Chapter 2: rise

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(Third person pov)

Darkness...pitch black as far as the eye can see, that was all y/n could see, he kept running aimlessly until everything around him turned white, he looked around him until he saw the same person that ended his life...and it was none other than the "almighty" asagi igawa...however there was something different about her, her skin wasn't that beautiful peachy white was purple, her blueish black hair is also purple...and her seductive teal eyes are now yellow, y/n also noticed that she is wearing her white costume although it was ripped and asagi herself was injured, y/n looked at the other direction and saw a man wearing a black combat suit and a helmet holding a combat knife, y/n noticed that the upper part of the suit was slightly damaged, y/n was curious about this masked man who managed to beat the shit out of asagi in her demon form which indicated that this man is no one to be messed with, he looked back at asagi as she began speaking.

Asagi: you're good...but i want to know one thing...just who are you...?

The man then began speaking with a deep voice.

?: well...since I'm going to kill you I'll humour you.

The man began taking his helmet off and then everything turned red.

?: boooooorinnnnnnggggg!!!!!

Y/n looked behind him and saw a demon chilling on a couch while holding a phone.

Y/n: who are you?

?: Satan at your service...

Satan answered the question not taking his eyes off his phone.

Y/n: why am I here...?

Satan: well...making the world my bitch so many times became boring as you're taking my place...

Y/n: why...?

Satan: you want revenge...on my bitch *cough* your dad *cough* and that asagi woman.

Y/n: how do you knew about asagi?

Satan: well you were screaming her name so I'd be a retard if I didn't catch her name.

Y/n: fair enough...but how am I gonna go back there?

Satan: same way your mammy came back multiple times...I'll revive you and you go and do your thing.

Y/n:*sigh* that's gonna take a while...

Satan: the fuck you mean by that?

Satan then put his phone on the table and looked at y/n with a puzzled look.

Y/n: I mean asagi is leagues above me...if I came back now I'll end up back here in no time!!

Satan: that's where you're wrong bucko...I'm not like that bitch father of yours, I'll give you a bit just a bit of my powers...and that bit is way more than she could you're good...

Satan the got up and walked towards y/n and looked at him in the eyes.

Satan: remember kiddo...cheat your way to exact your the saying goes...if you ain't ain't trying...but before all that...LETS GET DRUNK!!!!

Y/n: how you knew I needed a drink is beyond me, LETS GET WASTED!!!!

As y/n said that the doors busted open revealing the finest demon hoes as they began partying.

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Both y/n and satan were on the floor dead drunk while surrounded by said finest demon hoes which were also drunk, y/n woke up having one of the worst hangovers he's ever had.

Y/n: shit...guess I went overboard on the drinks...

Satan: and that's why I like you...anyway back to the matter at want revenge...and I'll aid you with that, so take a deep breath and let me do my thing.

Y/n did as told and took a deep breath as satan transferred his powers to y/n, he opened his eyes and looked at his hands and saw that they were pale.

Satan: oh my me...look at those eyes...the eyes of a true demon...

Satan then summoned a mirror for y/n as he took a look at his new appearance.

Y/n: well charm level went from 100 to a million!

Satan: before you go take these...

Satan then summoned two weapons, the first was a double headed black scythe, the second is a large black sword with red eyes on it.

Satan: the finest and the most powerful in my collection.

Y/n: they look sick! Thanks bro!

Satan: I got you homie!

Y/n took the weapons and began to leave.

Satan: and uh one more thing!

Y/n stopped and looked at satan.

Satan: that asagi chick is not only your target...but also a target of a friend of yours...think you can reach her before him?

Y/n: I have a better plan.

Satan: oh do tell please.

Y/n: you'll see...

Satan: oh and send my regards to the bitch...

With that satan opened a portal to the Tokyo kingdom's graveyard as y/n walked through said portal.

Y/n: world...guess who's back?


In the igawa residence, asagi was packing her clothes and everything valuable to her as she checked the time, 5 hours left for her flight out of japan, asagi then went to check on her sister one last time before their departure, she went to her sister's room and knocked on the door.

Asagi:'re you holding up?

Sakura: ...

Asagi: sakura answer me...

Asagi was staring at the door when suddenly the door opened revealing sakura with a deadly glare.

Sakura: leave...

Asagi: sak-

Sakura: I SAID LEAVE!!!!

Sakura looked at asagi with hateful eyes before shutting the door, asagi sighed and went to get her things, after that she went to the kitchen to grab something to drink but...she saw a note, curious by the note she took it and began reading it which said:

"Dear asagi, If you're reading just made the biggest mistake in you're life, fucked up big time...and now they're coming for you and you'll do nothing because can do nothing so you better pray that god will be on your side"

Sincerely, satan.

Asagi was shocked by this message, how could satan himself know about her? Another reason why she must leave japan, but more importantly...the taimanin terroriser, he made his appearance since the death of y/n and since then the taimanin life became a living hell,instead of avenging those who died by his hands she decided to escape, and what better place of hiding than Venezuela...(not very smart), anyway she what here's her stuff and left the house and took a one last look at it and sighed.

