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I blink a few times, trying to register what I am seeing. There is water all over the floor, couch, table, and on every single thing that's in this living room. I walk in slowly and I realize that it has even wet the rug. I suddenly remember how surprised I was to find out Zelina's fascination with the fish tank. I've never been a pet-friendly guy, but indeed, the day I came here, it seemed so big, beautiful, and vibrant that it couldn't get unnoticed by anyone - not even me. But now as I see the mess in front of me, I realize Zelina's aquarium is broken. No, it's not broken. It's destroyed and I can tell it's been done intentionally.

There are shattered pieces of glass and dead fish all over the floor. Even the toys and aquatic plants are thrown around purposely. I look around cautiously to find something unusual, but then I realize that everything just seems fine. Nothing seems out of place and I frown. It appears like just the aquarium was on target. But why?

I take another look in front of me and walk over quickly just in case to save the fishes that are still alive. But when I get close, I realize they are all lifeless. I feel bad looking at the sight in front of me and I look away. Why would someone do that? My eyes move to the side and I notice Zelina lying on the floor. How did I not see her before? I feel panic run down my body, looking at her still body and I hurry towards her immediately.

"Zelina..." I say and I look at her in horror. Her clothes are damp and her hair is a mess. I see that her eyes are wide open, but she doesn't seem to be looking at me. She is staring at the ceiling. I scan her body for any signs of injury, but I relax when I find none. I look back at her face and see that her cheeks are stained with tears and it gives me the indication that she's been crying all day.

I place my hand on her cheek gently and lean forward to look at her. God, she looks broken too. When she doesn't say anything, I glance at her worriedly and call again. "Zelina? Are you okay?" Of course, by the state she is in, I know she is not, but I just want her to say something.

She doesn't respond, and I let out a sigh. I take a look around and find no trace of people living in here. I don't even know where her family is at the moment. This house looks just as empty as it was the first time I dropped Zelina. I look back at her and clench my jaw. No, I can't leave her alone here. It can be risky. I know I can't stay at her house all night and I can't leave without making sure that she is okay, so the best option would be to take her to my house.

I put my arms under her knees and carry her carefully, trying not to step on anything. She instantly wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in the crook of my neck, letting me know that she realizes it's me. I take her out of the house and place her in the passenger seat of my car. Then I get in my seat and hit on ignition.

As I drive, I take a look at her. She is sitting beside me, staring at eternity. Her eyes are puffy and her mascara is running down. She looks devastated and my chest tightens at the sight of her like this. I have no idea what exactly happened? Who broke her aquarium? Did she do that? No, I wouldn't believe it because I know how much Zelina loved them. I saw it in her eyes. The way they lit up whenever she found one. Then who could do that?

When I park in my driveway, she is still staring ahead of her. Her silence scares me a little, but I don't try to press her. I can understand what she is going through, and it makes me angry thinking about the person that has caused her this pain. I get out of the car and then open the door to her side. I carry her into my house. Her body is cold, and I know it's because she's been there in the water for too long.

As I am making my way towards the stairs, Claire notices me and she rushes towards me.

"Jesus, what happened to her?" She asks looking at Zelina. Her eyes twinkle with concern.

"Claire, it's not the right time. I'll explain later." I sigh. "Just get some water for her," I say to her, and she nods before rushing back to the kitchen. It's just me and her in the house because Anna went to her friend's birthday party. It's the same party that she blackmailed me to convince Claire to let her go. I spent a good hour urging her to permit Anna to go. It was exhausting, but I finally got the job done.

I know I should probably take Zelina to one of the guest rooms, but I don't wanna leave her side, so I end up taking her to my bedroom. I sit her gently on the bed, and moments later Claire comes in. She has a tray with a water jar and a glass. I take it from her and pour water for Zelina.

Zelina doesn't say anything, but I feel relieved when she takes the glass from me and drinks the water. I let out a sigh and then look at Claire.

"Can you help her change?" I ask her slowly. She looks at me with a frown. "Her clothes are wet. She might get sick if she stays any longer in them." I answer immediately, looking at her confused expression.

"Oh, right." She looks at Zelina and says. I think she didn't realize it before.

"You can take something from my closet," I say to her, and she nods before I walk out of the room.

After I close the door, I pace in the hallway, trying to figure out what might have happened in Zelina's house, but I feel my mind going blank. Fuck, the truth is, I don't really know anything about her personal life.

When Claire comes out of my room, I look up at her.

