Ch. 4 - We Didn't Start the Fire

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"No, we're not dead; don't be stupid," Lana spat.

"Hey, don't call me stupid. I'm freaking out here!" Raya countered.

"Shit! Sorry, I just- it's not a good morning, in case you haven't noticed."

"No shit," Raya agreed. "Oh, God! Did we really see what I think we saw last night?"

Lana nodded gravely.

"Do we go to the cops?" Lana asked.

"And tell them what? A giant wolf-man bit us-" Raya gasped, having just caught on. "He bit us, Lana! That fucker bit us!"

"Yeah, derp. We've got the gnarly wounds to prove it- oh. Oh, hell!" Lana caught it as well -- the one thing that happens when someone gets bitten by a werewolf...

"We're werewolves, Raya!" she screeched with wide, frightful eyes.

"M-maybe we're not? I mean..." Raya wrung her hands searching for an alternative, but she could already feel the change inside her. It was powerful and kind of exciting, but scary at the same time.

Lana was not excited -- not in the least. She was devastated and frankly PO'ed to the brim. She worked hard and paid taxes; she obeyed the law and went to church on Easter Sunday; she volunteered at the homeless shelter kitchen; she was faithful to one asshole guy for two whole years, damnit! She was a good person. How could this happen to her?!

Raya's upbeat Party All the Time ringtone cut through the mood like an inappropriate blade. Raya snatched it from the dashboard with frustration, glaring at the caller ID. It read: "ALPHA" in all capitals.

"What the fucking fuck?" She puzzled before answering with a timid, "Hello?"

"Ahh, you're awake. I thought I felt you stiring," a voice crooned. It was unmistakeable; the voice was Bruce's.

"What the hell do you want, asshole?" she shrieked into the phone.

There was a hearty chuckle on the other end of the line. "Just what I deserve. You owe me fealty, pup. You and your friend."

"She's my sister, prick, and we don't owe you shit!"

"Who is that, Raya?" Lana demanded.

"It's him," she explained, "It's Bruce."

Lana tried wrestling the phone from her sister. There was a short, girly scuffle, but Lana looked so furious that Raya finally gave it up willingly.

"Fuck you to hell, you bastard!" she yelled, straining her voice. She didn't even care about the sting in her throat.

Another booming laugh resonated through the phone. "So feisty. Where does all of this anger come from?"

"Eat shit," she snapped, and to her surprise, a deep, vicious growl escaped her. Lana's hand shot up to her mouth as if she could cover it up the way one covers up an untimely burp, but she hardly thought saying, "excuse me," to one you're arguing with was entirely appropriate.

"Enough! Mind your manners!" Bruce barked in her ear.

Lana opened her mouth to counter, but try as she might, she couldn't say another hateful word -- though she had many in reserve.

"I need your services," he said calmly after giving her a moment to calm herself.

"Like he-" she wanted to say, "hell," but the words wouldn't come out.

"I need you to go back in the hotel and get rid of the body. Can't leave dead boyfriends laying around can we?"

She could tell he was wearing a smirk on his disgusting, handsome face.

Tears threatened Lana again. "No way," she whispered loud enough for the receiver to carry.

"You'll do it...what was that line Raya so tactlessly used last night? Oh, 'or else'. Do not call the cops." Then the line went as dead as she felt inside at that moment.

"What did he say?" Raya asked.

"He wants us to get rid of-of Robby. He said, 'or else' and not to call the cops."

"Bullshit," Raya said angrily.

There was an awkward moment where Lana wanted to inform the police, but she couldn't bring herself to even dial the number.

Raya wanted to start up the Impala and get the hell out of there, but she couldn't turn the key. It was the same feeling she got when she knew she had to wake up in the morning, but her bed was so warm she just couldn't bring herself to get out of it.

It was entirely maddening, but they sat there. Then they started to grow uncomfortable. Lana's stomach twisted and Raya started to sweat.

"Ray, I don't feel so good," Lana said finally, scrunching up her face.

"Me either," Raya agreed, sweating bullets.

Lana flung the car door open, dry heaving over the paved parking lot.

Raya patted the back of her shoulder. "Are you o-" she started, but a fit of dry heaving overcame her as well. Something was definitely off. She never got sick.

"Do you think it's because he changed us?" Raya asked.

Lana shook her head, still hanging half way out of the car. "It's not even a full moon yet, if that's even a thing."

"It wasn't a full moon last night, but he changed. He just got mad and poof," Raya said.

"You're right," Lana said. "I still don't think it's that though."

