Ch. 11 - I Love a Rainy Night

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"Why not? It's kinda funny," Lana teased. "Or we can flip it. I do the phones, you do the bones?"

Lana giggled, spinning in circles throughout the parking lot on her way to the car. She stopped abruptly and held back a gag.

"Oh-ho-ho, I ate way too fucking much," she noted, looking at Raya with pitiful, wattery eyes.

"Well, stop wanking around after consuming manly mounds of bacon," Raya told her.

Once settled inside, Lana fired up the Impala and the seat vibrated lightly under their bottoms. The girls relaxed feeling overstuffed, but content.

Rain drummed against the roof of the car and splashed large droplets on the windshield. The sisters were nearing their destination with Lana driving, covering her shift at the wheel. Raya lay fast asleep beside her, she needed rest. Lana could feel excitement building, but also dreaded at the thought of being somewhere so closely connected to her grandfather. Both of the girls loved him dearly. He was a caring and protective man whose family meant everything to him. He had taken care of them since they were seven, and was even there in their adulthood, until he passed on six months earlier. Lana would never forget the horrible day when she and Raya received the devastating news.

They were no strangers to loss. First, their grandmother, then their parents, and finally death had taken their grandpa. Now it was just the two of them, the last remaining in the Loveridge bloodline- that is, if neither of them happen to have a child. It didn't appear like that would be a possibility in the future for either of them.

Thinking of it, Lana eyes began to water, the salty liquid collecting to form a tear. It rolled slowly down her cheek, resting at her chin like a small rain drop. If you'd asked her last week, she'd have said that she and Robby would have kids one day. Well, not anymore. Not ever.

Lana used the back of her hand to wipe her face and snotty nose. Gross, she thought as she wiped it on her jeans. Then she noticed a reflection in her peripheral vision. A Cypressbrook, Mississippi sign.

"Finally!" Lana cheered. They'd made good time, even. She didn't even mind as the heavier rain in Cypressbrook beat against the windshield and made it just a bit harder to see the road.

They hadn't started out to be sad, but to get away and have a clear mind. Lana realized she couldn't control her emotions, but she was ready to cheer up a bit. Emotions can feel like a curse with so much control; so much power. She did her best to block out the negative vibes and focused on the good things. They were nearly there, and she would get to have a decent shower. How she was looking forward to shaving her legs! She'd shaved only the day before, but her hair was growing so much faster now.

Must be another annoying wolf thing, she thought.

Lana swerved sharply to the right, unintentionally.

Raya felt the jerk and slide of her new car, and startled out of her slumber, shooting up like a cork torpedoing out of a champagne bottle. She grasped at the seat and dash in a search of stability.

"Sorry, sis," Lana cringed, regaining control of the Impala.

"Damn, be careful," Raya grumbled. She hated being startled awake and she hated the carelessness Lana was showing her ride.

"Well, you know I don't drive often. And this car feels like I'm in a damn boat!" Lana squealed. "I'm driving so you can try to get some rest!"

"Yeah, well you almost made me have a heart attack just now. I was sleeping like a baby-"

Before another word drifted from Raya's lips, a loud, thundering bang hit the hood of the vehicle, forcing Lana to slam on the breaks as fast as she could. Her foot stomped the pedal to the floor, neither of them worried about the car at this point. It's funny the way something can seam so important at one moment, but can become so small in a blink. It's a reality check, letting you know it really wasn't important and reminding you how much time and effort you waste on petty matters.

The halt of the car threw the girls forward, launching them both through the windshield. They landed on the wet, gravel road half a mile up, a mere three minutes from Grandpa's. Raya clutched at her elbow, little shards of glass stung, embedded in her forearm.

Lana pounced up, facing the car. Whatever had made impact was gone or hiding. Her guess: hiding. She turned to Raya leaning forward offering her hand. Raya obliged taking Lana's hand and standing.

"You alright?" Lana questioned looking at the blood on Raya hand and arm .

"Yeah. The eff was that?" Raya fiddled with the wound. Puzzled that it wasn't hurting anymore, not even stinging. She swiped carefully, all the glass sprinkled to the pavement. It had healed all on its own. If it weren't for the blood, she wouldn't be able to tell anything had happened.

"Whoa. I just healed like a Goddess," she mumbled. This was awesome. Now she knew she could really raise some hell and have an upper hand.

Lana's hands had been scraped, but were healed. The only thing visible on her was the tattered knee of her blue jeans and the glass she shook out of her hair.

Lana's eyes shot up into the trees. She'd distinctively heard a snap. Every follicle of hair on her body stood at attention. She felt a hand grip hers and immediately recognized the touch. She and Raya use to hold hands as kids, when they were frightened about the stories Gramps told them about boogeymen.

"Do you see what I see?" Raya whispered only loud enough for her sister's super hearing to catch, giving Lana's hand a slight, rainy squeeze.

Looking to her left, Lana could see Raya's profile, streams of rain dripping from her nose. Out of the corner of her eye, a large shadow.

Lana pounced through instinct - it was so dark and the rain was so heavy, all she could collect was a faint scent. She landed softly in a warrior stance empty handed, however. She felt a warm sensation, then hot breath separated the back of her hair with mild force, causing the tiny tag inside her shirt that read "x-small 100% cotton" to scratch at her lower neck. She stood as still as a ninja.

Then it was gone.

