Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Celestine Allen Michealson's POV

"I am fine now", I replied into the phone as I leant back on my chair in the office.

"I just wanted to check up on you. Is your fever totally gone?", he asked.

"Yes, it's gone and please don't pull that stunt again, which you did last night. Dad might get angry", I said referring to what he did last night.

"I am sorry, for coming unannounced. But I.... I just wanted to see you and make sure, you are okay". I sighed. He came to my house last night to check up on me when dad is home. Dad got angry, but didn't say anything, except glare at Heath the whole time and told him to leave the house immediately.

"I am totally okay now. That fever was a week before. You don't have to worry, okay?".

"Okay. It's good to know that you are okay".

For a minute there was silence. I waited for him to cut the call, but he didn't. God, this is so awkward! Maybe I should speak. But he beat me to it.

"So....", he trailed off for a second, before asking, "about the date", he said like he is asking and at the same time reminding. I took a deep breath, before leaving it out.

Date. The one chance that he has been asking about. I should say that I kept thinking about it. A lot! I want to go and at the same time, I don't want to go. But should I give him a chance? How can I give him a chance when I don't trust him? His voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Okay. Just think about me as a person that you don't know. Think of me like I am a new person that you are going to meet", he said. It doesn't sound like a bad idea. Also, what's wrong even if I went on a date with him? My heart is thumping high, wanting to go with him, but a small portion of my brain doesn't agree with me.

What to do?

"Just come on this one date. I am sorry for pressuring you so much. But I want to show you how much I changed. I want to show how much you mean to me. I know a relationship cannot stand with trust and I am not asking you to trust me, I just want you to give me a chance to let me show you that I am at least trust worthy. Also, we can start anew. I am ready to try anything Baby".

Tears stung my eyes at his words. I didn't know what to say. Although this person broke my heart, now I truly don't believe, he is still the same person. I am sure he changed and I believe it from the bottom of my heart.

"Baby", he called slowly. I swallowed and took a breath before replying.

"Okay", I replied, looking at the rose that I have been holding from the starting of attending his call. He is still sending me the roses.

"Okay?", he asked enthusiastically. I smiled.

"Okay. I will go on a date with you". For a second there was silence on the other end before I heard a loud YES! The grin on my face grew wider and I almost laughed like a teenage girl.

"THANK YOU, BABY! You don't know how much it means to me!", he said happily.

For some reason, I am happy too. The grin on my face won't fade and I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling. Why am I feeling like this! I shouldn't be!

"Okay. This Sunday, keep your whole schedule open for me. No other plans". The whole Sunday?!

"Okay". But what are we going to do the whole day?!

"I will come pick you up at eight in the morning. So, be ready".

"But where are we going?".

"I can't tell you that now, can I. But I am going to start where it all went wrong", he said and I frowned, not understanding. "I am going to prove to you that I changed", he said in a low smooth voice. I believe you. You don't need to prove.

"Bye Heath". I heard him taking a deep breath and I took a breath too.

"Bye Baby. I will be waiting for Sunday", he said and I smiled before cutting the call.

I put my cell phone down on the table and sniffed the rose in my hand. A smile spread across my lips for some unknown reason and I grinned like a maniac. A small giggle escaped my lips.

A date.

"Baby, wake up", I heard a husky smooth voice and turned around, not wanting to feel disturbed. A finger trailed down my nose to my lips. I feel irritated that someone is disturbing me. My eyes opened slowly and I looked up. I feel sunlight on my face and closed them immediately before opening them again. Then I see him.

"Heath!". My sleep instantly gone and I quickly sat up looking at him in shock.

"Good morning Baby. Ready to go", he said smiling at me. Ready to go? Oh no! Today is Sunday! Why didn't my phone ring?

"Good morning, what are you doing in my room?", I asked as I got out of the bed and reached for my phone to see the time. It's okay seven fifty-five in the morning.

"I know I am a little early, but we need to go".

"Okay. Just give me five minutes to get ready". I was about to go to my closet to change from my jean shorts that I wore last night.

"No, come like this".

"What?! Like this?! No! I am in my shorts Heath! At least let me change". I said turning back to go, but he came out of the bed and held my wrist gently to stop me.

"Baby, you don't need to change. Now come on", he said pulling me with him, there is a grin on his face.

"But Heath, where are we going? I would look like a fool, if I come anywhere dressed like this", I said laughing for some reason.

"Not to the place that we are going", he said still pulling me with him and I went along with him. His car is parked outside and once we reached the car, he opened the door for me. He turned me to him and kissed my hand and then looked into my eyes. I smiled at him. "You are so beautiful", he said and pulled away letting me sit in. My blush reached my ears and I bit my lip.

He came and sat beside me in the driver's seat.

"Ready?", he asked smiling.

"Yes", I replied shyly. He stared at me with a grin on his face for a minute and then turned his face to the road before riding into the city. We both have smiles on our faces and it felt really good. He took my hand that is resting on my thigh and entwined min with his. I didn't resist him at all.

God, what is happening?!


Hey my cute dumplings!

Sorry for the small chapter. But, tell me how you liked it. Do you guys want to know what happened on the date or do you want me to skip it off? Your comments really help.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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