Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

A small change: Guys, in the last chapter, they started at eight O' clock on Sunday morning right. But from here on, they started at six O' clock on Saturday morning. Sorry for the trouble, but I need to make time adjustments in the story.

Celestine Allen Michealson's POV

"Are we going out of country?", I asked curiously as we sat in his plane. It has already been three hours, but he is still not saying anything. I asked all kind of questions to make him answer me, but nothing worked. He just smiles at all my questions and gives one common reply.

"I am not telling you. You should find out yourself. If I tell you, then it wouldn't be a surprise Baby", he said still smiling. I just gave him a fake glare and look out of the window to hide my smile. "Why don't you go to sleep? I will wake you up once we reach there".

"Okay", I sighed and leant back on my seat, thinking of what I did before I got on this plane. "Heath", I called out softly.

"Hmm?", he hummed looking at me.

"What if Kate found out?". He put his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes.

"She will not. She will be busy and even if she did, just tell her the truth, what will happen?". I sighed at his response.

"But you know how she can be. She hates you". I whispered the last part.

"I hate myself too", he whispered to himself, but I can hear it. I didn't know how to respond to that. "Tell her that you are working on a project that your father didn't want you to and that's why you sneaked out". I nodded my head at that. That seems a little believable.

Earlier, before we got on the plane, I called Kate to tell dad that I am going to be with her the whole day. But I didn't tell her that I am actually with Heath. I quickly ended the call once she agreed. I know she has a lot of questions, but I cut off her call before she can ask all of them. I laughed out loud thinking about all of it. Heath turned his head, looking at me with a frown on his face.

"Why are you laughing?". I stopped laughing and grinned before it turned into a smile. I shook my head at myself, thinking how silly I am being.

"I never sneaked out. Not like this". My smile still there. "I never had a boyfriend or I never went on a secret date without telling dad. One or two dates that I went, dad knows about them. But sneaking out like this....", I can't help but laugh out there. "Real mature", I mocked myself still smiling. Heath gave a grin too and smiled showing his perfect teeth. I looked away and laughed at myself in my mind.

"Celestine", I heard Heath call, just as I was about to close my eyes. I opened them and turned to look at him with my sleepy eyes. "I am sorry, I didn't think you were sleeping".

"No, it's okay Heath. What it is?".

"Nothing important. Sleep, we can talk later. You can go inside. There is a bedroom. You already know right? You can sleep there comfortably. Come", he said standing up and giving me his hand. I took his hand without hesitation and for some reason I liked it. He held it tight, yet gently and led me inside to the bedroom.

"I know where it Heath. It's not a palace for me to forget my way. I can go by myself", I said smiling. He smiled back

"I know, I just....", he trailed off and we reached the bedroom. I went inside and he stood near the door watching me as I sat on the bed before falling back on the bed and snuggled in with the pillows. The bed feels so comfy and soft. I pulled my legs together, all the while feeling his eyes on me. I blushed as I looked at him and hid my face in the pillow, knowing he is smiling at me. "Good night", he mocked.

I glared at him and he laughed before closing the door. I closed my eyes, but sleep didn't come to me soon, I only kept thinking about what is going to happen. I kept thinking about what I am doing.

Am I doing the right thing? Am I doing right, by giving him another chance? What if I fall for him again? What is going to happen then? No, I am thinking too much. I should get some sleep. I should let this happen, so I would know to myself if I have any chances to get back with Heath. If this doesn't work out, then I will finally know that I should move on.

I will finally know if I and Heath have a future together.

Thinking that I let sleep take over me in the comfy bed.

I woke up when I felt Heath calling my name softly. My eyes opened slowly and for a minute I forgot where I am and thought why I am here with Heath. I went into a very deep sleep, which affected me like this.

"The plane is about to land Baby. You need to wake up". Then the sleep left me and I came out of my dreamland. I sat up and stood to go to the bathroom without even looking at him. Washing my face neatly, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. There are no dark circles, but I am definitely looking ridiculous in my white T-shirt and dark blue shorts. I came out and went to sit beside him.

