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Celestine Allen King's POV

The sun fell from the curtains and onto my face. I slowly opened my eyes. I looked to my side and saw the love of my life sleeping peacefully. He looked so cute while sleeping. I trailed my finger on his jaw and then on his lips. I then rested my hand on his chest, feeling happy. I don't know why, but whenever I am near him, I feel happy. Whenever he gives me attention, if feel happy.

He mostly doesn't show his emotions to me, but I know he loves me. He never said it,but deep down, I know he loves. I felt him move beside me. He opened his eyes and looked at me. His eyes not showing any emotions.

"Good morning", I said while smiling.

"Good morning", he said while moving out of the bed and standing up, naked. He left to the bathroom, to get ready.

I stood up with sheets around my body as I am naked after we made love last night. I blushed, when I remembered last night. We make love everyday, but it's still new to me. I still feel shy around him.I went to the closet and changed into a t-shirt and a short. I came out and heard the shower running in the bathroom.

I went down stairs, into kitchen to make his favourite breakfast, pancakes. He came down in his grey suit while adjusting his rolex watch, looking sexy as hell and sat on the chair of the dining table, ready to eat. Ms. Adams has already put plates on the table and smiled kindly at me. She has been working since I came here.

She helped put the pancakes on the table. I watched Heath as he ate them, not once looking at me.

"How are they?", I asked wether he like them or not, scared he might not like them. He stopped chewing and looked at me without any expression on his face.

"Good", he said and put the last piece in his mouth and stood up after drinking water. I stood with him as well as walked behind him, like a lost puppy. I stopped him as he reached the front door to leave and kissed him on the lips, smiling.

"Come home soon", I told him. He just nodded his head stiffly and left. I watched till his car left the building and then went inside happily.

This is my daily process.

Our marriage is not a love marriage. It's more like a business deal. Our fathers thought that by marrying me to Heath, my husband, they can merge their business and improve it more. It's not like my father doesn't love me. I am his heart. But since I never loved anyone and Heath also was not involved in a relationship at that time, they got us both married.

Heath was a playboy before marriage. In the starting of our marriage, he didn't even talk to me, he didn't even look at me. But slowly things changed. Sexual frustration increased between us. After one night of passion, we became one, body, heart and soul. I was so happy that day. I can still remember the day I lost my virginity to my husband, my love. It was pure bliss.

One day, I told him that I love him, but he didn't respond. Even now, every day I tell him that I love him, but he never once told me back. I don't feel bad, that he didn't say it back. I always hope that he will say it back. I guess he still didn't realize that he is in love with me. I will wait as long as it takes.

Many say that Heath is cheating me behind my back. But I never believed anyone. I know he will not. I mean we may not be the lovliest couple ever, but we do have sex every day, then what is the need for him to go to another women. I try my level best to satisfy him.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the door bell rang. I went and opened it to see my best friend, Kate standing there. A big smile stretched on my face. She smiled back nervously. I linked my arm with hers.

"Hey Kate, how are you?", I asked while we were walking inside.

"I am good. How are you?", she asked, but she is not looking like the normal Kate. She is so happy living girl without any fear of world. Something is wrong.

"I am good. Kate you seem nervous what happened? Is there a problem?", I asked her as I took her hand in mine trying to assure her that I will there for her in anything.

"Nothing. I am fine. So, how's everything going?", she asked me and I tried to ignore her bad mood may be she didn't want to discuss it.

"Everything is fine", I said to her.

"How is Heath?".

"Fine, like always".

"How are things going between you both?", she asked nervously. I gave her a confused look.


"How is Heath being with you these days?", she asked. What type of question is that? I frowned at her.

"Good. Why are you asking these questions?", I asked her confused.

"Celest, I want to say something to you,but I don't know how to say this", she seemed nervous.

"Just say it Kate", I said while motioning her to continue.

"Celest don't take me wrong, but it's truth", she said.

"Kate now you are making me nervous. Say it", I said impatiently.

"Celest Heath... he is... he is cheating on you", she said looking down.

I laughed at her. She looked at me like I am crazy. I kept laughing.

"What? Why are you laughing", she is asking, but I kept on laughing.

"Celestine, have you gone mad?", she said angrily. I stopped laughing not wanting to make her more angry.

"That will never happen Kate. You don't need to worry. He loves me so much and I him", I said sincerely.

"Did he ever told you back, that he loves you?", she said. I am loosing my patience.

"Kate you know I trust him so muck. So stop lying".

"No! I am not lying for God sake trust me I am saying the truth, that everyone knows, except you", she said standing. I stood up too.

"Kate stop this nonsense. Some one is feeding lies to you don't li-", she cut me off.

"What if it's not some one? What if it's me who saw it with my own eyes?", she asked folding her hands across her chest.

"Your eyes may have deceived you. Some times we see something and understand something", I said back.

"Celest open your eyes and see. Listen to me. I know it may be difficult for you to trust me on this but please listen to me once", she said grabbing my arms. I pushed them away.

"I don't believe you and what ever rubbish you say", I said.

"Okay don't believe, then........then at least see these and these. What do you say now?", she said taking some photos out of her bag and showing me some pictures of Heath having sex with some one. Those pictures made me want to puke. I can't see them.

"Kate we are living in 21st century. Many pictures like them CAN BE MADE", I shouted at the end throwing them away angrily, while Kate watched them being scattered on the floor.

"Please Celest understand why I am saying this", she pleaded. Why is she doing this?

"I understand, cause you wanted us to get separated right. Why? What will you get by doing this?", I asked her with tears rolling down my face.

"Right Celest think once again, what will I get by doing this nothing. I want nothing more than my friend to be happy with her husband. He doesn't love you. I saw it with my own eyes. Please believe me. I am saying truth", she said while coming near me. I stopped her showing my hand.

"Don't say anything, not even a word. Get out, get out before I loose my patience", I said loudly.


"Out!", I shouted. She gasped loudly. She didn't say anything. She took her back and started walking to the door, but before leaving she stopped at the door.

"I will prove to you that I am saying truth. You are my best friend and I will not let it go easily", she said from her shoulder and left. I sat there and cried for what is she doing this. She is my best friend. I didn't expect this from her.

I lost my best friend today.

I got up from the bed at seven in the evening. Heath still didn't come home. I frowned and decided to call him. He has cut the call. I tried two more times again and he lifted after nine rings.

"What?", his voice sounded annoyed.

"Heath, are you busy?".

"Yes", was his simple reply. I heard some moans from the other side of the call.

"Heath, what is that? Who is moaning? Is someone there".

"No baby. There is no one. Don't you believe me?". Baby? He very rarely calls me baby. I blushed as he called me with such a sweet endearment.

"No Heath. You are the only person whom I trust more than myself".

"Now that's my baby. I will be coming late", he said while panting and before I can say anything he cut the call. Maybe he is busy. No problem. I will still wait for him.

I waited for him and after some time my eyes felt heavy. I slept on the sofa and I didn't know when I fell asleep. I felt someone shaking me.

"Celestine wake up", some one called. I opened, my eyes to see who it is and saw Heath.

"Heath!", I said excitedly and kissed him on the lips.

"I told you I will be late right, why are you sleeping here, sleep in the room".

"But I wanted to wait for you, till you come home. I waited for you here and fell asleep".

He just sighed and went up stairs. I followed him up stairs. We both made love again and fell asleep.


Hey my cute dumplings!

So I hope you guys like the change.

I know Heath is being an a**, waist and watch as Karma bites him.

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