"She is good now. I don't know what happened, but the poor girl looks traumatized." She says with a look of pity on her face. "I know I don't need to say this, nice to her." She adds with a smile.

"I will. Thank you, Claire." I say to her.

"If you need anything, let me know." With that, Claire walks down the hallway. As soon as she disappears, I quickly walk back into the room. I see Zelina still sitting on the bed with her head down. Claire has made her change into one of my shirts and some shorts. I take her in for a moment and can't help but think about how good she looks in my clothes.

Wait? Where is that coming from? Merrick, are you seriously out of your mind?

Not letting my mind waver around, I clear my throat and say slowly. "Zelina?"

She looks up at me, and that's the moment when our eyes meet for the first time since Friday night. There is so much sorrow in her eyes and as I stare at them, I feel guilty for screaming at her the last time we were at my office. She lets out a sob, and I see her face crumple before she begins to cry.

"Merrick..." she whispers, and the exact moment I am sitting next to her, wrapping my arms around her as I pull her closer to me. She buries her face in my chest and begins to weep inconsolably. I clench my jaw, feeling angry and helpless as I run my hand up and down her back.

"'s okay," I tell her. I am not sure if that makes any difference because her grip tightens on me, and she presses herself even closer to me. I don't know how long do I hold her but I feel a little relieved when I realize her starting to calm down. She doesn't let me go and honestly, I don't feel like I have a problem with it. It feels good to have her in my arms.

"She did this..." Zelina speaks after a moment. Her voice comes out in a muffled breath.

"Who?" I ask as I look down. I slowly try to pull her away, but she doesn't let me.

"She knew how much it meant to me. She knew it would hurt me..." Zelina sobs. "She still did it..." She pushes herself closer to me when I keep my hands on her arms.

"Zelina..." I pull her away so I can look at her face. The tip of her nose is red, and I watch as the tears storm down her cheeks. "Look at me. Who are you talking about?" I ask her.

She lowers her gaze as she answers. "Jamie..."

"What?" I frown.

"Yes, she wanted a payback, and she knew exactly how to get it." She says, her eyes still not meeting mine.

I place my hand on her chin and make her look at me. "Why? What did you do?"

"Because she was angry with me for what I did to her." She says.

I shake my head, really not getting what she is talking about. After a moment, I place my hand on her cheek and say. "Zelina, look at me and tell me everything."

She lets out a shaky breath before she wipes her tears. "Yesterday, I went to confront her - about what she did to you. I told her what a bitch she was and how wrong she's been with doing all this." She takes a moment before she speaks again. "I said many things that made her angry...including me unmasking her real face in front of her boyfriend. She didn't like that."

What? Does her mother have a boyfriend? As far as I know, she is a married woman.

She looks up at me. "I had this feeling that I should have been at home."

"You weren't?" I ask her with a frown.

"No. I couldn't think of going home after arguing with her. I was angry and frustrated. I spent the night at a hotel, and today when I went back there...I found my aqua..." She begins to cry again.

I hesitate as I look at her. "How do you know it's her? I mean you didn't see her, right?"

"Merrick, you have no idea about the extent she can go to make my life horrible." She says, looking at me. I try to process her words. The sadness in her tone makes my heart ache and I wonder why her mother is doing this to her.

"Why did you go to her when you knew what she was capable of?" I ask her.

She bites her lip and then looks into my eyes. "Because I care about you, Merrick. I hated my mother for doing that to you."

My eyes soften. I place my hands on her arms and say. "You don't have to Zelina. I don't want you to risk anything for me. Why would you do that?"

"I had to fight Merrick because I can't sit there and do nothing knowing the fact that it's my mother who is trying to ruin you." She says, and I can see the anger in her eyes. For a second, I am speechless. I don't know what to say. Why does she care about me so much? Before I can find my voice to say something, she speaks again.

"I was okay with her being cruel to me all my life. I endured everything without uttering a word, but...that aquarium. That was my dad's gift. He built it for me, and it was the only good thing that I had in my house." I look at her as her eyes begin to well up again. I hate to see her cry. "She had no right to touch it."

Tears run down her cheek as she looks down. I immediately reach for her hand. "Zelina, you need to stop crying," I say to her. She looks up at me, and something in her eyes tells me that her mother has done much more damage to her than just breaking her aquarium.