"At least you should have let me change my clothes. I look like a fool", I said clicking the belt around my waist and looked up at him. He is looking at me.

"Sorry. But we didn't have time. I promise, once we land and go where we should I will make sure you are fully covered. Also, you are definitely not looking like a fool. We land in a private area, so there will not be more people, so you don't need to worry yourself. Okay?". He smiled at the end.

"I don't understand where we are going exactly, that coming out like this just normal", I murmured.

Soon, we landed and his car was waiting for us. He opened the door for me to sit and talked something with the driver. In the mean time I looked around and just like he said, it's a private area and only some private planes are there. It's so sunny, but not too hot. The door for the driver's seat opened and Heath came and sat beside me giving me a big smile and started the car.

"Now will you tell me where we are?", I asked again. He turned to me and smiled before turning back to the road. His smile has a some hidden glint in it.

"Are you always this curious? Or am I just finding out now?", he asked still smiling. I turned away from him and looked straight at the road which is empty.

"You never knew me", I whispered loud enough for him to hear before looking out of the window. I heard him sigh and curse under his breath.

"I am sorry Baby, I didn't mean to.... I....", he trailed off.

"It's okay Heath", I said turning to look at him.

"No. It's not and I plan on making every wrong right this time. Remember when I said that I will start where it all went wrong?", he asked. I remember him saying that on the phone the other day when he called me to come on a date with him. I nodded my head. "And I am doing it this time". I looked at him confused. "You will understand what it means today", he said and winked at me.

I can't stop the little laugh that escaped my mouth and he grinned once I laughed and stared at me for a minute, causing me to blush and then looked away. We both have a small smile on our faces. My heart feels so light and felt like enjoying whatever this is. There was slow music playing on the stereo and we both sat silent in a comfortable silence. In less than a half an hour we reached some place I don't know.

I sat up straight and found that we came to a resort. It looks are very classy and high-range. It has a huge garden in the entrance. He stopped the car and came out to my side to open my door. I came out and hear the sound of waves. Waves? Where exactly are we? The people around are wearing shirts and bikinis which have a floral design. Then I understood where we came. I looked at Heath with wide eyes.

"Welcome to Hawaii!", he said with a big smile on his face. Hawaii?!

"But-", he cut me off.

"Shh!", he said putting a finger on my lips and threw the keys to the valet. The valet caught them and Heath pulled me inside with him. Heath didn't even go to the reception counter, he directly walked me to the lift hand-in-hand. Never once he left my hand. He pressed the tenth-floor button on the lift. A couple came in along with us and they pressed the button of their floor.

They were smiling and kept kissing. Heath and I looked at each other for a minute and I quickly looked away but felt his gaze last for a few seconds more before he looked away. I bit my lip for a minute and the lift stopped on their floor as they got off still kissing.

There was a little tension between us, but soon the lift stopped on our floor and I tried to go out before him but stopped realizing that he is still holding my hand. The air around us is still a bit awkward. He slowly led us down the hallway and stopped in front of a door. I looked up at him confused.

"This is your room. Mine is just beside yours", he said and I frowned at him but shrugged it off.

"Okay", I said and he swiped a card for the door to open.

"There are clothes for you inside and you can have a good shower", he said smiling and I nodded my head with a smile.

"Thank you". He frowned as I said thank you.

"Baby we are on a date, you don't need to say thank you all the time, okay?". He explained slowly.

I meekly nodded my head and went inside as he went to the suite beside mine.

I went in and went around the suite. It's so high class and definitely very costly suite. The living room is very large and there was a huge leather sofa with a plasma TV in the front. Going into the bedroom, I saw that it has a huge bed that looks really comfortable. The bedroom is in the light color like I like it.

While looking around, my gaze fell on a paper that is on the vanity table near the mirror. I frowned and went to pick it up. My eyes, went along the lines to read it.

