Yuri Plisetsky: Secret Boyfriend

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Yuri Plisetsky: Secret Boyfriend

by Admin Yuuki & Co-Leader Ariana // izumi-yuuki & smallbunnychild

(Just fyi Ariana wrote the second-ish half of the one-shot and only watched up to episode 7 of Y!!!oI so Yurio is going to be OOC, she thinks, on her part. She apologizes in advance for that.)

"[Name]!!" a friend of mine called out to me.

I sighed, "What is it nowww~?" I whine, her annoyed at how she disturbed my beauty sleep.

(T▽T) [Friend's Name] gives me a weird grin and leans closer to my ear, "I heard a rumour that you and that famous Yuri Plisetsky are dating. Is that true, [Name]~?"

I choked on my saliva before spatting out in a whisper, "We're not!" [Friend's Name] laughed and mumbled a "just kidding" before heading towards her seat.

I bury my face in my hands. THAT WAS CLOSE!

You see, I had a crush on Yuri Plisetsky since elementary school. He transferred to my school during our second year and sat next to me. It was probably the reason why we were often shipped by our classmates, which pissed him off every time for some reason.

He became my secret boyfriend during my first year of middle school. I confessed first, but he doesn't know about his feelings for me. I felt like dying and crying on the stop at this before Yurio then added that he doesn't mind being my boyfriend -- but only if we kept our relationship a secret. Wow, plot twist, but I accepted it. At least he was nice to become my secret boyfriend, despite not knowing his feelings towards me. Speaking of Yurio, tomorrow is a special day for him. . .

. . .I don't know, so I texted him when I got home from school.

[nickname]: Yurio~~

Tigertrash: wot

[nickname]: tomorrow is ur bday, right?

Tigertrash: uh ya why

[nickname]: hehe nothingg :3

Tigertrash: ur being fvcking creepy

[nickname]: cuz I am creepy c;

Tigertrash: yikes.

Oh, it's his birthday tomorrow. . . It's his birthday tomorrow?! His birthday is tomorrow, but savemeIdunnowhattogivehimashisbirthdaypresent NO-

[nickname]: YURIO


Tigertrash: wOT

[nickname]: u free tomorrow?

Seen 11.04 p.m.

Tigertrash: ya

[nickname]: oky then see u at [place] tomorrow at 8

Tigertrash: okk y of all sudden

[nickname]: u'll see *wink wonk*

I place my phone on a table beside me and plop down on my bed. It's gonna be a special day~~


I waited for my secret boyfriend in front of [place], wearing (hopefully) a cute outfit for the special occasion. With no present, my hands awkwardly fidgeting with my small purse around my shoulders. Hopefully my presence is a good enough present for Yurio. . .?

"Hey," someone voiced gruffly from behind.

I turned around and smiled at my ever-so happy secret boyfriend. "Yurio, hey yourself!"

As usual, Yurio was wearing an outfit from his little "animal print collection" from his closet. Looks good on him if I do say so myself~~ "What are we doing?" he asked roughly.

"You'll see," I winked at him as I grabbed his sleeve and dragged him into [place]. "I promise that this'll be fun."

"You said that when we went to your old witch-of-an-aunt's house."



I giggled as we walked out of [place], watching the astonished face of my secret boyfriend Yurio. Hm, and he doubted my abilities to plan a fun date. If only I can take a picture of his face just to rub it in later on in the future -- but I doubt that I'll be able to do that without him noticing.

"Did you like our date, Yurio?" I giggled even more when he sent a soft glare in my direction.

"Sure," he answered and stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets, an angry pout replacing his once astonished expression.

Letting go of his arm, I glanced nervously out at the streets before looking back at my blond skater. "So. . . I guess that ends your birthday date. . ." Umm, so what now? Do I just leave? Hug him? Kiss him?! I blushed at that thought. It's not like other dates when he's the one who plants them. I'm the one who planned it -- and it's his birthday forgoshsakeswhatdoIdono-

A hand brushing over my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. This time, it was my turn to be astonished as the rash Yuri Plisetsky shyly looked at me and stepped closer to me. "Um, hey, the date was pretty great. . .," he awkwardly started. "So um. . ."

My breath was taken away when he came even more closer to me and brushed his lips over my forehead.

". . .thanks for that. For the date and present. . ." And just like that, he left.


It was the next day, and I couldn't get over that kiss that happened. OHMYGOSHHEKISSEDME! Wait, it was just a forehead kiss BUTHESTILLKISSEDMYOHMYGOSH. Does that mean he really does like me as a real girlfriend? Has all of my questions been answered after two years of-

"WAIT, WHAT PRESENT DID I GIVE HIM?!" I suddenly thought out loud. My classmates looked at me weirdly.

"Ohoho, you mean that kiss you allowed him to give you in front of [place]?" [Friend's Name] spoke up from her seat.

My head lashed to look at her with wide eyes. "Wha-"

"Don't you even try to deny it, my [Name]," she interrupted and held up her cell phone. "I got proof that you got kissed by the Yuri Plisetsky."

I felt my soul being taken away from me as my classmates gathered around [Friend's Name]'s desk to see the proof of the relationship between me and my secret boyfriend. 

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