Ch. 10 - Hungry Like the Wolf

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The sisters abandoned the blood-soaked ladies room, cleaned up as best they were able in the men's room, then Lana found her clothes in front of the hotdog stand and donned them. She gave a brief gaze of longing at the rotating weenies, but Raya nudged her and reminded her, "Remember last time?"

She did. Very well. They were sick all night. Not that every gas station's hotdogs were...well, gross, but they didn't want to chance it.

Raya groaned at the state of her outfit, one of the rare things she owned that she could feel comfortable in instead of feeling poured into. At this rate, she was blowing through clothes like nobody's business, and if it kept up, it would hit her where it counts: her bank account. Her savings were already being broken into, and she wasn't sure what she was going to do as far as work at this point.

She wasn't ready to retire yet; she was still legit arm candy, guys would continue to pay for her companionship, but she needed a manager. Since her boss was dead, the call girl gig seemed to be finished...unless she could find another employer.

Shoving away her financial worries, Raya changed while Lana put the gas in the car. She tossed the red-tinged jeans and the blood-splattered baby doll tee in a plastic thank you bag she found in her trunk.

Thank you for bleeding on my shit, she thought bitterly. It would come out, so help her. Peroxide would work wonders on bloody clothes, nearly every girl who's ever had a surprise monthly visitor can tell you that.

They were almost in the car before Raya squealed, "Lana, wait!"

Lana startled. "Again? stop doing that. You make my heart sink to the pit of my stomach. My nerves are already so tore up, I feel like I'm going to have diarrhea for a week!" She tried not to think of the bone shards that still may be floating around in her intestines, or how much that might hurt coming out.

"Your nerves? I feel like I just narrowly escaped certain death...oh yeah, I did." She sneered. "Ugh, forget that. We don't have time for sibling rivalry of who's most screwed up by the situation. We need to find the security recording."

"Shit, you're right. It probably caught me shifting."

It wasn't difficult to find the office, nor to enter it. Lana clicked away on the computer inside, Raya tossing around suggestions until they'd managed to delete the night's videos - that did, in fact, show Lana stalking through in mid-change - and stop them from recording.

Lana wiped down everything they touched in the office. Out in the rest of the store, there'd be tons of fingerprints, but inside the office, they'd pay too much notice to any prints not belonging to employees.

On the down side, they'd deleted the video of what happened to the real Carl. On the up side, it was much too late for Mr. Creep'o to go to jail anyway, seeing as how he was sort of dead. Still on the up side, there was no proof they were there that night.

Raya reach behind the counter and snatched a pack of Marlboro Milds, tossing a five down on the register like a Good Samaritan. Lana glared at her with that 'mom' look.

"What?" she asked.

"You haven't smoked since high school..." Lana said. "Put them back."

"You can't tell me what to do, I'm a damn grown-ass werewolf."

"So am I, one that doesn't want lung cancer."

"I could have died back there, and it had nothing to do with cigarettes. I think I'll smoke while I can."

Lana chewed her bottom lip while she processed the truth in Raya's words, then shrugged. "Fuck it, give me one."

The car was full of gas and the gas station was behind them. Raya had finally stopped shaking with nerves. She concentrated on the road while Lana noisily slurped down her water and ripped into the candy bar.

"Pleh!" She said after taking a bite. "This taste like sugar-coated dog treats." She spit it out the window like she was shooting a blow dart, aiming at a passing tree.

"You've always loved Cookies 'n Cream," Raya said, her brows drawing together.

"It doesn't taste right."

"Give me a piece."

Lana broke a piece off for Raya, and Raya popped it in her mouth.

"Gah!" She gagged, swerved a bit while she rolled down her window, and spit the nasty junk onto the road. "Must be a bad bar. Leave it to me to grab the crappy one."

"Screw it. I'm not very hungry right now anyway. I had a big breakfast." Lana shrugged and propped her foot on the dash.

"You barfed that up. You must be starving right now." Raya's own stomach grumbled after the words left her lips.

"Sounds like you're the hungry one."

"I am. I haven't eaten since-" Raya paused. She almost slipped and mentioned her 'meal' au la Gary. "Since earlier." She finished awkwardly, but Lana didn't seem to notice.

"We should stop. I saw a Denny's sign. Take the next exit."

"Will do."

Raya maneuvered onto the exit, swung in the parking lot, and glided easily into a parking spot.

"Geez. I didn't know you were that hungry," Lana claimed.

"What do you mean?" Raya asked, shutting off the car.

Lana's hand was out of the window, clutching the door for dear life.

"You pulled in here like you were trying out for stunt driver on the set of The Dukes of Hazard!"

"Don't be silly, it was perfectly normal."

"Sure. If you're Evel Knievel." Lana grumbled.

After some thought, Raya shrugged, deciding it might not be so terrible to be compared to the Daredevil. "He was very popular," she reasoned.

Raya snatched up her Prada wallet and Lana ran her fingers through her still-damp black tresses.

"Ready?" Raya asked and Lana nodded.