Hey Angel,

Thank you for giving me a chance. Thank you for coming on this date with me. I will treasure every moment of it. Your clothes are in the closet. Get ready and come down to the back of the resort in an hour.

I know you know everything about me. I dread not knowing much about you, but I want to know every small thing about you. Maybe the fault in our relationship is we never went on a nice date. I want to start from there. I want to start from where it should have been started. I want to start from getting to know each other, from where we are strangers.



P. S: This stranger will be waiting for you.

His words really touched my heart. Yes, maybe what he said is right. The last line brought a smile to my face. My eyes ran through the last line again.

This stranger will be waiting for you.

I put down the paper with a smile and took the towel on the table before going into the bathroom. There were rose petals in the bath tub. I smiled at the sight and shook my head. He is being too cheesy. I relaxed myself in the warm water in the bath tub and closed my eyes for a few minutes, but soon got up and wrapped a towel around myself to come out.

I went to the closet and gasped at what I saw. There were many clothes, enough to stay here for two weeks. There is jewellery too. God, this man! He is wasting all the money! Picking up a cream summer dress, I brought it out to the bed along with the inner garments. Now I don't want to know how he knows my size. I wore it and took a look at myself in the mirror.

It is sleeveless and ended just a few inches above my knee. It's simple and beautiful. I didn't wear any jewellery. Coming out of the room, I went to the lift and got in. There were a few people in the lift, they already pressed the ground floor button. I just stood there, waiting for it to go down. Once I came out of the lift, I went to the back side and saw small tables with chairs on the beach.

The cool breeze hit my face and I went out to see where Heath is. But I couldn't find him anywhere. Where is he? I frowned not knowing what to do.

"Excuse me Miss", I heard someone call me and turned around to find and man in workers uniform. "Are you Miss. Celestine?", he asked and I looked at him confused.

"Yes", I replied.

"Please sit here Mam" he said going to the table that is nearer to the sea and pulled out the chair for me. "This table has been reserved for you". Heath must have reserved it. I sat down nodding at him with a smile and he went off.

I waited for a few minutes for Heath and turned to look at the waves. My mind is free from all thoughts. I felt peaceful and my heart felt light. I was enjoying the view when I heard his voice.

"What's a beautiful lady like you doing alone?", Heath asked. I startled and turned around to meet him smiling down at me. "Sorry for startling you, though. Did you get stood up by your date?", he asked. I am confused now. Stood up by my date? What is he talking about? I almost asked it out when I understood what he is doing. He wanted us both to meet like strangers. Okay then.

"No. Actually, I came here alone", I replied, smiling inside. He grinned and sat down and I can't hide my smile anymore. He is wearing a white shirt and normal grey three-fourth shorts. He looks just like a stranger would look in Hawaii. Cool and chilled type.

"My name is Heath", he said extending his hand. I looked at his hand and then at him smiling. I put my hand in his.

"My name is Celestine", I said and he brought my hand to his lips before pressing a small kiss to it.

"Beautiful name to a beautiful lady", he said charmingly and I giggled like a college girl, but immediately stopped myself.

"Thank you".

"You are welcome. So, are you here by yourself or did you come with anyone?".

"I came alone, just a one day vacation. Away from all the stress. You know what, I actually sneaked out here", I said with a hidden smile. He gave me a surprised look that it almost felt like a real one.

"Really? That's interesting. I thought only school girls and college girls sneak out. Although I should say my ex-wife sneaked out for me", he added in the end. I gave him a fake glare.

"Oh really?", I mocked.

"Yes. But you know, I also used to sneak out", he added.

Slowly our conversation increased and we kept talking, smiling, laughing, joking. The food came in the between and I can't stop myself anymore. I felt so hungry. We still kept talking while eating. We talked about everything, anything that comes to mind. Favourite colour, favourite things, movies, songs and we even talked about our dislikes.

He is telling about what he used to do to his teachers and how he was when he was a kid. I burst out laughing at each one of them. I never knew that he is this mischevious. I controlled my laughter and kept eating slowly trying not to choke due to laughing.