"The Jack?"

"No, I think- I think it's because we aren't doing what he said."

Raya gave Lana her confused, are-you-serious look.

"Earlier," Lana explained, "When he told me to mind my manners, I couldn't insult him. I think this is our bodies telling us we have to obey."

It took a moment to consider the information, but eventually they knew they'd have to test the theory.

"Only one way to find out," Raya said with a huff.

They stormed to the hotel room, and the closer they got, the more their state improved. They walked right up to the door, the room's numbers big in their flashy gold font.

"Holy crap-nuts," Lana groaned. She knew what they had to do.

Raya grabbed her hand and gave it a tiny squeeze.

"Are you sure you can do this?" she asked. "I can go alone."

But Lana couldn't let Raya do this horrible thing alone. Lana nodded, showing even more courage than she had the night before, and opened the door. They entered the room and were almost immediately knocked down by the stench of death. They threw their hands up as though the gesture could dilute the smell.

The almost unrecognizable Robby laid just where they remembered, only by now flies had started to swarm him and pick at the decaying exposed flesh. It was weird how flies could just somehow magically appear with no open doors or windows when death was present.

Lana felt her stomach grow tight and her limbs grow weak. Poor robby. She was mad at him, but why did he have to die? Without realizing, Lana lost control and fell to her knees on the floor.

Raya ran to the bathroom only a few steps away and began to vomit a most horrific puke that sounded quite painful.

Lana heard water running indicating that her sister had finished and was okay. Then Lana crawled up to Robby's body, weeping silently all the while. So many tears had fallen that her cheeks had become warm and red. She leaned down, lifted his limp, distorted head in her hands, and stared down.

Stupid...stupid! Why did you have to be so stupid? Why couldn't you have just gone home? She spoke to him in her head, because there was no sense in saying it aloud.

Raya walked out of the bathroom wiping the cold sweat from her forehead. "Here are some towels. I'm going to go see if I can find some more and maybe something to get this blood up with, it's every-fucking-where!"

Lana didn't respond; she only sat there silently staring at her dead ex-boyfriend. Raya slipped out of the room to give Lana a silent moment with her lost lover.

Lana's eyes had began to swell, blurring her vision of Robby. It was as though she were looking into a steamy mirror after getting out of a hot shower.

A sudden rage overcame her. All she could think about was Bruce and his smart ass taunts. "We can't have dead boyfriends laying around, can we?" repeated itself in her head.

She felt an ache in her mouth and her muscles stared to contract all over. It felt like forever, but it subsided in seconds. Something was different about her. Her tongue slipped across her teeth and she startled when her tongue was pricked with the needle-sharpness of her new canine tooth. Apparently, anger was the source of her newly given curse -- like Bruce.

Get rid of the body, huh? She thought to herself. Get rid of it I will.

Lana leaned down and used her sharp new teeth a big hearty chuck out of Robby's neck. She yanked and pulled, tearing the flesh, choking it down. With her equally new and sharp claws, she tore open his chest cavity and pulled out his heart, hungrily biting into it. It was an appetizer she followed with the rest of his organs. Once the organs were gone, she devoured the rest of him, bones and all, then fell over on her side panting.

Raya opened the door and observed Lana's mouth covered in blood, her swollen middle, her torn clothes, and only a brownish-old blood spot where Robby used to be. Raya dropped everything she had collected to clean up with, then used her trembling hands to cover her open mouth.

"Lana what did you do?" she uttered.

Lana groaned from her spot on the floor. Turning drunk-looking eyes on Raya.

"You gobbled up your boyfriend?" Raya pressed, staring at the mess of dried blood around Lana's mouth.

"Ex," Lana reminded her simply, not in the mood to spare any sympathy toward anything aside from her gut at the moment.

" didn't save me a thigh? you know I like thighs! But nope, no thighs, not a-one. You didn't even save me a finger, or-or an ear? Nothing?" Raya's stomach grumbled at the thought of a morsel of flesh-

What in the shitting hell? She thought. I can't eat people! But her stomach felt different, and it voiced its objection loudly.

"Sorry, sis, but I was proving a point. Bruce thinks he can hurt me by making me ditch my dead ex- well screw him!" Lana said with difficulty. She was at the point where even talking hurt. All of the Thanksgivings in her life could not have prepared her for the level of full she was feeling right then.

"Now, I think I'm gonna hurl," she confessed.

It took all of Lana's strength to push herself off of the floor and stumble to the bathroom to vomit at least half of Robby back up. She had to keep flushing the toilet.

