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Celestine Allen King's POV

It's been a week since I am came home to dad. All I do is stare at something ideally or cry. I am like a robot or even worse. Right now I am staring at my room's ceiling and tears are automatically coming out of my eyes even without my permission.

Heath didn't even call me once. Why will he call? He must be thinking that he is finally able to get rid of me. I can't this pain.

How can I stupidly believe him with my everything when all he have done is lie on my face everyday.

Everyday I waited for him till he come home and all he do is fuck other women and come warm my bed. Just even thinking about it wants to make me wash away all the places he touched me. I hate his touch now. I hate it. How I admired it at one time.

Mainly the image that I can't get out of my mind is him and the girl I saw having sex room just three days ago. It makes me want to puke right now. It hurts me like hell. The image is like a knife that is being stabbed in my heart again and again.

Why didn't he ever tell me, that he doesn't liked me. It would have been better if he said so, than cheating on my back every day. It would have saved me from falling in love with him. It would have saved me from this heart break.

If he didn't love me, then why did he make love to me or in his case it's just sex for him, but still why?

The knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. The door opened and dad came in. He has dark circle under his eyes. He is sure worried about me. I wiped tears out my eyes.

"Hi princess!", he said while coming inside and he sat on the bed beside me. He had been so worried about me. When he found out what Heath did, he wanted to kill him. He is so furious of the way Heath treated me.

"Hey dad", I said looking down at my fingers.

"Why is room so dark?", he said as he stood up and moved the curtains and the light came in falling on my face.

He came and sat beside me again. There was silence for some time. I didn't know what to say.

"Listen princess, I am not here to give you a lecture now. But know this that I will always be with you and also Kate will be there on your every step. My angel will not cry like this. She should fight. Where is that smile that always makes others smile. It's not you who lost, it's him who lost a diamond.

I don't want you to sit here and make yourself drown in misery. I want my daughter back. I know you feel heart break, but you should come out of it. I want you to go for a vacation. Change of place may give you change of mind. Kate will come with you", he said kissing my forehead and stood up.

"Now I will take leave. Oh and there are divorce papers on you study table. Think about them", he said giving me a last smile and went out of the room.

I sat up from my bed and went to my desk. I took the papers and read them. There is a sign of Heath on one side. I felt numb. All I want to do is sit in a dark room and never face the world. But will that prove anything? No. I should be strong. I should fight. I can fight. I will fight Heath.

All the love I gave, all those kisses and love making, doesn't they mean anything to him? I gave him my everything, which he just threw away like scrap. I feel so ashamed, so stupid. If he wants to get rid of me, then let him have it.

I took the pen and signed on them furiously as the image of him fucking another women came in my mind and the words he said rang in my head. I put my engagement ring and wedding ring on the papers.

I don't to be his wife anymore, not after what I saw.

Just then my door burst open. I jumped a bit. I saw it's Kate and she is carrying...... bags?

"YO BITCH! COME ON LET'S PACK FOR OUR VACATION", she shouted that I covered my ears.

"Vacation?", I asked her confused while she walked to my walk-in closet and I went after her.

"Yeah. Didn't your dad tell you?", she said while talking out some of my clothes.

"Yeah he told, but I didn't think it's this fast".

"We are leaving tonight and I planned a lot for it. We are going to have loads and loads of fun there babe. Get ready", she said.

"Where are we going?", I asked her leaning against my closets door frame.

"Hawaii!!!", she shouted loudly. I know she loves Hawaii a lot.

"Okay", I said and walked in side the closet talking some clothes out silently. I am not really in a mood.

"Hey, come on Celest babe. I know it's very hard for you. But we will get him out of your system soon in this vacation. That bastard deserves to die in hell", she said while laying a hand on my shoulder. I just nodded and we both did all the packing.

"God Celest what are these clothes are you a grandma or something. Do you wear these type of clothes? Please say no. The best friend of a super model should not wear these", she said showing my clothes and looking at them with disgust.

If I am in a mood I would have laughed at the expression on her face.

"Anyway we will shop there, we don't have much time. But are you wearing these type of clothes?", she asked showing me my clothes.

"Heath didn't want me wear anything revealing that attracts any males eyes", I said remembering him. If he didn't like me, then why was he so possessive over me? Whatever, I should stop thinking about him.

Kate didn't say anything just stared at me.

"I am sorry, I got carried away", I said while looking down.

"It's okay babe, we will try hard for you to forget him", she said hugging me.

"Come let's pack", she said and pulled away.

It's soon evening and we reached airport after saying bye to dad and kissed him on the cheek as he kissed my forehead and also Kate's.

We boarded and now we are sitting in our plane. Kate won't stop talking. I am very lucky to have Kate as my best friend.

"Oh and let's not forget about the hot boys near the beach. I am so excited. May be even you may find some one", she said wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"No Kate. I don't think so. I am not ready for any relationship soon", I said looking at her and continued reading my magazine.

Hope this vacation may bring change.


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