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"Oh, fuck!"

"Oh, my god!"

"Fuck yes Zelina!"

"Keep going, baby!" Jaxson screams, and I roll my eyes, feeling not even the slightest arousal between my thighs by his moans.

What's wrong with him? Can't he be just quiet while we fuck? With all the screaming he is doing, we might captivate a wholesome audience even in the pitch darkness of this deserted field.

Before he can yell anymore, I lose it and force my palm against his lips, covering his clamorous mouth. Jeez, that's being a major turnoff.

I should have known that fucking in a car would be a bad idea because of the position I am in. My legs and my neck hurt like a fucking bitch. And this whiny little pup beneath me in the driver's seat isn't helping much with his oh so disgusting moans. Will he even do anything, or should I be the only one carrying out the entire fucking job?

Whatever, it's a part of my work. It's been like this for a long time and I don't regret it. In fact, I enjoy playing dirty in this game. For the major frame of my life, I've been accustomed to this kind of lifestyle. I've galvanized myself to deal with all these filthy businessmen over years. I know how easily they take up the bait when it comes to a woman like me seducing them on her own violation. They literally get ready to give away anything to get between my legs and that's where lies my advantage. Not to my wonder how stupid and pathetic they all are.

I try to pick up my pace, moving on top of Jaxson. At least after covering his mouth, I can fuck in peace. Not even about 5 minutes have gone by before which Jaxon passes out under me, making me scrunch my nose in dissatisfaction. Seriously? Couldn't he even hold for 5 minutes?

He breathes heavily in exhaustion, and I pull out of his lap to get back to my seat.

My head bumps against the car roof and I groan, slipping into my seat. I swear I am never gonna have car sex again.

I look back at Jaxson, who is still panting hard, keeping his eyes closed. His dick is still very much out for display and I roll my eyes.

I pull my panties up and smooth my skirt while he still struggles to catch his breath. This might have been the worst sex of my life.

"That was the best I've ever had, Zelina." He says without opening his eyes. I look at his short, blonde hair and long lashes. Jaxson is a handsome man with a tight body and cool tattoos, but he is definitely not up for my taste.

I look at him and purse my lips. "Sure."

I pull the glove box and take out the file and reach to slap his cheek to get him to look at me.

He frowns at me, opening his eyes as I say. "Now sign this, will you?"

"Haven't forgotten about it yet?" He smirks, eyeing the papers in my hand.

"Isn't that the reason why we are here in the first place?" I smirk and trail my fingers down his chest. He watches me carefully as I head down.

"I thought you were here just to suck my cock." He gives me a sly smirk in return.

"Oh really? Someone just forgot that they were screaming my name minutes ago like being on the verge of dying, telling me that they had the best fuck of their lives." I look at him and imitate his wailing voice. "Oh, Zelina! Keep going! Yes, don't stop! Fuck baby! This is the best fucking sex that I've ever had in my entire life!"

I move down to rest my hand over his dick and flash him a cocky smile.

He looks over at me and nods amusedly. "Smartass response. No wonder how your mouth is good at other things, too." He laughs, but his breathing soon falters when I tease him with my fingers. He sighs and looks down before looking up to meet my gaze. "I am up to sign this for you, Zelina, but there is a little hiccup.."

"My dad wouldn't..." He gulps, and before he can finish his sentence, I move my hand over his length, stroking him slowly and smoothly.

"Oh, Zelina..." He moans.

"I know you would find a way to deal with this hiccup. Better convince your dad," I lean and whisper against his ear, and he bites his lips in approval.

I signal at the papers. And Jaxson immediately signs them. I reach to grab the file when he holds it for me. But before I can take it, he pulls it away from my grasp.

"Is there any chance we can be doing this again?" He brings his face in front of mine with a dirty grin playing on his lips.

"Sorry to hurt your throbbing dick's ego but no, Mr. whiny pussy." I snatch the file from him. "Now drop me back to my car. I need to go." I speak, turning back and keeping my vision straight in front of me, seeming uninterested in talking anymore.

"I get it now why you are called such a bitch." Jaxson mocks, gazing at me.

I tilt my head to inspect his face. "Better than being called a pussy." I smirk.


When I get back to my house, I walk straight to the large aquarium equipped at the far end of the living room. It's the glorious highlight of the room, more like the entire house. I can see its clear water under bright illumination from the entrance foyer itself. The tank carries a couple of driftwoods at one end and a hollow log filled with the river stones on another side to make it cozy for my tiny buddies. The tank bottom is embellished with an aqua scape stretch of hair grass, Alternanthera reineckii, and water wisteria, giving it a nice tropical touch.

I reach for the cabinet and take out flakes can, and then I start feeding my tiny fishes. It's the best time of my day. Feeding my little friends and watching their mouths pop out as they catch the granules. There is a mix of neon tetras, rainbow fishes, and guppies in my aquarium. They are all energetic and radiant. I smile when they all become active with my arrival, and that's when I hear a voice. The voice that I have despised for the majority of my life, and I still do.

"Were you able to negotiate with Jaxson?" Jamie asks.

"Isn't that a known fact that I don't come back home without getting the job done," I say without turning to look at her face. I've found it never worth giving her my attention.

"You can't give a straight answer ever, can you?"