There it was, to the right, near the trees.

"Hey, Raya?" she said.


"You wanna red rover?"

A wide smile cover the majority of both girls' faces, and they briefly recalled the childhood game when the locked hands and dared a kid from the opposite team to break through. Raya nodded in a giddy form of excitement. The girls, with the speed of Flash, swing around and clothes lined what had seemed to be an invisible beast, driven only by the feeling of its presence. Oh, it was there, and they felt the impact from the forceful blow, but where had the mother fucker gone?

"Ray? D'ya see it?"

"Nope. Can't hardly smell it with this rain either," Raya complained, shaking her head frantically .

The girls turned so their backs to one another, giving them a small feeling of security. They rotated clockwise, slowly, scanning every direction for any sign of the boogeyman. Raya could hear her heart beating in her chest, making her feel uneasy and highly agitated. Lana's patience was growing thinner every second. Her canines shot out like the spears in the infamous booby-trap scene in an Indiana Jones movie.

"Is it gone? I can't tell." Raya sobbed, figuring so much for super wolf-chick powers if a little rain was going to throw them off.

"It's toying with us. I'm tired of sick fucks and their mind games! Come out you coward!" Lana yelled into the darkness and growled, a rumbling sound coming from the depths of her chest.

Slowly, out of the darkness, six glowing eyes appeared like Cheshire Cats. Then three man-cats presented themselves. The girls were strong and assertive, but no match for three.

The girls turned quickly, running up the gravel road heading to their grandfather's house. Mere walls wouldn't keep out the baddies, but the girls knew without mention that, once inside, they could at least grab one of his hunting riffles. Lana ran so fast she couldn't feel her feet touch the ground. Raya, fast but not quite as fast, stayed on her heels. They spotted the roof of the house with excitement. I gave them a boost and they picked up pace until the safe haven was in full view. They would be there within seconds.

Raya felt a cold grip around her ankle, jerking her forcefully out of mid-air. She crashed to the ground in a jarring, teeth chattering heap. She clawed and fought to break free while the thing held tight to her ankle and shoe.

Lana skidded to a halt, painting but not tired.

"Damn it to hell!" she squealed, punching the air. She dashed back toward her sister.

When Lana approached, the monsters were hovering over Raya. Raya sat on the gravel digging her hands and free foot into the gravel, pulling herself backward, but not able to slip from the thing's grip.

Lana jumped and dodged to avoid the trashes from the man-cats' clawed hands. All of them were around 7 foot tall, fully covered in a black and white, slick coat that reflected the moonlight.

Stinking cats! Why do they always have to toy with their food? It's so rude. So- ugh...inconsiderate!

They'd both somehow managed to remain unscathed for the time being, a fact that could change any moment. Lana was now faced with one of the beasts, trying to draw them from Raya. The thing plunged forward, making brutal contact, but Lana was ready. She tossed it into the air with ease, her tiny frame flying up at least fifteen feet in the air with it. She wasn't in the mood to play. She was so over it. She landed on her feet in a crouch, the cat also landing on his feet nearby.

Thunder clashed and lighting flashed, and raindrops came harder. Lana dug both hands into the moist ground beside her, collecting a large, nice, chunky pile of mud with sharp gravel inside. With her hand raised high, she glared at her enemy, then leapt, throwing the mud and rock as hard as she could into its face. It splashed in its eyes, causing the beast to dance while trying to regain its eyesight.

Lana took her shot, running up to the beast, and forced her hand through its thick, dripping coat, through its flesh and chest cavity. Her tiny hand wrapped around the beasts heart, and she pulled it out, exposing it as it pumped in her grasp. The beast fell to the ground, landing in a limp heap. The rain washed the blood from the heart, sending the watery blood from the once beating heart down her arm. Lana lifted the heart up into the air, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Any other takers?" she screamed.

She had the cat-men's attention. They'd backed up off of Raya, staring at the puny little she-wolf that had just viciously killed their comrade. Lana looked them in the eyes with a gleam of ecstasy and bit into the heart, ripping out a good meaty chunk. She lifted the heart over her face and squeezed. The blood trickled out of the heart, while the rain Beat down on her, bathing her in its blood. Lana welcomed the blood washing over her face, laughing and lapping at the drops. Done with her game, she launched the heart at the two as it she were throwing a ball at a carnival game - knock over the asshole cats, win a three dollar teddy bear. It bounced off the chest of the one standing to the left and landed at its feet.

In all the action, Raya's ankle and shoe were free. She frantically checked her shoe, sure enough the heel was barely hanging there. She felt anger rush from the tips of her toes to the top of her head as she slipped the mangled shoe off and held it in her hand. She hopped pulling the other shoe off so she wasn't standing awkwardly. With every intake and huff of breath, little hairs were extracting and withdrawing from and into her skin.

Everyone froze as she screamed, "These! Were! Jimmy! CHOOS!"

She waved the ruined shoe like a mad woman. Singling out the douche that broke it, she threw the unbroken one like a champion knife thrower. It hit its target. The heel smacked the prick straight in the eye and his head flew back as he let out a wounded, "Oof!"

Unfortunately, it did nothing to satiate her anger. She found herself roaring like she'd been possessed just to relieve some of that anger. Lana joined her, and they roared together like lunatics as the change took them.

The intruder with the heart at his feet watched them with wide eyes and said incredulously, "Fuck this."

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