"Lets hope there are no jerks waiting to ambush us in here." Lana said, following her sister to the delightful little building.

"It's Denny's, a place of all things breakfast. How could anyone be that cruel?"

"Cruelty comes in many shades." Lana said, as if she was quoting something from a book.

"Hmm." Raya agreed half-heartedly.

Her mind was already on chocolate chipped waffles with strawberries on top. Oh, and whipped topping. Sugary, fluffy, creamy- what's that?

Something else inside was calling to her tummy via nostrils. She opened the door and let it take her away, all the way to the closest booth next to the kitchen, Lana following with equal eagerness. Bacon was a dominating scent here, sending the sisters into a whole new level of hunger.

A tired waitress shuffled up to their table. She held a little note pad and the best I've-been-up-all-night-working-for-college-tuition smile she could muster. Her ruby red lipstick was thick and overboard, lining the outside by a wide margin in an effort to make her lips look fuller.

Now this is a girl that doesn't color inside the lines, Lana mused. But she had to admit, she'd been guilty of the same crime.

Saliva flooded their mouths and almost drowned their words as they made their order of bacon and eggs.

"That dish comes with hash-browns. How would you like them?"

They stared at each other. Hash-browns?

"None," Lana said.

"Yeah, could you just give us more bacon?" Raya said.

"Or more eggs?" Lana added.

"And your drinks?" The waitress yawned.

"Sweet tea," Raya said.

"Water," Lana ordered, of course. "On second thought...Give me milk."

"Comin' up." The waitress yawned as she walked off.

Raya Glared at her sister. "Milk? You only drink water," she reminded her.

"I don't know. The wolf, maybe? It just came out. Right now, I just really want some milk. I'd cut off my tail for some milk, actually."

"Really? Because I really wanted a choco-chip waffle, but when I smelled that bacon, it was like I became possessed by the bacon gods or something."

"Me, too! And eggs-"

"I know, right? I don't even like eggs!"

"Hate 'em," Lana agreed excitedly.

"Here you are, Ladies," the sleepy waitress, Carry according to her name tag, said. "Milk and sweet tea. Your food will be done soon."

She sat the cups down in front of them. Raya took a big swig and shoved her cup forward.

"Hit me, Lana," she said.

Lana obliged, pouring a bit of her milk into Raya's sweet tea. Raya hadn't drank it that way in years, but it had always been a favorite of hers.

Carry brought their food and asked if there was anything else she could get them, but they were perfectly content for the moment. They ate noisily and sloppily, as werewolves will do. Even the disgusted glares from the other customers didn't ruin their meal.

Despite Raya's previous dislike of eggs, she couldn't imagine anything tasting better, except the bacon, which was crisp to perfection. Lana, Miss I-only-drink-water, was loving the shit out of her milk and the rest of her order.

They scarfed their breakfast so quickly, they could hardly believe it was all in their tummies. They didn't feel full. In fact, it barely even made a dent in their hunger, so they ordered again. Then, when that was gone, they ordered again, not worrying at all about their waistlines or their wallets.

When the third order was gone and they were satisfied, however, it was a different story. Raya handed her debit card to Carry with a shameful scowl, knowing her bank account would suffer for their impulsiveness.

"I can't believe we ate all of that!" Raya whispered fiercely across the table.

"Tell me about it. I'm glad I wore yoga pants," Lana said, slumping in her seat.

"First ruined clothes, now psychotic food binges - being a werewolf is going to break me." Raya fretted.

"Calm down. You can afford it."

"No." Raya shook her head, but instead of blurting out that her boss was dead, courtesy hers truly, she came up with another explanation. "Lana... Gary is missing. I don't even know when I'll work again."

"What? Are you serious?" Lana ignored the tightness in her stomach and raised up. "Where do you think he is?"

"Dead serious," Raya said. "I don't know where he is," she added truthfully. She had no idea what Bruce did with Gary's remains. She hadn't a clue where he'd gone on a spiritual note either, but she did have a pretty good idea he was working on his tan.

Lana relaxed back into the booth. "Well, you know, you don't really need him."

Raya gave Lana a confused look. "But he makes the arrangements and the calls and does the paperwork and protects us- he has connections and business sense, Lana. I do need him." How could I have been so stupid? she added silently after her outburst.

"But you do have connections. You've met all the clients he speaks to. Protect you? He didn't stop fuckwad from wolfing us out, did he? And speaking of, I think that's enough protection in and of itself now, isn't it? Just for the record, I can answer phones and do paperwork, Ray."

Carry brought Raya's debit card and thanked them for the ten dollar tip as well as dining with Denny's. Raya smiled at her, yet she was mulling over the words that came from Lana.

"You'd do that?" Raya asked as they walked through the exit, barely noticing the blonde, older guy who held the door open for them.

"You do the bones, I'll do the phones," Lana said simply.

Raya bit her lip, deep in thought. This could save her money troubles. Even better, she didn't have to give Gary a ridiculous fee anymore. "Okay. But let's not make that our motto, okay?"

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