"The file is on the table. But you better not touch it." I ignore her statement and say, sprinkling the flakes and watching the fishes sprint to catch them quickly.

"If you have forgotten, let me just remind you that you are talking to your mother," Jamie speaks and I snap my head in her direction. She descends the stairs wearing a dark blue blouse tucked in her faded jeans. It appears like she has tried to conceal her wrinkles under the thick coat of makeup, but unfortunately, the faint lines are somewhat still visible. Her short brown hair looks wavy and her dark eyes shine as she glares at me.

"You never looked like one," I say bitterly as she comes down and stands next to me. I take her in and smile proudly, realizing that I look nothing like her.

She shakes her head in disapproval and then asks. "Care to explain what's going on between you and Ashton?" My blood begins to boil at the reference of that man's name, but I try to keep my calm like I mostly do. I don't let people get under my skin easily.

So I ignore her question again and turn to look at the tank. "Hey, babies. Do you want some more?"

"Zelina...I am talking to you?" Jamie calls again, seeming reasonably annoyed.

When I don't reply, she goes on with her next question. "We are still going to be his purveyor this year, right?"

I sigh and turn towards her. I know she isn't going to stop bugging me until I answer her. "Actually, no. We are not. We are done working with him." I put the can on the side table and cross my arms. "To be more specific, I am done working with him."

"What?" She frowns.

"We are not going to have the deal with him for this that so difficult for you to understand?"

"That's bullshit! Do you even hear yourself, Zelina?" She stares at me in disbelief. "We have been partnering with him for so many years. You can't break off things like that?"

"So what? We had been. It was in the past. Not anymore." I shrug, not being slightly affected by her overreaction.

"How and when did you get to make this decision?"

"Actually, I made up my mind about this in the morning." I tap my index finger over my temple, pretending to think for some time. Then I look back at her and snort. "Wait, no. I fucking decided it right now."

She scans my face with a frown and then asks. "Is this the reason why you are meeting Merrick Addington tomorrow?"

"It's nothing you should be concerned about. I am the fucking CEO of the company. I can do whatever I want." I snap irritably.

She clenches her jaw, looking at me. "Don't try to run your fucking mouth with me. You wouldn't be so if your father didn't..."

Before she could finish her sentence, I cut her off, stomping on my foot. "Don't you dare talk about my dad now?" She jumps and takes a step back at the intensity of my voice. I assume she knows better than to mess with me when it comes to my dad.

Her eyes flicker over my face, looking a bit baffled as she diverts back to her main subject. "Ashton's gonna be mad. I am telling you he isn't going to let you go so easily." She suggests, her tone a bit shaky, and I give her a disgusted look.

Taking a step towards her, I cock my head questioningly. "Tell me one thing, do you have an affinity for Ashton or the money that he gives you?"

She purses her lips in annoyance and I smirk, knowing her answer without even getting her to say anything. "If that's what your concern is, let me just tell you we could make much more than you are getting now by being associated with Addington."

"I can't believe this." She stares at me for a minute, losing it to her weakness. She has never won, and she knows she could never win against me in this game. "You are fucking crazy."

"Tell me something I don't know," I say and walk past her, ending our conversation.

As I climb the stairs, she turns and states, looking up at me with a pissed look on her face. "I am not gonna warn you. You know Ashton better than me, so brace yourself for whatever consequence your little stunt is going to lead you up to." I walk towards my room, not paying attention to her words. I never gave a fuck about her threats, nor do I give any now.

When I get back to my room, I take a nice long shower. After changing into my regular comfortable clothes, I head to follow my routine. I grab my phone and call my best friend Alexa.

"Hey, Alexa!" I chime as soon as she picks up the call and I plop onto the bed.

"Hey, sexy! Been waiting to hear those rants coming out of that sexy mouth of yours." Alexa speaks.

I laugh at hearing her say that. "So does your 'Moods' have any exotic main courses on display today?" I ask her. My friend owns a chain of clubs and bars around the town and Moods is one of my favorites to hang out in.

"Nah. It's Thursday. You wouldn't find any better than cold appetizers that you need to warm up a bit yourself."

I sigh. "Tough luck. You know, Lexi, I had a really nasty dinner today."

"Oh poor baby, was it that bad?" Her tone shows the concern that she always has when I run her down on my misery.

"Yeah. I'd rather have gone for a knuckle sandwich. It was that horrible." I complain like I usually do.

"Damn! Was that one of those whining and moaning pussies?" She asks curiously and I could hear the amusement in her tone.

"Totally." I agree, shaking my head as if she would get to see it.

"Probably one that would have passed out before even getting started?"

"Fuck! How do you know? Wait, did you have a surveillance camera transmitting to you?"

She laughs. "Nah, I don't need that. I know you so damn well, girl."

"You definitely do." I exhale audibly. "Lexi, I feel like I didn't have a good fuck since in a long time."

"You mean since last night." She points out and I snort.

Her chuckle vibrates in my ear as she speaks again. "Don't worry. Get your needy ass here. I'll find you a hot piece of cake to feast on."

I grin at what my best friend just said and jump out of the bed in excitement. "On my way, babe..."


What do you think about Zelina and are you guys excited for Merrick and Zelina to meet in the next chapter? Let me know your thoughts.

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