! I came home soon today, because you have been nagging me about it for a few!", he shouted.

I flinched at his voice. Is wanting to spend time with my husband wrong? Nag? He feels like I am nagging him? May be I am. Otherwise why would he say it?

"I ate a lot and now you want to go on a walk? You ask it every day! Who walks at this time? Just eat and sleep. I am sleeping too", he said harshly and left to upstairs.

I felt someone hit my heart forcefully. Am I a bad wife? Should I change myself? Maybe I should. Why do I always make him angry? Why can't I be a good wife like he wanted? I felt tears dripping down my cheek and rubbed them away with the back of my hand.

I felt a hand on my left shoulder and turned to see my housemaid looking at me with concern. She gave me a nod saying everything-will-be-okay. I nodded my head back in response and tried to smile. Not having any mood to eat I went back upstairs. But his words still kept rewinding in the back of my mind and tears burned in my eyes, falling continuously.

I came out of my stance when I heard him calling my name, by holding my arm. I blinked twice and looked at him. Anger filled in my heart and I want to push him away. But I don't want to loose my cool. I pushed his arm away and looked at the plate in front of me angrily.

I want to say things that will hurt him, like his words has hurt me once. I know I am being cruel, but I want to show him the taste of his own medicine. But no. I am not that heartless and cruel to behave harshly without thinking about others feelings. What difference will it make between us both if I did so? I looked up at him. He is looking at me with hope in his eyes. He reminded me of myself.

"No", I said simply and continued eating looking at my plate.

"Please Baby. I know I behaved harshly in the past. But not now. Please come on a walk with me", he pleaded. I looked out and it's already dark.

"Heath, it's already night. I don't want to", I tried to make an excuse

"I will be there with you. I know you are scared of darkness. But don't worry, I will hold your hand", he said taking my hand that is on the table. I pulled my hand away from him.

"Heath-", I started, but he cut me off.

"Please", he pleaded again. I huffed and gave up.

"Okay", I said.

"Yes!", he said grinning and stared at me as I started eating again. I felt his staring at me. I looked up and found him smiling at me. This all used to be reverse in the past.

"Heath, stop looking and why are you smiling?".

"Baby, how can I stop looking at you? You are really here with me, in the same room that I am. I can't stop smiling because of the happiness that you are here with me", he said still smiling. I sighed and ate the food. I got up and washed my hands. I turned back and found Heath holding a towel and waiting for me like I used to do. I took it and thanked him before cleaning my hand.

I the zipper of my sweater up and found him near the door. I went to him and got out. He closed the door behind him and we both stepped into the lift. I felt him taking my hand into his, but I didn't entwine my fingers with him. We got out of the lift and walked out of the building. I tried to pull my hand slowly form his grip, but he held it tightly.

"Baby, is something wrong?", he asked with concern.

"Heath... Umm... Please leave my hand", I asked him pleasingly.

"Please let me hold your hand. Who knows what will happen after this week. Please", he pleaded and I just nodded my head. Why can't I ever say no to him?!

We walked slowly on the footpath. The air is cool and it breezed my long hair that I left down freely. There is a comfortable silence between us. I looked up at Heath and caught him staring at me. He quickly turned his head away from me and he blushed a little. I smiled at him and soon hid it. I looked back to the road and we kept walking. I felt a tug on my hair and looked at him.

"Sorry. Umm... Your hair fell on my face. I... I was just trying to put it back", he said nervously.

"Oh. I am sorry", I said and pulled it to other side of my shoulder, so it won't fly due to air.

"No, no. Keep it back and let it fall down. It looks good. I mean you look beautiful. When I said your hair fell on my face, it doesn't mean I hate it. Please don't take it wrong. I like it. I mean not in the creepy way. It's just... you know...", he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I burst out laughing at him blabbering. I can't stop it. I am holding my stomach.

"It's... it's okay Heath. God, I can't stop laughing", I said clutching my stomach and sat on the bench I found. The people passed by gave me strange looks. Heath sat beside me as I still kept laughing.

"You are so beautiful when you laugh you know", he said looking at me and my laughter soon died. I kept looking here and there. I don't know what to say.

"Heath, you can't say things like that to me", I said looking at the engagement ring that Paul gave me. Heath took my hand in his and looked at the ring. His looked angrily at the ring for a minute and then sighed. He looked up at me. I looked at his face.

"Why?", he asked.

"What why? Heath, you should understand. You are my ex-husband. We are not in a rela-", he cut me off.

"I may be. But I want to be your husband now. I know I am selfish. But I want you", he said placing a hand on my cheek.

"Heath no", I said and looked away. Tears are gathering in my eyes.

"I want you back in my life Baby", he said with so much emotion in his voice.

"Heath, it will never happen! Forget me!", I said angrily and stood up, taking my hand from his. He pulled me by my arm and made me look into his eyes.

"Forget you? Forget you?! Do you think I didn't try it?! I tried it every damn day, every damn minute of the first three months when you left me! I kept trying! But the more I tried, the more I loved you. I am still loving you. Each day my love only keeps increasing for you", he said holding my face in his hands. I looked at him through my teary vision. I am shocked.

"You love me?", I asked and my voice is almost a whisper.

"Yes! Yes I love you! Forget you? You know, trying to forget you is like trying to remember the person I don't know. Trying to forget you is like trying to find the end of the sky! How can I forget you, when my heart says your name every time it beats? How can I forget you when you name is written on every breathe I take?", he asked looking into my eyes.

"Heath", I cried.

"Baby, do you know what I realized on the end of that third month?", he asked still holding my face in his hands.

"What?", my voice came out hoarse due to the lumps formed in my throat.

"That I may forget myself who I am, but I will never forget you. I may stop breathing for a second, but I can never stop loving you. The most important is...", he stopped.

I am looking at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I am running from the reality. I am running from something thinking that I am having my freedom thinking that I will be happy not knowing that I am leaving my happiness behind me. I am running from the truth. Do you know what that truth is?", he asked and I saw his eyes moistened.

I shook my head and he smiled at me before kissing my forehead. He leaned his head against mine.

"You. It's you. My reality. My happiness. My truth", he said and his last words are a bare whisper due to the clog in his mouth.

I want to break down right in front of him now. I want to cry it all out. I stood my ground and pulled away from him. I gave him a stern look. I can't fall that easily. I will not be stupid again.

"Baby", he said looking at me confused.

"I want to go home", I said looking down. I heard him sigh.

From the corner of my eye, I found him nodding his head. He took my hand in his and led me back to the hotel.

If only he said these words when we were married. If only he realized it fast. If only he knew how much I love him and cared for him. If only he was like this then. Things would have been different now. Very different.


Hey my cute dumplings!

So, do guys feel angry at Heath for treating her like that or are you guys feeling sorry for Heath?

Please VOTE and COMMENT.


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