Tanaka Ryuunosuke: Just This Once

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Tanaka Ryuunosuke: Just This Once

by Co-Leader Ariana // smallbunnychild

"Tabaka, go away already."

But the baldy clung to your side like a koala. He leaned his face into yours so you can see his puppy dog eyes. "(F/n)-chan, pppllleeeeaaaassseeee?" he continued to whine. "I only want a kiss!"

You didn't even bother to glance at him as you walked to your club. Despite a athletic teenage boy hanging on you, you were able to walk normally. People who passed by the two of you gawked at the weird sight.

"I refuse," you nonchalantly said. Tanaka cried at your reply.


"Please get off me; I'm at my club already."


"I S W E A R J U S T O N E M O R E ( F / N ) - C H A N F R O M Y O U R M O U T H , T A N A K A - K U N," a sinister voice interrupted Tanaka's cries, "I W I L L M A K E S U R E Y O U W O N ' T B E A B L E T O E V E N W H I M P E R."

With a squeal, the poor baldy got off you and dashed away, leaving you and your club president in the dust. As bad as his captain can be when he gets agitated, President Fujii Chinatsu of the Debate Club is worst. Hell nah will Tanaka ever try to cross with her, which you are very thankful for.

"Thank you, Fujii-senpai." You bowed to your club president.

The brunette nodded and gestured you into the clubroom. Ah, a few hours without Ta-baka at my ear, you thought in relief as you prepared for today's meeting. But I wonder: why is he asking me for such an intimate and embarrassing request?


The next day, Tanaka was pestering you about that kiss whenever he sees you, which is about half of your normal day, to your annoyance. You would think that having different classes will allow you to see him less, but he proved you wrong.

In the morning, during homeroom, you diligently listened to your homeroom teacher's announcements. As you were in a college-prep class, of course you always had to attend to your elders' every word. The humbleness of your classroom was then interrupted by the door slamming open so suddenly, surprising both your class and homeroom teacher.

"(F/N)-CHAN MY KISS!" a certain baldy exclaimed. You ignored him and looked out the window and the beautiful scenery outside.

He was literally kicked out by your homeroom teacher.

At lunch, you usually sat alone in the library to do research on your next debate competitions. Silently did you work, until-

A face shoved itself into yours. "GIVE ME A KISS PLEASE, (F/N)-CHAN!"

You just stood up to get another book as Tanaka was yet kicked again out, this time by the librarian.

In between classes, you always set all your supplies needed for your next class on your desk, neatly and in perfect order. Definitely a perfectionist, you are. Your nearby classmates chatted ideally to each other but dwindled down when something caught their eye in the hallway window. Seeing this, you looked at what your classmates were looking at and deadpanned.

Because it was Tanaka, who held a big poster saying: I JUST WANT A KISS, (F/N)-CHAN! He held this up to the window as tears streamed down his face.

He wasn't shouting at least this time, but it still irked you, so you made sure that everything on your desk was straight and in the placement you liked them in. As you did so, you heard him yelp in fright as the familiar voice of your club president.

From all the baldy's shenanigans today, you were sure that the hairs on your head were sticking out due to all the stress. You may like Tanaka (not that you will EVER tell him that), but sometimes you would like to duck tape him up so you can have a few days of peace.

Again, just why does Tanaka oh-so desperately want a kiss from you? Doesn't he like the third-year beauty Shimizu Kiyoko? Why isn't he asking a kiss from her?

Not that the last two questions made you a little mad and confused and relieved.

After school, to your surprise, instead of being approached by Tanaka again, you were instead looking (down/up) (depending on how tall you are) at his buddy Nishinoya. He looked sorta mad/sad. Smad?

"(F/n)-chan, you're so cruel to Ryu!" he told you suddenly.

You blinked. "Is it because I keep refusing to kiss him?" You do not get what is the big deal over this.

The blond-streaked teenager puffed out his cheeks. "Yeah! Don't you know that it's his birthday today?! That's all he wants to have for his birthday: a kiss from (F/n)-chan!"'

You froze, eyes widening. Tabaka's. . .birthday. . .? Oh man, I mean, you may act a little cruel to the baldy, but that doesn't mean you don't care about him. You honestly regard him as one of your closest friends (and a special someone). And to forget his birthday. . . You looked down at your feet. That's all he wants? A kiss. . .from me. . .? Why not from Shimizu-senpai. . .?

A hand fell on your shoulder and shook you. "Ryu likes you, idiot! He may admire Kiyoko-san, but Ryu likes you, (F/n)-chan!" Nishinoya yelled at you. "He wouldn't want a kiss from you if he didn't like you!"

Snapping out of your gloomy thoughts, you headed towards the gym quickly with determination. You knew what just to do to make up for your forgetfulness and selfishness. Nishinoya saw this and happily trailed behind you.

I got chu, Ryu! he thought to himself.


The captain of the volleyball team deadpanned as his team watched their bald wing spiker curled up in a ball, a pool of tears next to his face. Daichi's face screamed "Just why?" but doesn't actually say it. His silver-haired friend slapped him in the head for making such a face.

"That's not nice, Daichi," Sugawara scowled. "You know how upset Tanaka is so don't be looking like we should pity you instead."

The three second years and a certain stingy first year snickered behind their hands at their captains now red face. That's Sugamama for ya.

"Hey, why is Tanaka on the floor? We're still having practice," the ever-so volleyball frantic Kageyama commented and nudged the baldy with his toe. Tanaka just whimpered at every nudge.

Hinata jumped in front of him, shielding his senpai away from Kageyama's nudges. "Bakageyama! You're not making Tanaka-senpai feel any better! Idiot!"

The steel-eyed setter immediately got pissed. "WHY YO-"

The gym doors saved the start of another one of the quick duo's banters, bringing Karasuno's volleyball team's attention to a familiar (h/c)-haired girl and their libero. To their surprise, the usually polite girl rushed past them without a greeting and kneeled beside the lying Tanaka.

"Tanaka, Tanaka," you called out to him as you turned him around. It broke your heart to see the baldy genuinely crying -- and it was all your fault. You rested your forehead on his, ignoring all the burning stares of his team. "Tanaka. . .I'm so sorry for forgetting your birthday. . ."

And every single jaw of the boys in the gym dropped as they witness your lips pressing against the corner of Tanaka's lip in front of their own eyes. Tanaka himself gaped in shock, like a fish out of water, and turned red when you pulled away from him.

You placed a hand over your lips and looked to the side. A blush was on your own face as the heat from Tanaka's skin warmed your lips. "Just one kiss. Just this once, I swear. . .since it is your birthday. . ." And yet, why is your heart telling you otherwise?

Arms pulled you into a big hug. "(F/N)-CHAN!" It was as if Tanaka has been revived from your kiss, being back to his normal loud and rowdy self. His eyes sparkled as he looked at you with a loving gaze. "NOW KISS ME ON THE LIPS."

"As I said, just this once, Tabaka," you huffed.


Daichi face-palmed as Nishinoya then gave a congratulations to his buddy in his usual loud voice, followed by sunshine Hinata. He is gonna get white hairs before he graduates from high school. The captain was once again slapped in the head.

"That's not nice, Daichi."

Asahi can only chuckle nervously at his two friends' old couple-like antics, feeling like the third-wheel yet again.

Yup, just another weird day in Karasuno's gym, but with a special twist.

= ♡ =

"Gifts is more of the thought, not what it is. Appreciate every gift you are given, be thankful that the people who gave it to you thought of you."  

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