Chapter 1: betrayal.

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(3rd person pov)

Tokyo kingdom, the place that held one of the most insane bloodbaths in the history of the kingdom, the place that was turned into an arena for two individuals, the bloodhound of florencia, Rosarita Cisneros, and the black bullet, Bruce blackheart, thanks to a certain Japanese businessman, the two bloodthirsty maniacs managed to squash their beef; that was almost six months ago.

(Gosha academy)

A red haired guy with matching eye colour was holding a file and was making his way to a certain office, that man is y/n l/n, y/n reached the office and knocked on the door.

?: enter.

He walked in the office and saw his crush, a blackish teal haired woman with teal eyes wearing a skin tight purple suit, that woman is the "almighty" asagi igawa.

Y/n: good morning miss asagi, I have the file.

He gave her the file while trying his best not to blush.

Asagi: thank you y/n, any news about Edwin black?

Y/n despised that name for one reason and one reason only, that name belonged to his father, Edwin black, asagi noticed the look on his face when she mentioned his name.

Y/n: unfortunately...nothing new about that ass wipe!

Asagi: then tonight, you, me and sakura will do some patrolling.

Y/n: alright, now if you'll excuse me...I'll take my leave.

Asagi: alright then you're dismissed.

Y/n then left with an angry face having one thought in mind.

Y/n: 'you will not get away for what you did to kyosuke!!'

(In Venezuela)

In the Lovelace estate, Garcia was playing with the family dog Lazlo while Roberta (or the bloodhound of Florencia) was watching him with a smile on her face, Garcia then noticed that someone was missing.

Garcia: roberta?

Roberta: yes master Garcia?

Garcia: where's my brother, did you wake him up?

Roberta: I believe I did...but I shall go and check.

Garcia: thanks!

She then headed towards the other Lovelace's room, she slowly opened the door and saw him sleeping.

Roberta: MASTER BRUCE! Why aren't you awake yet?!!!

It turns out that the other Lovelace is none other than Caesar Fernando Lovelace or bruce blackheart, also known as the black bullet...the number one most wanted individual in the world with a bounty of 40 million dollars on him...dead or alive, the thing is...that number is very tempting...but it's not worth it for the most skilled bounty hunters, anyway he looked at her as he covered him face with the bed sheet.

Bruce: five more minutes...


She then opened the blinds letting the sunlight in the room, Bruce then groaned and got up.

Bruce: alright I'm up! I'm up!

Roberta: good, now please take a sho-

Bruce: enough with that...we're both alone...

Roberta: if you say so...

She grabbed him by the chin and stared into his eyes with a death glare.

Roberta: you need to get your ass up or I'll rip that new liver of yours...

Bruce: oh you dirty bitch work the shaft!

They were glaring intensely at each other, Roberta was staring at Bruce so hard she didn't notice the colt python was pointed at her, Bruce then gently pushed her aside as he got off the bed.

Bruce: never forget the one who whopped your ass with a fucked up liver.

Roberta: tch!

Bruce: now get the hell out of here, I'll take a shower and I'll join you...tell garcia him and will go on a walk.

Roberta then walked out of the room as Bruce went to the bathroom.


At the garden, Garcia was having his breakfast while Roberta was standing behind him, Bruce then walked to the garden and saw the two of them, he was followed by a young Mexican (I assume) maid, he put on his glasses as looked around the garden.

Bruce: it sure is a mess here...

Garcia: good morning Bruce!

Bruce: morning gar...

Garcia: we were waiting for you for two hours!

Bruce: sorry...painkillers...

Garcia: you still take them?

Bruce: of course I still hurts!

Garcia: but what's with the suit...?

Bruce: you and I...are going...i think I'm ready.

Garcia knew what he meant by that as he nodded.

Bruce: no rush kid...we have all the time in the world.

Garcia then finished his breakfast, Bruce then finished his tea and got up and the mexican maid gave Bruce his jacket.

Bruce: thank you Fabiola.

Fabiola: of course master Bruce.

Bruce and Garcia then headed towards Bruce's new car, the legendary Ferrari f50.

Bruce then turned on the car and looked at Roberta and nodded, she immediately knew what he meant by that as she turned around and walked inside as Fabiola followed suit, Bruce and Garcia then headed to the graveyard.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

At the graveyard both Bruce and Garcia made their way to their father's grave, Garcia was staring at the grave with a sad smile.