"How can I? She destroyed the most precious thing to me. They were my babies, Merrick. This might sound crazy to you, but I fucking loved them." She says, wiping her angry tears. "They had nothing to do with this. They were innocent, and what did she do? She fucking killed them."

"It's not at all crazy, Zelina, but your crying isn't going to bring them back." I place my hands on her cheeks and say.

Zelina gulps slowly. After a moment, she lets out a sigh and I watch her as she begins to get up. "I need to go back. I don't want them to be dumped in the trash."

"Hey wait." I reach for her hand. "I'll have someone to clean the place and get them for you," I say as I pull her. She doesn't protest as she sits back on the bed and I stand up.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask her.

"No, I am fine." She replies.

I wait for her to say anything else, but when she doesn't, I let out a sigh. "Maybe you should rest," I say to her and turn around to leave, but I don't know why I feel disappointed. What was I expecting? Maybe I wanted to stay with her a little longer. Merrick, don't be ridiculous.

I shake my head and as I am about to step out; I hear Zelina call my name. "Merrick?" I turn to look at her and see that she is lying on the bed now. "This is your bed?" she asks softly, looking at me.

"Yeah... but it's all yours for tonight." I smile at her, trying to lighten the mood and say. "Don't worry. I'll take one of the guest rooms."

She doesn't smile as she stares at me. "No, you should sleep here."

"It's okay, Zelina." I shake my head. When I look at her, I see her gazing at me intently. None of us say anything as we stare at each other for some time, and I almost want to kick myself when I realize how strange I am behaving. God, Merrick, just get your ass out of the room and leave her alone.

"Goodnight, Zelina," I hesitate as I turn.

"Merrick..." she says again and I look at her. "Is it that bad for you to sleep in the same bed as I?" Her voice is almost a whisper and for a second I can't believe if I am hearing it right or not?

My eyes widen in surprise. "Zelina..."

"Please...I don't want you to leave." She says, and I can hear the desperation in her voice. "I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to do."

I keep staring at her face. I know it's a bad idea. It's better that I should leave now, but I don't know why I can't. I look at her pleading eyes and all I want to do is lay there and hold her tightly to my chest. She looks so vulnerable. I want to comfort her and make her feel better.

I don't say anything as I lock the door. I kick away my shoes as I climb on the bed. I feel a little awkward as I lay there staring up at the ceiling. It feels so long since I shared a bed with someone. After a moment, I turn on my side and see Zelina staring right at me.

"Is it okay if I stay close to you?" She asks, and I give her a small smile.

She scoots closer to me until her body is pressed to my side. It takes me a moment but I wrap my arms around her.

"Are you comfortable?" She asks, looking up at me.

"Yes, more than comfortable." I smile.

"Thank you for bringing me here. I didn't want to be alone."

"You won't have to feel like that ever, Zelina. I am here for you." I say to her. She raises her head up to look at me and I realize how beautiful she looks. I reach out and put a strand behind her ear. I watch her as her lips part slowly and my eyes drop down to them.

As if reading my mind, she places her hand on my cheek and says. "I wish I could kiss you right now."

My eyes roam all over her face, and before I realize, I find myself asking her. "What's stopping you then?"

"I am not sure if you are going to push me away." She says, lowering her gaze and I clench my jaw. At this moment, she doesn't seem like the Zelina I know.

I place my thumb under her chin and look at her. "Why don't you find it out yourself?"

"I am scared, Merrick. I am scared of getting rejected...I am scared of being judged. I am scared of finding out what you think about me." She says. Her lips quivering. "I wasn't like this before, but with you...I am just scared."

I look into her brown eyes. "As far as the Zelina I know...she was never afraid of doing anything," I say. "You know what? It's strange to admit, but I like that Zelina better. The sassy, arrogant, and confident one. The Zelina that drives me crazy at every moment."

She bites her lip, and I smile. "I don't like this vulnerable one. This is not you, Zelina." I whisper, and she stares at me with an unreadable expression. I wish I knew what she was thinking.

After a moment, her lips curl up a little and she begins to smile. I grin and she looks at me before she reaches up and presses her lips against mine. I look at her and then lean down and close my eyes as our lips move together. It's a slow kiss, but it's enough to make every cell in my body alive. My hands move down to her waist and I hold her tight as we kiss there in my bed.

As I kiss Zelina, I remind myself that the first time I kissed her was to get back at Monica, and the second time she did it to prove her point to me. But this time, I realize we don't have a hidden agenda behind it.

I am kissing her because I really want to, and I know she feels the same.

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