21|Feelings that,

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The day went by faster than they wanted and Thea found herself at the hospital in the night. She had to sign a few documents at the hospital. When Ash insisted that he came with her, she refused.

Ashton walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water from the fridge. He took a large gulp before sealing it back. His eyes darted to the tray of cupcakes that sat on the kitchen counter immediately and he smiled as the memory came flushing in.

"Master Ryder?" The feminine voice called and he almost yelped in fear. How had he not notice that Mary would be home now. "Are you alright? You were smiling to yourself," she said to him and he just chuckled.

"I'm fine Maria, I'm just too happy that I can't keep my smile away."

"But what could make you this happy-" she stopped herself then thought. "Oh my Gosh, don't tell me it's-"

"In more ways than one." He joked.

"You guys finally made up, I'm so happy." She squealed.

"I'm happy too Maria, I'm too happy that I fear this happiness won't last,"

"Don't be so negative Master, I have always known that we two still loved each other but you were too angry to see pass it." She said.

"Really? I never thought you'd be that observant. Thank you Maria, your words mattered a lot." He said.


"I could have done this sooner," she sobbed. "If I knew getting back with Ashton was what will keep you alive for some time then I could have done this sooner."

Thea held her mother's hands softly. "He finally forgave me, is that enough to get you back?" She whispered. "Is it?" She said forcing her tears back to where it was coming from. She sniffed and covered her lips from the sob that sounded.

"I can't do this on my own, mom, why did you leave me?" She cried out. Just about then, strong arms wrapped around her in comfort. Though the cologne seemed unfamiliar but she needed the hug.

"It'll be alright," Zachary said to her.


"We went for a stroll," Zach said.

Ashton watched the video attentively.

"We just went for a stroll then I got a call from one of my workers than someone needed to see me urgently. She insisted that I go and she would be alright. I tried to talk her into letting me walk her to a safe corner near her home but she refused." He sighed.

"So you left?" Peterson asked with his left brow raised.

"Yes, that was how we met that night." Zachary said.

"What was your relationship with Mr. Samson Maxfield?" Peterson asked.

"He and I didn't share a relationship, he was just an ex to my girlfriend and I saw him as nothing much." Zach said.

"Not even as friends?"

"Why would I make friends with someone who wanted to take my girlfriend from me?" Zachary snapped.

"What do you mean?"

"He was my girlfriend's ex, my competitor, I didn't want to turn blind eye to it." Zachary hissed at them.

"But I'm sure Samson accepted the fact that she didn't love him and wanted a break up," Mr Peterson said.

"So she said. Is that why he killed her?"


"Where are you coming from?"

"I was needed at the station to give my statement," he said to Thea.

"You got into trouble?" Thea asked.

"Wouldn't really call it that but yes." He said then sighed. "My girlfriend died last week and I got involved apparently since I was the last person to see her."

"What does it matter if you saw her last?" Thea asked.

"Well technically, she was killed after that so I get involved anyways," he said and she frowned.

"Wait, she was murdered?!" He nodded, not finding the courage to say something.

"Tell me though, did you kill her?" Zach gave her the eye and she immediately rephrased her statement. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way,"

"Which way would you have meant it? You are literally asking if I kill my girlfriend." He said to her.

"Please do not be offended, I'm just curious." She tried.

"I didn't kill my girlfriend okay! Just keep your curiosity to yourself!" He walked ahead of her as her own steps gently came to a halt.


"I need you to delay your flight by two days, things are rowdy over here." He said over the phone.

"I assure you, they won't find out sooner before we leave but we are going make it out, across the country."

"Fine, I'll talk to you later," the muscular man hung up immediately.


Zachary turned in shock to stare at the figure behind him. He didn't know she followed him. His phone left his ear and he slid them into his pocket.

"Who was that?"

"Someone important," he said before looking away from her and relaxing on the iron railings.

She sighed. "I'm sorry, I pretty much feel bad after what I said to you. Here, my apology treat," she extended an apple to him.

"People say apple stands for apology," she said again when he wouldn't reply. She poked him in the stomach. "C'mon now, I'm really sorry." He finally turned and took the apple from her hands. Leaning with her back to the railings she watched him watch the apple, lost in thoughts.

"What is it?"

"I don't know. Ever since her death it hasn't been easy really. I just-" he sighed swallowing painfully with his eyes shut. "I miss her," he said. "I miss her a lot."

"I know how you feel Zach. Even I miss my mother a lot. She was always there for me when I would cry myself to sleep after my break up. Now I have no one to clean my tears anymore. The thought is very depressing." She said.

"Sorry," he said. "Sometimes I wonder why someone would be so cruel to talk her life like that." He said. "When the police questioned me, I got so angry inside. I know they have doubts but I loved Freya and I didn't even want her hurt in anyway."

"Yah? Tell me about it," Thea said.

"We were schoolmates. I was 2years ahead of her...."


She received a text from Ashton in the middle of the night, probably at 10pm. But then, she still laid awake relinquishing their memories of this afternoon. Playing with her hair like a high school student, she couldn't help but feel happy that they were back together.

"I'm coming over,"

She sat up immediately and typed back. "It's late Ash, you probably won't see anything on the way,"

She waited for sometime before she received a text of him telling her that he was here, at her door.

She arranged herself before opening the door only to see him with a bouquet of flowers.


"Hey." She bit her lips hiding her smile. He walked in and bolted the door behind him.

"I...em...I bought you this," he gave her the flowers and she took a sniff of it. It smelt wonderful.

"How was the rest of your day?" He tried.

"It was fine and yours?"

"Full of work," he replied.

They just stared at each other awkwardly, waiting for one of them to say something.

Ashton gently walked to her and placed his lips on hers and she responded immediately. He pulled away from her after some time before taking another look at her wholely.

"I couldn't help it," he said to her. "You look beautiful tonight."

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