Garcia: hello father...I've brought someone with me.

Bruce then took off his glasses and took a deep breath.

Bruce: guess who's back dad... I know you don't approve of what I've become...I've been in your office...that's how I know...what I also know is you didn't tell Garcia about me...and I totally understand why...he's too young for all this.

Garcia looked at Bruce with a sad look on his face, for the first time since they met...he saw Bruce getting emotional.

Bruce: my life was stolen from me...only for Roberta to put salt on the wound...but it's okay, the truth have been revealed, one more thing before I leave dad...I promise you that I'll take care of little Garcia, and if anyone tries to harm him...Roberta shall be the last of their worries!.

And with that Bruce walked back to his car and waited for Garcia.

Garcia: well father, I will see you next week.

Garcia then headed with Bruce as he drove around the city, Bruce then parked next to a jewellery store confusing Garcia.

Garcia: why are we here?

Bruce: I'll pick my watch...I won't be long.

Garcia then nodded as Bruce walked into the store.

(2 minutes later)

Bruce then walked out of the store while holding a bag, he hopped in the car and drove back home, on their way there garcia was curious about the watch.

Garcia: can I see the watch?

Bruce: when we get home gar, you are going to be so jealous! 'More like I'll be so jealous'

Garcia: alright, but can you at least tell me the brand?

Bruce: can't do gar, sorry.

Garcia: you're no fun.

(15 minutes later)

Bruce and Garcia have arrived to the Lovelace estate as Bruce went through the main gate as Garcia saw all the maids including roberta standing in the garden with a big sign that said "happy birthday Garcia" and a huge cake shocking him, they hopped out of the car as garcia ran towards Roberta and hugged her which made Bruce kinda jealous but happy nonetheless.

Roberta: happy birthday young master.


Bruce then walked towards him while holding the bag, with a wide smile on his face he gave garcia the bag confusing him.

Garcia: I thought that was yours.

Bruce: I lied...happy birthday kid.

Garcia: thank you brother!

He then hugged Bruce as he felt garcia sniffing, being his older brother bruce patted Garcia on his back.

Bruce: aww... c'mon's your shouldn't cry...

Bruce's act of brotherly love managed to warm Roberts's cold heart as she wiped her tears away, bruce then kneeled to garcia's level and looked at him in the eye.

Bruce: well...what're you waiting for? Open it.

Garcia then opened the gift and saw a diamond Rolex watch.

Garcia: it's b-beautiful! T-thank you!!

Garcia then cried on Bruce's shoulder which made Bruce shed a tear, they looked into each other's eyes as Bruce wiped Garcia's tears away.

Bruce: I made a promise to dad...and I intend to keep it.

And so they began the birthday party, during the party roberta approached Bruce.

Roberta: master Bruce I may need your assistance if that is possible.

Bruce then got up from his chair as they walked inside, once they got inside roberta faced Bruce.

Roberta: we have a problem...

Bruce: the Cuban cartel?

Roberta: the Cuban cartel...they were looking for you.

Bruce: I'll handle it.

Roberta: but I'm coming with you...they're pissing me off!

Bruce: sure...and besides it's been six months since I've been in action...and the beast is hungry.

Roberta: then it's settled...once the young master is asleep we'll erase them from existence!

Bruce: keep it down...he might hear us.

And with that they went back to the party.

(At night)

Roberta just finished cleaning the house after putting Garcia into his bed while Bruce was in his room getting dressed, he wore a black on black business suit and a red tie and black leather Chelsea boots.

Bruce then went to the garage and hopped in his ferrari and waited for roberta, Roberta then hopped into the car as Bruce drove to the cartel base of operations, he took a glance at her and saw that she was wearing the same outfit when they were trying to kill each other.


They have arrived at the place as Bruce turned off the car as Bruce hopped out of the car, he then placed both rogue and insane on his lower back and buttoned his suit and put a pen in the front pocket while Roberta was waiting in the car, bruce then walked towards the guards as he adjusted his tie.

Guard 1: what business do you have here?!

Bruce then pulled out his pen and stabbed the guard in the throat and quickly twisted the other guard's neck killing both of them, he signalled Roberta to follow him which he did, once she got out of the car she tied the ends of her hair and walked towards him, he had to admit, Roberta looked so good in that outfit which gave her curves and her muscles the justice it deserves, so they walked in the base which was pitch black.