"That was very funny!", I said while laughing and he smiled back.

"So, are you free tonight?", he asked. I frowned at him. Isn't he the one who planned the date? Why is he asking me if I am free tonight? Then I understood what he is talking about. I forgot that we are playing a role as strangers.

"I don't know. Maybe. Why?".

"I would like to meet you again. Would like to go out with me tonight?".

"What if I don't want to?", I teased. He is asking me to come on a date with him when we are already on a date. I laughed inwardly.

"Oh come. You can't resist this charmer now. I know you secretly want to", he said smiling and lift up his bottle to his mouth to drink.

"Okay. I will try".

"No trying. You will come".

"But where are we going?".

"There is a beach party that I am throwing tonight. It will be really fun. It's to the west side, not far from the resort", he explained. Is he really throwing a party tonight? For a minute, I almost thought of him as a stranger.

"Okay. At what time will it start?", I asked standing up.

"Six-thirty", he replied standing up.

"I will try to come then", I said smiling inwardly, knowing that he full well knows that I will come.

"I will be waiting for you Angel", he said and winked at me before raising his bottle to his lips and going inside. My heart picked up a beat when he winked at me.

I started walking inside and then to the lift, all the while my mind thinking about him. The Heath that I am seeing now is a totally different person. Not the one that I know. Maybe I did the right thing by choosing to come on a date with him. Not the cold person, I know that he is not being cold to me since a few months now. But I can see that he is caring for me.

My heart is ready to trust him, but my mind is not.

I came out of the lift and went to my room. Once I am inside, my feet took me to the bedroom and my back fell against the mattress. My mind still focusing on him.

I know I agreed to come on a date with him, but my heart is still not into it. Maybe I should put my heart and soul into this date. I should get to know him, the better and new him. So what if, I fall for him again? Everyone deserves a second chance if they change. I will give him that chance with my heart now, now with my mind like I did before. He is right, though. This is how it should have started. It's nice.

I smiled to myself. I don't know why but I like this. I turn my head and look at the table clock to find it's four-thirty. My eyes widened for a second.

Four-thirty?! I went there at one O' clock. Did we really talk that much time? I didn't even know the time while talking to him. This is something really knew.

I bit my lip to stop the smile. I need to get ready. He said the party is at six-thirty. I felt a little lazy, but curious at the same time of what he planned in the evening.

Getting up from the bed, I went to the bathroom and bathed nicely. I came out and went into the closet. Oh God, these many clothes. Which one should I wear? I took out a black knee length dress. It's so soft. It had a sweetheart neckline. I wore it and it reached just above my knee with sleeves running over my shoulder. It looks decent. I ran my hands through my hair and went to the vanity table to brush my hair.

I decided to leave my hair down as it looks good like that. I out on diamond stud earrings. They look simple and nice. I finally look at myself in the mirror and smiled at myself with satisfaction. Just then someone knocked and wondered who it is before going and opening the door. It was one of the hotel staff.

"Ms. Celestine, Mr. King told me to bring you to the beach party since you don't know the way", he said politely.

"Um.... Yes, can you give me a minute".

"Of course, Mam'".

I went in a looked at myself in the mirror, making sure that I look good. For some reason, I am excited about this. A smile etched my lips, never leaving. I quickly came back and smiled at the staff member.

I walked just behind him as he led me to the lift and then to the back of the resort.

"Where is the party though?", I asked him curiously.

"It's just five minutes away from here Mam'", he said again politely.

I smiled at him while nodding my head. I followed behind him silently enjoying the sound of waves. I started hearing music and at a distance, I can see people dancing. Some are in bikinis and some are dressed well. I feel like I am over dressed now. I want to hit myself on my head. It's a beach party, Celestine. What were you thinking?

"We are here Mam'", I heard him say as we reached the party. The music was loud and everyone was swinging to the beat. I turned to look at the staff member who brought me here, but he was nowhere to be seen. I decided to go and stand near the bar as I don't know where Heath is.