Asagi: sakura...if you could only see you'd understand...

?: you ready asagi?

Asagi looked behind her with a sad smile on her face.

Asagi: kyousuke...yes I'm ready.

Kyousuke: I'll talk to her when I get back, I'm sure she'll understand...

Kyousuke helped asagi putting her stuff in the car,  they hopped in the car as kyousuke began driving.

Asagi: I hope so...ever since that day...she's changed...she's not herself.

Kyousuke: I just don't see what she sees in him...

Asagi: he's filled her with his lies...i however didn't fall for it...and I bet if he comes back like his mother did...I'll send his head to her.

Kyousuke: but what about the black bullet?

Asagi: I'll be heading to Venezuela, I'll lay low there for a while, once everything settles down, I'll hunt him down.

Kyousuke: I hope it works out for you.

Asagi turned her head away as kyousuke kept heading to the airport.


Overlooking the city from his office, Edwin black was interrupted by his right hand woman, the hell knight ingrid.

Ingrid: my lord...we just received some intel about asagi.

Black: do tell.

Ingrid: the information says that she's heading to Venezuela.

Black: and why's that?

Ingrid: that is still unknown at the moment, but I have a theory...I think she's heading there to eliminate the Lovelace.

Black: could be...but that is a suicidal act.

Then another woman came in...that woman had a pinkish red hair and red eyes wearing a red leotard.

?: I have a better theory, I think that she just ran away like the coward bitch that she is knowing that masked man is after those worthless taimanin, it's no surprise if you ask me.

Black: that also could be true, oboro I want you to head over the cemetery...I may ha-

?: satan sends his regards...

All three looked behind them and saw the new and improved y/n black.

Y/n: helloooo~

Black: son...glad you're ba-

Y/n: save it...I'm not here for a shitty "family" reunion...I'm here to claim what's rightfully mine...

Black: and what's that...?

Suddenly, a black and red mist engulfed y/n's arm as the mist slowly began taking shape, the mist then turned pitch black and slowly turned into a double sided scythe.

Y/n: everything that is yours.

Black: foolish child...your insolence will be tolerated no more!

Black then transformed into his demon form as he held four weapons, he held a sword, a spear, a bladed disk ( idk what its called) and a scythe, he smiled at his son and began taunting him.

Black: think you can defeat me?! Your father?!!!

Y/n: you were never my father.

They charged at each other as they clashed their weapons, ingrid and oboro watched in amazement at how powerful y/n have become, usually that attack should be enough to erase anyone from existence, anyway y/n sent a powerful shockwave sending his father to a wall, y/n then charged at him and stabbed his father in his midsection, not wasting any precious moments y/n used the other end of the scythe and decapitated his father killing him, y/n took a deep breath as he turned to both his mother and ingrid as his eyes were glowing bright red.

Y/n: all of mine now...any objections...?

Ingrid then kneeled and lowered her head as oboro raised both of her hands.

Y/n: let's commence the mission.

Oboro/ingrid: mission?

Y/n: make asagi's life a living hell...but first I have to make some phone calls.

He took his new phone and dialled someone.


In roanapur, we see the lagoon crew were chilling in the yellowflag bar until bao the bartender came to the leader Dutch.

Bao: hey dutch someone wants you on the phone.

Dutch: who?

Bao: didn't say.

Dutch:*sigh* alright...

He took the phone and answered.

Dutch: who is this?

Garcia: it's Garcia Lovelace...and I need your help.


The crew have reached the meeting place at the beach, they saw Garcia along with fabiola and roberta which didn't sit right with revy.

Dutch: so what's this all about.

Garcia: thank you for coming and I apologise for the inconvenience...

Revy: stop kissing our asses and get to the point!


Roberta: disrespect the young master one more time and see what happens...

Garcia/dutch: enough.

Garcia: like I said...I need your brother has been gone for a month now and not a single phone call or anything...ever since his friend's death...

Dutch: you mean y/n?

Garcia: yes...he was last seen in Japan and I need you all to please find him! I beg of you! He's the only family I have left!.

Revy: could've just sent your dog to find him.

Dutch: shut up revy...any more out of your mouth and I'll shut it for you.

Roberta: 'took the words out of my mouth'

Garcia looked at rock which confused the Japanese businessman.

Garcia: I know you know him I ask you to please bring him back to me.


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Benny: I mean he's right rock, you two hung out almost all the time.

Dutch: it's all on you rocky boy...

Rock took a few seconds to think about the whole situation, he then gave his answer.

Rock: alright.


Bruce was gearing up to begin his hunt, he was putting on his new combat suit, he finally put on his new helmet as he grabbed rogue and insane, he walked to the roof and immediately got soaked by the rain.

Bruce (deep voice): asagi better sleep with your eyes matter where you run...the black bullet will find you...beware of the unleashed beast.

To be continued.


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