Viktor Nikiforov: Rose Quartz

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Viktor Nikiforov: Rose Quartz

by Admin Yuuki // izumi-yuuki

Ever since Yuuri's first silver for the Grand Prix Finals, he continued to skate with Viktor in Russia with Yuri. It had been two years since Viktor came to Yuuri. The 23-year-old figure skater decided to give him a present together with his cousin, [Name].

[First Name] [Last Name] was a five-time world female champion alongside Viktor Nikiforov. She met him at Japan during her break for the Grand Prix Finals. Viktor coached both her and Yuuri during their preparations for the Grand Prix and helped them with their choreography.

She fell in love for Viktor, but she would not tell him since she thought that Viktor would be the same as her ex. Her theme for the Grand Prix was Sorrow. It represented her regret of being with her playboy ex and the disappointment she felt when he said he did not love her at all.

Viktor understood and let her theme that way. She did not notice him trying to change her. He helped her with her jumps and difficulties, wanting to see her break her own world record again.


"Hey, Yuuri..." [Name] mumbled whilst doing a stretching warm up.

Yuuri, who is also doing a warm up, turned his head to face her. "What is it, [Name]-chan?" 

"Viktor's birthday is tomorrow, right? Have you found a gift for him?" She asked, lost in thought now.

The black haired man nodded. "I got him a new pair of custom skates. You?"

[Name] shook her head, frowning. "I don't know what gift to buy for him..." She muttered under her breath. Viktor had a pet, a pair of skates, and probably everything else.

Yuuri rose up from where he was and walked towards her. "I remember Viktor wishing for someone to love. You like him, he likes you, and it's been two years, so why not a ring as a lucky charm? He gave you a necklace as one." He explained, pointing to her rose quartz necklace.

She looked at her necklace, caressing it gently as she whispered, "Rose quartz... do you have any idea what's the meaning of it?"

Yuuri shrugged casually before taking out his phone, searching the meaning. "Rose quartz, the fair and lovely rose quartz, with its gentle pink essence, is a stone of the heart, a crystal of unconditional love... Heh?"


"Merry Christmas and happy birthday, Viktor!" Yuuri and the other skaters exclaimed, holding out gifts towards the grey-haired figure skater.

"H-Happy birthday and Merry Christmas..." [Name] muttered shyly, holding out a small gift in front of her.

Viktor, who was currently drinking a glass of hot chocolate, grinned and hugged the two happily. "Spasibo, everyone, [Name]!" He said joyfully, squeezing the [Hair Colour] head into pieces.

"V-Viktor.. Air.." [Name] whimpered in his arms. Yuuri tried stiffling his laughs.

"Ah, sorry!" Viktor let go of the poor girl as she dropped onto the ground dramatically. Viktor chuckled at the skater as he helped them up.

"Right~" Viktor began. "What do you guys have for me?"

Yuuri grinned, placing the present on the floor. Viktor crouched down in front of the present and opened it, revealing a pair of black glittering skates with silver blades, a Japanese and Russian flag plastered at the back of the skates. 

"Spasibo, Yuuri!" He exclaimed happily, hugging his two new skates tightly.

He continued unwrapping more gifts the skaters gave him, he seemed to be happy, what will he react when [Name] give him her present?

Viktor turned towards [Name]. "What do you have for me, [Name]?" He asked innocently, putting down his presents.

[Name] began to fluster as she hold out her small gift box towards him. "H-Here.." she stuttered.

He smiled, gently took the present before unwrapping it, revealing a small black box. Viktor, who is shocked, looked at her and saw her smiling at him. He opened the box, revealing a gold ring with silver patterns.

"I've loved you for two years now." She said, "It's weird for a girl to propose to a man but..." she stopped, shutting her eyes tightly. "I-I..."

"Hurry up and propose already!!" A voice cut them off. 

To no one's surprise, it belongs to no other than Yuri Plisetsky. He was currently annoyed by the 'romantic' scene. "You love him, he loves you, so do it."

[Name] smiled before fluttering her eyes open, only to meet with a hand grabbing hers, kissing her hand softly and slid a gold ring with a rose quartz on it.

"Rose quartz means unconditional love, that's why I want to give you this." He said, caressing her ring gently. "Yes, I do, [Name]."

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