Ch. 3 - Every Rose Has It's Thorn

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The Jack in Lana's system lent her courage. She leaped onto the large, wolf-man like a drunk spider monkey and pounded its face with her tiny fist. But the furry beast didn't let it stop him. Tears stung Raya's eyes as sharp fangs sliced and tore her delicate skin. She knew then, while in the mouth of the beast, that she was a goner.

"Run, Lana! Run!" she screamed. Tears flowed from her eyes.

Lana seemed to be annoying the monster more than hurting it, a fact that scared Raya even more than she was afraid for herself. Any minute, it might decide to let go of Raya and attack Lana, who -- though extremely brave -- was so pixie-ish she couldn't possibly hope to hold her own against a real live werewolf.

Knowing she had to help somehow, Raya grabbed the coarse hair on the thing's head with her free hand and kicked at its torso. It was like kicking a tree, doing more damage to her toes than anything else.

Lana kept punching Bruce's wolfy face. She pulled at one of his pointy dog-like ears and he thrashed about, growling. Both girls knew they couldn't hope to beat him up, but at least they could buy some time and put up enough of a ruckus so that help would come. Always make noise, they'd been taught. Battle cries filled the room. Raya smashed the bedside lamp on Wolf-Bruce's head.

At that moment, to everyone's surprise, a drunken Robby came crashing in through the door. He slurred, "Get the fuck off my ol' lady!" then stumbled to the floor, moaning at the pain that shot through his wrist when he attempt to catch himself.

The idiot didn't even see the nightmarish monster he was yelling at. All Robby knew, was that when he caught up with the sisters, they were walking into the hotel with the big muscled business guy. One who was undoubtedly appealing enough to threaten him when it came to Lana's fidelity. Sure, she said it was over, but he didn't actually believe it. People said that stuff every day and made up the next. Lana was his, by hell.

Snarling, Bruce turned to face Robby, flinging Lana off his back like a tiny mosquito, and shoving Raya hard. The girls flipped on the bed, tumbled to the floor, and crashed into the wall in a startled and shaken tangle.

Robby, inebriated and still looking at his throbbing wrist, felt something wet splatter on his face. Reflexively he started to wipe at the wetness, but before he knew what was going on, he was already snatched and being lifted by his beer-and-grass-stained shirt. His legs dangled pathetically as he looked up into the wild, pale-blue eyes of the growling, pissed-off monster.

Robby struggled, lashing about, trying to free himself even as Bruce's other clawed hand wrapped around Robby's neck, cutting off any noise. Bruce huffed a loud snort at Robby through his snout that made Robby's hair blow back. It was a snort that said, "you're screwed."

Bruce squeezed his grip so tight it crushed Robby's neck with disturbing ease, smiling a wolf's grin all the while, plainly enjoying the feel of Robby's body going limp in his grasp.

Finally, he craned his neck back to flash his wolfy smile at the girls. The wolf part of him began to melt away, leaving an almost completely human Bruce standing there naked -- an immaculate sort of naked, despite being covered in little splats and long dark streams of the red liquid spilling from Robby's destroyed neck. It trailed down Bruce's sinewy forearms in a steady flow.

Between the ass whooping he sustained in the library parking lot and what Bruce-wolf did to him, Lana couldn't even make out poor Robby's face. The man she once loved- only now just a lifeless...nothing. He plopped to the floor, when Bruce let him, and just laid there with an empty stare.

A single tear rolled down Lana's cheek before fury took over. A quick hop over the bed, and she lunged at Bruce. She was determined to hurt him. He grabbed her by the arm and forcefully pulled her to into him. Their bodies collided so roughly it jarred her to the core. She didn't even have time to gather herself before he buried his fading fangs deep into her shoulder.

Lana shrieked and pushed against his blood-slicked skin in vain, even tugging his hair, while he held her firmly in place. The pain went throughout her body, overtaking her senses and causing her to go numb and limp.