My gaze travelled along the people who are dancing. There are many people. The area is decorated with bulbs and bright lights. It looks simple and the bar is an open bar. My eyes searched for him, but I can't see him anywhere.

"Hello Angel", I heard a voice behind me and I startled before turning around. My hand went to my chest and I gasped. "Sorry for startling you again".

"Hey!", I greeted with a smile. His smile is just contagious.

"You look beautiful", he said looking into my eyes while brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Thank you". The blush on my face spread to my ear as I looked down. God, why am I feeling like a teen?!

"I am glad that you came. I almost thought you wouldn't come", he said knowing full well that I will come.

We both laughed at that.

"Want to dance?", he asked giving me his hand and I nodded before taking it. We both walked to the dance floor and I looked at him.

"I am not good at dancing", I said loudly over the music.

"Well, I am not too. Just let your body free", he said smiling and started dancing a little.

I looked around and copied a step of one girl. Slowly we both started dancing. No, dry humping or anything like that. We danced decently. We laughed in the middle without any reason. I caught him staring at me and smiled at him before looking away with a blush on my face. He smiled and the dimples on his face were as charming as ever.

"Want to get out of here?", he asked as he leant down to say in my ear.

I nodded my head in response. I am not a fan of loud music.

We both came out of the dance floor and started walking away from the party. After walking away from the party, he took my hand and entwined our fingers. I let him while entwining mine with his. I looked up at his face and found him smiling happily. The smile on my face never left and I looked straight. We both enjoyed the cool breeze and walked along the line of the beach as waves reached our legs.

"Till when are you going to stay here?", he asked looking down at me.

"Till tonight. I don't know", I answered. I don't know when he will be taking me home. The silence between us felt really comfortable. This is what I always wanted when I was with him. Just him, me and us. We were walking slowly into the water. The water were almost reaching my knee.

"Want to do something fun?", he asked suddenly.

"Yeah", I said nodding and before I can ask, what he meant, he suddenly threw water at me. I stood in the spot shocked with wide eyes for a second and he is laughing at me. I fake glared at him and bent down to throw some water at him.

We kept playing like teens in the water and I started running out while laughing out loud. I threw water at him quickly and he did the same. I put my hands up in a defensive position as he threw water at me more faster. He chased after me and we were both out of the water, he tackled me to the ground. We both gently fell on the soil. My laughter turned into giggles and then smile.

We both just lay there for a few minutes. He is laying to my right. We both just stared at the stars in the sky, enjoying the view which cannot be seen in the city lights. After a few minutes, he rested his weight on his elbow as he turned to me. I blushed as he just stared at me. Our eyes met and I looked away smiling.

"You are so beautiful Celestine", he said still looking at me. "So beautiful", he said while caressing my cheek with the back of his fingers. We stared into each other eyes and time stilled.

"Heath", I said his name for what, I don't know. We both came out of our acting mode. "I completely believe that you changed Heath. But I still can't get myself to trust you", I said the words that have been in my mind all day. His gaze averted away from mine and sadness clouded his eyes. I shouldn't have said that. But he had to know what I feel for him.

"I know and I don't blame you. But I am happy that you don't hate me. You don't hate me now, right?", he asked with doubt in his voice. I smiled at him while looking into his eyes.

"No". My voice came out as a whisper. A glint of happiness passed his eyes.

"Thank you". He put his hand on the said on my waist, but not touching my waist. I put my hand on his face. His face is clean shaved.

"I like you Heath", I said out what I feel for him. Oh no! Why did I say that out loud?! His face beamed and a huge smile spread across his face. His eyes show happiness.

"Thank you so much, Baby. You made me so happy by saying that", he said grinning and the regret I felt just a second ago was gone.

There was only sound of waves around us and my gaze moved away from him. But he is still staring at me. I looked back at him and blushed. Why am I blushing like this?

"Celestine", he called sweetly. I look up at him smiling.

"Hmm", I hummed.