Bruce: *whisper* careful... my gut tells me that they know about us...

Roberta nodded as Bruce pulled both rogue and insane while Roberta pulled out a modified colt 1911 or as Roberta calls it "the emperor" and Mary (Bruce's old gun).

Bruce: 'she still holds in that gun...that's interesting...I'll ask her about it later'

They made their way through the dark corridors until they saw some searchlights as they hid behind a wall, Roberta the pit her head on the floor while Bruce closed his eyes to get a better feeling of the ground.

Roberta & Bruce: 16...all armed.

Goon leader: find them! They are still here! I can smell it!

Bruce then took his pen and threw it across the corridor making the goons turn to the direction of the sound as both Bruce and Roberta came out of their hiding spot and shot the goons killing them all, after that they headed for the boss's office which was easy to find, Bruce kicked the door off its hinges and pointed rogue and insane at the boss.

Boss: you're late...but I guess better late then never...

Bruce: I thought I told you not to fuck with us...

Boss: rules of the jungle my friend...the powerful devours the weak.

Upon hearing that Bruce then shot him in the knee making the scream in pain as Bruce then walked towards him.


He then gripped the boss by the collar of his shirt while pointing the gun to his heart.


Bruce then shot him in the heart and shoved him into the floor as the boss began coughing.

Boss: a-Alberto w-will c-come f-f-for y-you.

Hearing that name infuriated Roberta as she grabbed the boss and began smashing his face killing him, Bruce watched the whole beat down with a smile on his face, when she finally done she turned looked at Bruce with a smile on her face.

Roberta: what you just reeks of greatness.

Bruce: not as great as that ass...

Roberta chuckled at his comment as Bruce's phone began ringing which he answered.

Bruce: hello?

?: y-y/n is dead!!!

Bruce: WHAT?!!!

(Earlier in Japan)

Y/n, asagi and her sister sakura were patrolling the city for anything that's connected to Edwin black, it had been an hour and so far nothing until they saw a group of orcs cornering a woman, y/n was the first to charge at them and began slaughtering them one by one, after he was done he went to check on the woman.

Y/n: are you alright?

Woman: thank you! You're a hero thank you so much!!!

Y/n: that's what we do I want you to go home's not safe.

The woman then took her stuff and ran away, sakura landed next to y/n as she put a hand on his shoulder.

Sakura: good job y/n...

Y/n: thanks...always hated those fucks.

Sakura: you and me both...

Asagi then landed behind y/n with a murderous intent as she stabbed y/n in the heart, sakura looked at asagi with a shocked look on her face.

Sakura: Y/N!!!!!

Asagi: we can't let him with us...he knows too much.

Sakura: WHY?!!!

Asagi: in case you have forgotten...he's the son of Edwin black and oboro...and like I said we cannot let him with us...

Y/n: a-asagi...w-why...?

He fell down as he pulled a gun Bruce gave him as a gift, she sliced the barrel of the gun and pointed her blade at him.

Asagi: you expect me to believe all that nonsense you pour into my ears...? Well look how that turned out for you...

Y/n gritted his teeth and glared at her as she spat on his face and sliced his head off.

Asagi: that leaves only your father and that brain dead Lovelace, let's go sakura...

Sakura: but-


Sakura then took one last look at y/n and left the place leaving asagi with y/n's dead body, sakura then headed to y/n's house and walked in, she began searching for his phone which she found, sakura tried her best to keep her cool which was difficult, she unlocked his phone and dialled Bruce's number and waited for him to answer.

Bruce: hello?

Sakura: y/n is dead!!!

Bruce: WHAT?!!!

(Two days later, in Japan)

At the graveyard the rain was pouring heavily as sakura, murasaki, yukikaze, rinko, Roberta and Bruce were standing over y/n's grave, as they lowered the casket sakura hugged Bruce as Bruce kept staring at the gave with lifeless eyes, rinko and murasaki noticed the look on his face which made them feel bad for him, so rinko approached him.

Rinko: I'm sorry...he was a good soldier and a great man.

Murasaki: indeed, even though asagi hated him but she would never do such a thing.

That was all Bruce needed to hear to confirm his theory, he gently pushed sakura away and kneeled to the grave and whispered to the grave.

Bruce: I swear to god...I'll avenge you.

He got up and motioned his head to roberta signalling that it was time to leave.

Bruce: 'asagi have unleashed the get ready to dance with the grim reaper'


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