Kuroko Tetsuya: The Best

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Kuroko Tetsuya: The Best

by Leader Coracchi // Cora-chan

You would think someone with the nickname "phantom" would be hard to notice, right? Your boyfriend, Kuroko Tetsuya, was famous for disappearing on court only to show up from behind someone and take them by surprise as he stole the ball. Even during school teachers would forget about him when taking role so he would have to constantly go to the office and clear things up with the administration.

So how in the world did he become the most attention-grabbing person in Japan on his birthday?

People from all over were flocking to Seirin to congratulate your boyfriend for living yet another year. The moment you two stepped foot on school ground students swarmed over the bluenette. A squealing blond, an angry guy with dark skin, some girl with watermelons stuffed up her shirt, and the Seirin basketball team threw themselves at Kuroko's feet.

It wasn't until the two of you were walking together to Kagami's apartment did you get to hold a private conversation with him.

"Are you having a great day so far?" You asked with a cute smile.

Kuroko stared up at the sky as he thought then answered, "It's overwhelming."

You nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I wasn't expecting that senpai from Kaijō to swoop in and kick Kise-san in the head. I was standing right next to Kise-san. It was scary."

"Did he hit you, too?"

"Nope, I'm good,"

The two of you came to a stop as the streetlights turned green and cars passed in front of the road you were about to walk across. Kuroko bent down and inspected your head, his face inches away from yours. A pink hue dusted its away across your cheeks as he scanned your features with his gorgeous, baby blue eyes.

"You should stay by me when we're around the Generation of Miracles." He finally said, straightening back up.

You cocked your head to the side. "Why?"

"I don't want you to get hurt." Your heart warmed at his words. You were swooning over how sweet he was until he lifted his arms up and flexed his nonexistent muscles. "I'll take care of them if they hurt you."

You internally sweatdropped and rubbed the back of your neck, giggling. "Okay, Tetsuya-kun," You quickly changed the subject. "Be honest. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?"

"A basketball,"

"A basketball?"


That was a lie. Kuroko felt too embarrassed to give you his real answer at that moment. His phone vibrated when you opened to your mouth to ask more about it and he quickly answered it. It was be the only time he would be thankful to have Kise pester him.


Fortunately, Kuroko's party went amazingly. The food Kagami prepared tasted delicious, all of the gifts for Kuroko pleased him, Kise took a load of cute photos you made sure to get copies of, and everyone smiled nonstop. You were a bit disappointed that you didn't get to sit with Kuroko during the celebration, but you did get to sit across from him and that was better than nothing. Nigou kept you company while the others fought to get Kuroko's attention, and you laughed every time someone got cut off by another only to have Kuroko tell the both of them to simmer down.

Night had fallen by the time you and Kuroko arrived at his home, both of your arms and his full of presents. You followed him to his room and helped him put them away. It took a total of twenty minutes to find each of his presents a home.

You let out a deep breath and fell back on his bed, closing your eyes as you relaxed into his mattress. "Did you have a good birthday?"

"Yes. It would've been better if Kise-kun and Akashi-kun didn't take most of my time." Kuroko took a spot beside you and grabbed your hand. "I wanted to spend today with you."

You sat up and grinned. This strangely clingy, sappy side of Kuroko was new. You didn't even consider if he'd missed your presence as much as you had missed his. "I'm not going anywhere soon. My feet still hurt from walking across town two times going to your house and Kagami-kun's." You leaned your head against Kuroko's shoulder. "What do you want to do?"

Kuroko didn't respond right away so you looked up at him and found him staring at your lips. You caught the hint and closed your eyes then gave him a short kiss. As soon as your lips left his, he wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you into a much more heated kiss. Your fingers tangled in his soft tresses as the two of you made out and before you knew it, you were below him with his arms on either side of your head. The two of you panted as he finally pulled away.

Your mind blanked as you stared up at him. What do I say? Your mouth answered your question before your brain could. "Happy birthday,"

Kuroko's eyebrows furrowed the slightest and you wanted to facepalm. Happy birthday? That was the best you could come up with at a time like this?"

Your boyfriend went with it. "Thank you, (Y/N)-chan,"

You laughed, making him grin. In all honesty, the best gift he'd ever received wasn't a basketball. No, it was meeting you.

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