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Celestine Allen King's POV

I woke up alone in the bed. Heath went to a business meeting in England and I am all alone in home. I call him twice everyday and he doesn't talk much. I miss him so much. But he will be coming home today. I am excited.

Being alone without him in this big house is so boring and staying that far away is so hard. I want him near me now. Just the thought of him brings smile to my face. God! I love him so much.

He is the most handsome person I have ever seen. Thinking of the things he can do to me makes me all hot and wet.

"Heath I miss you. Come home soon", I thought to myself.

I heard my phone ping on the night stand and picked it up to see. It's a message from Heath.

I will not be coming home today. It might take a while here. I will come two days later.

What? No! I should wait another two days! I replied anyway.

Okay baby. But I will miss you. Come home soon.

I put the phone on the night stand and sighed, then got out of the bed to go to bath. After bath I wore clothes and went to kitchen to eat my breakfast. After finishing it I started writing dialogues for the next episode of the serial.

I am so engrossed in it that I didn't notice my phone ringing. After about ringing so long I noticed it and picked it up.

I answered it without seeing called ID.


"Hey Celest it's me Kate", I froze. I didn't know how to answer it. It's been a month since we both talked and she accused of Heath. To say truth I really miss her.

"Hey", I said without any emotion. I miss her alot. But she accused Heath, I can't just let the matter leave my head.

"Look Celest I am really sorry for saying all those things to you. Maybe you are right. I thought wrong. Anyway you know I will always want good for you. I just miss you a lot. Can we please be friends again? Please, please, pleeeeeeaaaaase", she said all in one breathe without any gap.

I thought about it for a minute. I know she is good and always wants good for me. Whatever she have is for me to not get cheated. Now she is apologizing cause she knows the mistake. I think I can forgive her. In fact she is my best friend and every one does mistakes.

"I forgive you and I missed you too", I said vulnerably.

"Thank you, thank you sooooo much", she shouted from the other end that I pulled my phone away from my ear and laughed at her.

"So, where is Heath?", she asked.

"He is in a business meeting in England", I said smiling.

"England?", she asked suspiciously.

"Yeah England. Why?",

"Nothing. Hey are you busy today?".

"No. I am free".

"Can you come to Four Seasons hotel. I miss you. We can catch up and enjoy some time. You can kill time cause Heath is not home".

"Okay. I will be there in twenty minutes", I said and hanged up.

I got ready and am on my way to the hotel. My driver took me there and soon I am there. I got out of the car and went inside.

I can't find her anywhere. I searched for her and there I found her near the pool. I hugged her and smiled while pulling away.

"Hey, how are you?", she asked.

"I am fine and you?", I asked her.

"Not that good. Okay let's go to my room. I will freshen up and we can both go for shopping". I rolled my eyes. I hate shopping while she loves it.

"Okay". She saw my expression and raised an eye brow. I shrugged.

We were both walking and soon we are at her door.

"Is this your room?".

"Yes", she replied tensely. What happened to her? I heard sounds coming from that room. Moans and groans. Is someone having sex inside? I frowned at her. She smiled nervously.

"Are you okay?", I asked her concerned as to why she is nervous.

"I am fine", she said not looking at me. I nodded. Something is wrong.

"Well what are you waiting for open the door", I said.

"You... open it", she said.

"Okay", I said not understanding why she is behaving like this.

I opened the door and what I saw made me want to puke. No! NO! This can't be true. How can this happen? My eyes are deceiving me. This can't happen!

I gasped loudly. There on the bed was a couple doing sex passionately. I don't know the girl, but I know the man. I can identify him from anywhere.

He is heath. The love of my life. My beloved husband.

He stopped and looked at me. They are filled with shock. Our eyes met. Everything collapsed. Our relationship. Our love.

This can't be happening. No. I can't believe it, but it's the truth.

I looked at Heath and he looked... bored? He slowly pulled away from her. All the while I kept my eyes down, not wanting to look at him. He wore pants.

"Celestine baby... It's not what it looks like. I-", before he can say anything, I ran. I ran from there.

I don't want to here anything he wants to say. I wanted it all to be a lie, but it can't be. Tears are freely falling from my eyes. I didn't make any attempt to rub them. Everyone is watching me, as I made my way out of the lobby to my car.

My driver, Wilson took me home. I can't stop crying. These tears are not falling. Wilson gave me a concerned look. Soon we reached home and I burst open the door to go inside. I ran to our room and fell on the bed.

Sobs erupted from my mouth. The image of him doing sex with some other women came into my mind. It just doesn't leave my mind.

Did he ever love?

Is she his real lover?

Then what am I to him?


It's paining... so much. Was what we had these two years nothing? Me thinking that we are in love is all my stupid illusion? How stupid am I? I didn't believe anyone.

He is lying on my face all this time. I even cut my friendship with my best friend for accusing on him. I should say sorry to her and thank her. She is my best friend.

I heard the door open and footsteps come to me. I didn't move. I don't want to see him right now.

"Celestine", I heard his voice, but still didn't move.

Is he again going to lie on my face? I am such a fool. I am not going to believe him, if he says any stupid explanation again.

"Okay. I will say it fastly. The truth is I never really loved. I just married you cause my parents wanted me to. I didn't want to marry you. You are not just my type of girl. I didn't want to hurt you or anyone. So, I didn't say anything. I know what I did is not right thing, but I am sorry".

I moved and sat on the bed. He sat on the edge.

"Now that you know the truth, it's okay for me if you want to take divorce. This way both of us can be happy. You can start a new life happily".

What? He want divorce? Even after this much happened, my mind didn't go till divorce. He is so happy to throw me out of his life. I just can't hear anymore. I stood up from the bed. He looked at me.

I went to bath room and washed my face. I looked in the mirror at myself. Am I that ugly? Did I do anything wrong that he want to just... want me to

Go away from his life? Okay, it's divorce he wants right? I came out of the bathroom.

"Okay. Let's take divorce", I said with no emotion in my voice.

"Thank you", he said and went out. Then I heard his car go away.

How did I love this kind of man? How gullible I was? How stupid I was? In fact I can't blame him. He never said that he loves me. He never showed any type of love. It was me who assumed he did. But it never gives him the right to cheat on me.

I went out of the room and outside the house without looking back. I sat in the car.

"Where to mam?", Wilson asked.

"My home", I said and he started the car. We pulled out of the mansion and I took a last look at it. Is this the end of us? I don't know. But what ever happens, I will stay strong.


Hey my cute dumplings!

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