Raya screamed, her face tear-streaked as she watched her sister fall to the floor. Fright coursed through her for her sibling's life. She immediately ran to Lana's side, forgetting about the danger she herself was in. Curses spewed from her mouth and hit Bruce, a combination of every insulting foul word she'd ever heard. It was all she could do. He was too strong for her -- even if she didn't have a wounded arm. Any attempt she could make to defeat him would surely fail. She felt like pure shit for not being able to help. She felt stupid for leaving her cell phone with Kevin's number in it in the car. Worst of all, she felt furious at herself to not have been smart enough to pick up on this guy's defaults at first glance. Why did she ignore the strange vibes he gave off? Had she not been so blinded by dollar signs she might have been able to save her sister.

Bruce knelt swiftly and snatched Raya by her long, red hair. He took his time to savor her fear, sniffing her deeply while he slowly twisted her bright locks around his fisted hand. He yanked her to her feet by the roots of her hair.

Raya spat in his face. "You mother fucker!" she yelped in rage as loud as she could.

She lifted her hand, attempting to claw at his smirking, menacing face, but he caught her hand and pushed it behind her back causing a crack and an awful feeling to run down her arm. He opened his mouth wide and bit into the top of her breast, hesitating only a moment before releasing to spit her own blood into her face. He threw her to the floor.

Raya struggled to focus on him through the sting of her own blood in her eyes before she lost consciousness.

The hot sun beat down on the Impala, heating it up like a sauna. A ray of sunshine blazed through the window right into Lana's eye. She threw her hand up to shield her eyes. Every muscle in her body was sore, the way she used to feel the day after a tough soccer game in high school. Her position was uncomfortable, and groggily, she realized she was in her sister's car. She rose and saw Raya slumped in the driver seat. They appeared to be in a parking lot.

What the hell happened? She wondered, trying to collect her thoughts.

She adjusted her seat to an upright position and took in her surroundings. A cheap motel stood three stories tall beside the car. Rows and rows of blue doors spaced along the side. She stared at them, wondering how she came to be here. No memories were coming, but there was a strange dream about monsters or...something. Nausea twisted and knotted in the pit of her stomach.

"Raya! Wake up! Why the hell did we sleep in your car?" she said, nudging her sister.

Raya's eyelids flickered rapidly, trying to adjust to the sun's vicious rays.

"Raya...Raya-" Lana began to panic noticing the dried-up, brown blood on Raya's chest. "Are you okay?"

Lana gaped at the wound that peeked out above the right side of Raya's dress. An ugly gash and a few punctures with dried blood surrounding the irritated area.

"What the fuck is that? How did it happen? Er, doesn't it hurt?" Lana stammered.

"Whoa, you know I don't like to answer questions when I first wake up," Raya said, rubbing her eyes and trying to ignore the usual morning ache. "Remember that girl at camp who wouldn't stop asking me shit? I don't think she smiled for the rest of the trip with that chipped tooth I gave her."

Last night must have been wild! She thought as she pushed her hair out of her face. A few strands refused to go back, they tugged at the skin on her chest. Raya looked down to see what kind of sticky gunk was on her this time, then she too saw the wound. She nearly jumped out of her -- usually flawless, but now mangled -- skin. She teared up out of fear and waved her hands in front of her face while she tried to form words.

"Oh, God!" Lana shrieked. "Oh, God, I thought it was just a dream!"

"What?! What was a dream? What the actual fuck is going on? Lana, you have blood on you, too," Raya cried pointing at Lana's shoulder. Then she yelped at the wound she noticed on her arm the moment she used it to point at Lana.

Lana's hand shot up to her shoulder and she could definitely feel something there. She jerked down the sun visor to take a look into the little mirror. There was blood for sure, and even a nasty wound.

"What the fuck?' she mumbled as she examined her shoulder closer. "Is that fucking bite marks?"

The bites hurt no more or no less than the rest of their bodies. This wasn't normal. This was some X-Files shit. Lana met Raya's wide, terrified eyes.

"Lana, are we dead?!"

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