"I love you", he said and the smile on my face instantly vanished. "No, I am sorry, I don't want to pressure you. I am just saying what I feel", he said with panic in his voice once he saw my smile vanishing. I let out a relaxed breath and smiled back at him.

"Celestine", he called again sweetly, even though I am still looking at him.

"Hmm", I hummed again.

"Stay for another day", he said. Although it sounds like an order, his voice sounds pleading. Another day? I want to stay another day and get to know him more.

"Okay", I said nodding my head. He grinned again.

"Really?! Thank you! You want to call Kate and tell her that she has to cover for you for tomorrow?", he asked, making me remember that I am here lying to both my father and Kate. But I don't regret lying to them at all. I laughed a little before nodding my head. I sat up and he gave me his phone. I dialled Kate's number and waited for her to lift the call.

After dialling Kate and talking with her, we both got up and slowly walked to our doors. Kate got doubt as she asked me where I was. I am sure she is going to ask me a lot of questions once I reach home. She heard the sound of waves and she knew I was lying, but however agreed to cover for me.

Once we reached my door, we both stopped and I turned to him.

"Good night Heath". He nodded his head with a smile on his face.

"Good night Angel", he said.

But we both just stood there. I didn't go inside and he didn't way to his door too. I looked down at the mattress for a minute before feeling that he came close. I raised my head up and turned to look up at him. Suddenly his lips met mine and I gasped as he soon pulled away. Both of our eyes widened in shock. His hand went to the back of his neck and he smiled apologetically.

"I.... I am sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just.... I was leant down to kiss your cheek.... Um.... Then you just turned around.... And....", he trailed off nervously. I looked up at him through my eyes lashes as my face became red.

"It's okay". My voice came out as a mere whisper, but loud enough for him to hear. My heart is beating so loud and I can hear it.

"Yeah. Um.... Good night Baby", he said and I nodded my head as I bit my lip. I turned around and entered my suite before closing the door while giving one last smile without looking at him.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before leaving it out and sighed heavily. Oh God! We kissed. WE KISSED! My fingers went to my lips and my finger tips trailed along the lips where his lips touched. It's been so long that he kissed me. Even though it's just a peck, I still feel tingles when he kissed me. I put my hand on my heart to stop it from beating rapidly.

I groaned lightly and went to the bed room. Getting out of the dress, I took out a spaghetti strapped black night gown that reached a few inches above my knee. I came out to the living room after drying my wet hair and saw a door. I opened it and it was a balcony. I gasped at the view.

I can see the whole sea and the stars marrying the sky. It looks so beautiful. I stood there and wrapped my arms around myself as I felt a little cold. A smile crossed my lips.

"I didn't know you were just beside me", I heard his voice and turned my head to my right side as I saw Heath standing in his balcony. The is not even one feet distance between our balconies.

"Well, isn't that a surprise?", I mocked. When we both know that he got the same room beside me, he acting like he doesn't even know that I am just beside me. He went back into his acting mode.

"Well aren't you going to invite me to your suite?", he asked with a charming smile and I smiled back.

"You are always welcome", I said still smiling.

"Okay then", he said and I looked at him confused. He came to the grill in his balcony and looked down. I frowned as to what he is doing. He put his leg on the small wall of his balcony and put his other leg on the small wall of my balcony before jumping into my balcony. I looked at him wide mouthed and wide eyed. He put his fingers under my chin and closed my mouth. I came out of shock.

"Heath! Are you crazy? I would have opened the door!", I said angrily. "What if you fell?! You can't jump just like that! That stunt you did is totally... out of your mind", I said still angrily. He is smiling down at me.

"Well, I am here now, fine and in one piece. You don't have to worry Angel", he said.

I shook my head at him.

Oh God! What is going to happen now?


Hey my cute dumplings!

Boring? Sorry. But it's a long chapter and I wanted to make you guys feel what they feel. Did you like what Heath did, his special date and everything? Please tell me what you think. Also comment.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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