Kadowaki Ayumu: Heaven

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Kadowaki Ayumu:

by Admin Yuuki // izumi-yuuki

"Ayumu!" The [Hair Colour] haired woman called out to her husband, "I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed happily. The greenette man's jaw dropped and hugged the wife tightly.

"I'm going to be a father."

That was all in the past.

[Name] gave birth to a baby girl of [H/C] hair and [E/C] eyes. It was on his birthday, which was much a surprise to the new parents. "[Daughter's Name]."

Sadly, this happy celebration didn't last long when [Name] lose too much blood. . .

But he is still happy, even the mother died, he has his daughter.

"Happy birthday, daddy!" The young girl exclaimed, holding out a cake made out of clay. Ayumu, who just got back home, chuckled before placing a cake on a coffee table.

After singing their birthdays songs and made a wish, they went to pray to the mother.

"It's been five years without you, [Name], but we're happy here."

One day, his daughter couldn't stop coughing out blood. He took her to the hospital and the doctor said she won't live for long.

He spent a lot time with [Daughter's Name], never leaving her side until his birthday came around again. The daughter was sitting on his lap, her head against the father's chest. After they sang the birthday songs, made a wish, she gave the father a small box.

"Happy birthday, daddy. . ." She mumbled, hugging the father. The heartbeat monitor beside them beeped at a dreadfully slow tempo. . .until it was no longer beeping. . .

"I will wait for you in heaven with mommy.."

Ayumu met a car accident a week after and died.

He found himself in a bright place, and found [Name] with [Daughter's Name] waiting for him by the gate. "Sheesh, Ayumu. You were too careless!" [Name] playfully scolded her husband.

"Haha, sorry.." Ayumu mumbled, sweatdropping to himself. Maybe he was under stress, he guessed.

[Daughter's Name] shook her head like a mature child. "LET'S GOOOOOO!" she grabbed her parents' hands, together they walked through the gate.

"Happy birthday, [Daughter's Name], Ayumu."


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