Ennoshita Chikara: Ennoshita's Surprise

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Ennoshita Chikara: Ennoshita's Surprise

by Admin Alex // aubade25

group chat name: team ennoshita birthday planner

awesome crow: (first name) here. huddle up, team crows

awesome crow: tomorrow is the birthday of the 2nd year boss, any ideas on how to surprise hin?

awesome crow:*him

baldy crow: we could bake a big cake and Yuu and I will jump out of the cake while wearing maid outfits

mommy crow: that's a terrible idea ( ^^)"

awesome crow: yeah, instead of a birthday surprise. it's more like a halloween surprise hahahaha

baldy crow: ouch :(

smol crow: r00d like fIGHT mE

sly crow: hahahahaha

friendly crow: hahahahahahhaa

mommy crow: (first name) stop bullying them ( - -)"

awesome crow: aww :(

daddy crow: actually baking a cake for doesn't sound that bad so who will bake the cake?

gangster crow: I-I'd like to bake the cake ( ^ ^)

daddy crow: type properly, asahi ( -.-)


gangster crow: yeah, I can ( ^^)

sunshine crow: that's so cool!!!!!!! :)))))))) !!!! Asahi-san, you're awesome!!!!!!!

glaring crow: captain, do we need to buy balloons?

daddy crow: that's not a bad idea actually, so who will do it?

freckled crow: i'll do it captain and I'll bring tsukki with me :)

awesome crow: nice yamaguchi!

daddy crow: where is tsukishima btw? yamaguchi, do you have any idea?

freckled crow: he is spending the entire day with his brother if that's alright with you, captain?

daddy crow: it's fine, don't sweat it

friendly crow: do we need to make a banner?

sly crow: yeah. hey narita, let's put all of ennoshita's embarrassing pictures on the banner hahaha

friendly crow: kirishima no, hahaha

friendly crow: it's his birthday not april fools

baldy crow: this is gonna be lit and see you tomorrow you guys :D

daddy crow: alright see you tomorrow!


The day has finally arrived and everyone in the team was excited. They were at the gym setting the banner up with the help of Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei. The managers and (First Name) were preparing the balloons while the rest of the team were getting ready of the surprise. The Karasuno team were prepared for anything except for this news.

"Eh? He's sick?" Said Daichi.

Ennoshita's mother replied over the phone, "Yes, it seems like he has a fever and I'm afraid he can't make it for your practice." She worriedly looked at her son who was too busy coughing and sneezing.

Daichi assures her. "It's fine, it's fine, and please tell him to feel better soon."

"Thank you for your kindness and I need to make dinner soon. Bye Sawamura-san."

"Bye, Mrs. Ennoshita." Daichi ended the phone call with a disappointed look in his face. He sulked, upset that all of the effort the team has placed will be wasted. He looked around and thought of a plan on what to do with all of these balloons and banner.

(First Name) had just finished blowing up all of the balloons and she walked towards to the Captain to ask what's next. She noticed the glum look in his face and asked, "So what happened, Dai-chan?"

Daichi hesitated to answer her question but he knew that she and the team will eventually find out."Ennoshita can't come."


"He's sick."

"On his birthday? Poor guy." (First Name) shook her head, pitying her friend. Getting sick on your birthday was the worst gift you can receive. She then asked him one more question. "What about the banner and the balloons, Dai-chan?"

"We need to take the banner and balloons with us to where we are going."


"ACHHOO!" Ennoshita sneezed for the nth time of the day.

He had gotten from food poisoning — he probably ate something that didn't agree with his stomach the other day. He regretted being sick today, for his team had to practice for the next game. Ennoshita was told it was an important one.

"Oh, Chikara, you're getting worse." His mom worriedly fretted as she handed him another box of tissues.

"I'm fine, mom." He reassured as he blew his nose.

"I already called your captain and told him that you will be missing your practice for the next few days. He understood and he said he will be telling your adviser and coach that you are sick. Now, go get some rest." Ennoshita's mom kissed his forehead before she went out of his room to give him some privacy.

Ennoshita didn't want to rest yet so he decided that he will edit his mini films. He got his grey laptop and turned it on. He was almost finished with this one film he was working on, only a couple more edits here and there, and then he'd be all done. Ennoshita watched the project to make sure that the audio and the video will be on time on each scenes. He laughed at this one scene where Nishinoya pretended to die because he was hit by a pink water balloon thrown by Kageyama. Tanaka cried by the loss of his bro. In the middle of watching his film, someone knocked on his door. He paused the video and told the person to come inside.

(First Name) smiled and opened the door to peek inside of his room. "Pardon the intrusion."

"(Last Name)-san, you're here?"

"Actually, I'm not the only one who came to visit you." She opened the door wide enough for the entire Karasuno volleyball team to come inside.

"Happy Birthday!" They greeted him with a big smile on their faces, excluding Tsukishima and Kageyama. They went to his bed one by one to give their gifts to him. Ennoshita felt shy and happy that they went through the effort to do this for him. He felt accepted and loved by these people.

"Thank you so much you guys." He smiled.

"No problem, Chikara!" said Nishinoya. "It was actually (Last Name)-chan and Daichi-san who planned this surprise."

"We're glad you liked the surprise." (First Name) grinned; she felt great that everything went well.

"You deserve this, future captain." Daichi patted Ennoshita's shoulder and smiled at him.

"Thank you, Daichi-san and (First Name)-san."

"Open our gifts, Chikara!" Nishinoya jumped on Tanaka's back.

"O-okay." Ennoshita first got (First Name)'s gift, which made everyone in the room smile.

"Ooh, he took your gift first, (Last Name)-san." Hinata whispered to (First Name), making her chuckle.

Ennoshita carefully unwrapped the gift. When he was done, he opened the box and saw that he received new lens for his camera, which made everyone whistle in amazement. "Wow, this is amazing. Thank you, this must have cost so much. It's a limited edition, too!" He placed the lens back in the box to keep it safe.

"Happy Birthday Ennoshita!" (First Name) hugged him. The entire team the. gathered around to give him a big, warm hug. Christmas may be over, but it is never too late give gifts and love to the ones you love.

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