Matsuoka Rin: My Chemical Romance

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Matsuoka Rin: My Chemical Romance

by Admin Ren //  alien-king

"Makoto-kun, Haru-kun!" F/N yelled from atop of the stairway. Said boys turned to face their female friend with E/C eyes and H/C hair.

"Good morning, F/N-chan." Makoto greeted. Haru followed with a monotone greeting too. "Is everything okay?"

"Umm... Sort of... It's Ri-Ri's birthday soon, so I was wondering if you had any gift ideas? You guys have been friends with him longer than I've been his girlfriend." F/N asked shyly. Though F/N has been dating the Samezuka captain for nearly a year, she didn't know what present would suit him.

"Well, let's see." Makoto thought carefully.

"How about mackerel?" Haru asked.

"Haru! Not everyone likes mackerel like you!" Makoto scolded his friend in his ever-so present motherly tone.

"Well they should." Haru pouted before walking away. F/N and Makoto both groaned in slight annoyance.

"Anyway, I know that Rin likes music. The genre, I'm not sure of. Ask Nagisa; he might know. Kou-chan too. After all, she is Rin's sister."

"Alright. Thanks, Makoto-kun!"

F/N headed off to her class. She would ask Nagisa later on during lunch. Instead of paying attention to the lesson, she jotted down present ideas for Rin, all of them related to swimming or music. When the teacher called out on her, it wasn't until the fifth call that F/N responded with a yelp. The eyes of all her classmates were on her, some giggling and stifling laughs behind hands.

"L/N-san, I hope you start paying attention. This is my only warning."

"Y-yes, sensei." A blush grew on F/N's cheeks. She desperately wished the floor beneath her would swallow her up. This time, she started taking notes after carefully tucking away her list.


The next two periods went by slowly. When lunch came around, F/N headed up the stairs, two steps at a time. Her bento and list of present ideas were tucked securely in her hands. Passing the few students who were also on the roof of the school, she made her way towards her small group of friends. All were present except Kou and Rei.

"Hey, F/N-chan!" Nagisa greeted the girl, his favourite cafeteria drink and bread in hands.

"Hello, Nagisa-kun, Makoto-kun, Haru-kun. Where's Rei-kun and Kou-chan?" F/N sat down and unwrapped her bento. She mumbled a "Itadakimasu" before digging into her homemade curry using chopsticks.

"Gou said she was going over some special training stuff with him, since he's the newest when it comes to swimming. F/N nodded before swallowing her food.

"Say, Nagisa-kun, do you know what Rin likes in particular? Other than swimming."

"Well, he likes bands. They're mostly English bands, though."


"Oh! I remember now! They had some weird names, like 'Fall Out Boy' and 'Bingo! At the Casino' or something."

"No! It wasn't anything related to bingo or casinos!" Nagisa interjected. "It was something that had to do with sins or tragedies."

"That was one of their songs! ... At least, I think."

"Guys, guys, chill." F/N laughed. When she spotted Gou and Rei from the corner of her eye, F/N waved a hand towards their direction. "Rei-kun, Kou-chan! I have an important question." F/N explained her dilemma about Rin's birthday. While Rei had no solutions to offer, Gou got all excited.

"My brother loves all bands, honestly! Most of them are English alternative ones, though. My Chemical Romance is coming to the nearest city to perform! Tickets are available online at a decent price. Rin loves that band!"

F/N's eyes sparkled at the news She knew she could count on the female auburn-head to have the best answer. She laughed happily as she hugged her friend.

"Thanks, Kou-chan! I knew I could count on you!"


After practice, F/N headed home and took out her laptop. She typed in the information into the search bar, found the page to purchase the tickets and bought two of them. She had enough money for the tickets as well as some extra stuff for afterwards. F/N decided to save it in case if there were merchandise stands for afterward.

F/N smiled to herself proudly. Tucking away her laptop and the printed tickets into a book, F/N took out her homework and started answering the dozens of textbook questions. After about an hour or so, her cell rang. The caller ID read "shark boi".

"Moshi moshi."

"Hey. How are you doing?" Rin asked from the other side of the line.

"I'm good, thanks." F/N smiled. "How was your day? Has Momo-kun and Nitori-kun been bothering you during practice?"

Rin scowled. "Those two... Momotaro-san needs to stop pestering poor Ai-kun. Ah? Sosuke says hi."

"Hey, Sosuke~ Anyway, I have a surprise for you, Ri-Ri."


"You'll have to wait and see. I hope you'll like it."

"Anything from you is perfect." Rin purred all too confidently. From his dorm room he smirked, knowing full well that his comeback left his girlfriend with a red face.

"W-whatever! You'll definitely will love it! I-I have to go now." F/N stuttered, a blushing mess. She was easily swooned by the Samezuka swimmer.

"Alright, alright. I love you. Have a good night."

"I love you too." Sighing contentedly, F/N placed her phone onto the side of her desk and continued working, a smile prominent until she solved the last math problem.


When the special day came around, F/N had a blindfold wrapped around the shark-toothed boy's eyes. He grumbled in protest at first before giving in to F/N's pouting face. Mrs. L/N drove them to where the concert would be held.

"F/N, why is there so many people talking? We haven't even gotten out of the car yet." Rin asked.

"You'll see."

With Mrs. L/N and F/N's help, Rin got out of the car successfully. The handkerchief wasn't removed until Mrs. L/N pulled away. Dark red eyes sparkled at the sight in front of him.

"Is... Is this...?"

"It's a concert to one of your favourite bands. I had Kou-chan's help, since I didn't know your tastes in music." F/N looked away nervously. "Is... Is it okay?"

Rin cupped F/N's cheeks into his hands. "I told you; anything from you is perfect." A small kiss was placed on F/N's forehead. "I love it, and I love you." F/N giggled. "Now let's go!"

They got right up close. The band went through a series of songs F/N didn't recognize. Looking at her boyfriend's happy face, his lips singing along, she didn't care if she knew the group or not. Her Rin was happy; that's all she wanted.

After the concert ended, F/N bought matching shirts for the both of them. She also had a random fan take pictures of the two together. They did cute poses that made people stop and smile. In one of them, they leaned together to kiss.

"Happy birthday, Ri-Ri."

"Thank you, F/N-chan. You could say our romance was very chemical."


Headcanon :  Rin loves many types of alternative bands

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