My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the ti-ime! Raya's ringtone sounded over Lana's violent retching and flushing.

"Fuck!" she exclaimed, seeing Gary's name on the ID.

Raya accepted the call and held it to her ear with her shoulder, so she could put on the rubber cleaning gloves - they were dish gloves, but they'd work to keep fingerprints off of everything.

"Sorry, I don't have time to screw around right now. I'm busy, Gary," she said without bothering to greet him.

"What the fuck happened to you last night, Raya?" Gary's angry, gruff voice demanded.

"Oh, about that-" she started, trying to figure a way to explain why she had no pay for the nightmare of a night they'd suffered. "The guy was a real creep. Told us he was going to the restroom and skipped out."

Did that sound right? She wondered.

Lana let out a particularly loud gag, and Raya couldn't hear what Gary said.

"What was that?" she asked him.

"Don't play dumb with me, Raya. You stood the guy up! You costed us a customer, now you owe me big."

"Stood him up? What? I was there!" Raya protested, another loud hurl behind her.

Should I tell Gary what happened? She wondered. No, best to keep it a secret. People can't know what I am...what we are.

"Guy called, said you asked to meet him at a bar, and when he got there he gave the bartender the description you gave him and the bartender told him you bitches left with another dude."

"We left with him!"

"Stop! Just get your ass down to the Holiday inn, he's still in room 4C," Gary demanded. Another man telling her what to do. Raya snarled under her breath; she really didn't have time for this crap from Gary right now.

"Fine, whatever," she grumbled, thinking it'll shut up Gary and she might really go so she could punch Bruce in his stupid, pale-blue eye.

She ended the call and checked on Lana who was feeling much better after she'd up chucked at least sixty pounds of Robby and flushed him down the toilet.

I wasted years of my life on him and now he's literally waste, she thought bitterly while watching the last of Robby disappear down the toilet.

"You feel up to cleaning?" Raya asked.

"Screw that," Lana said wiping her gory mouth on a wet hotel wash cloth. "We'll just burn it."

"That's arson, Lana."

"You're a fucking prostitute, what do you care about breaking the law?" Normally she wouldn't be so harsh to her sister, but Lana was in a terrible mood. Munching on your ex and puking him in a cheap hotel one almost screwed a stranger who ended up turning them and their sister into effing werewolves kinda does that to a person.

"Okay, one: I'm not a prostitute, I'm a call girl, there's a difference and you know it. Two: you can get five years for arson it's serious shit."

"You should have finished law school," Lana said blowing her bangs out of her face. "Then we could have sued that bastard for ruining our lives."

Raya looked down guiltily. Lana had unknowingly touched on two soft spots for her. Raya wished she had finished law school, but her jerk professor failed her for not banging him on his desk in front of his wife's photo. Also...she wasn't sure Bruce ruined her life. Professor Prick had done more damage to her life than Were-Bruce had. Sure, she was a bit angry at what he'd forced her and Lana to do, and confused about this new man-eating hunger. She felt like a freak. She was a freak...but a strong freak. She could feel her strength growing, her body changing, and she kind of liked it.

"I don't think they have a law for turning someone into a werewolf," Raya said.

"They should! I can't believe it! I always knew my period was coming when I started getting angry spells, but now it means I'm gonna turn into fucking wolf-girl. Talk about PMS..." Lana glowered, but her words forced a giggle from Raya.

Lana didn't share Raya's silver lining of the situation. In fact she was just straight up ticked. She'd always been her own person, a perfectly normal one at that, but Bruce had turned her into a beast and had some witchy spell attached to her that forced her to do his bidding. Well, fuck him. Lana would do her best to screw up any and all orders from him somehow. Maybe they'll arrest him for burning the hotel room. It was, after all, registered to his name, she thought gleefully as they obtained lighter fluid to blaze the place with. It was best to steal the lighter fluid so they wouldn't leave a trace, and she did without hesitation. She was fired from her job, turned into a monster, and had a stomach full of her ex-lover - theft was the least of her moral worries at the moment.

Lana felt only a sliver of justification as she watched the room ablaze through Raya's rearview mirror. She was sure they could cover their tracks and make it seem like they were never there -- in the least, no-one would be able to prove it. The only proof, the registration records, said that Bruce was in that room. She grinned at the thought of the handsome devil in prison stripes.

Despite Raya's early objection, she found herself growing excited at what they'd just done. Something about the new wolfy side of her was feeding on the mischief of it all.

It's going to take a while to get used to this, she thought.

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