Chapter 4: crossing the line (lemon)

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(Hotel Moscow, roanapur)

Asagi was sitting in front of the ex military turned mob boss, the one and only sofiya pavlovna...or better known as miss balalaika.

Balalaika: so let's get to business...tell me what brings you here?

Asagi: I'm currently hiding from the black bullet.

Balalaika: well it's only a matter of time before he finds you...but since he became a nuisance I'll make it harder for him, so I offer you work for me and I guarantee you he'll never reach you.

Asagi then took a moment to think but eventually she gave balalaika her answer.

Asagi: got it.

Balalaika: splendid! Welcome to the family! Oh and I almost forgot, we're in an alliance with the triads

Asagi: Chang wants him as well?

Balalaika: Chang died a long time ago, his "sister" is in charge now, as a matter of fact she's on her way here, and she's dying to meet you.

Asagi: hmm...

Balalaika: she should be here in 3...2...1.

Boris then knocked on the door and walked in.

Boris: I apologise boss but your other guest is here.

Balalaika: good, send her in.

He backed up allowing her in, this woman has a long black hair wearing a black business suit.

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Balalaika: fancy meeting again ruby.

Ruby just nodded and shook hands with balalaika, ruby then looked at asagi as they shook hands.

Balalaika: asagi igawa this is ruby bloodstone.

Asagi: it's nice to meet you.

Again, ruby just nodded as all three ladies sat down as balalaika brought out a file.

Balalaika: now this is everything you need to know about our new target.

She handed the file to ruby, she opened the said file and took a look at its content, both asagi and balalaika noticed ruby's grip tightening on the file, the look on her face said it all.

Ruby: alex...

Balalaika: his real name is Caesar Diego Lovelace...and then he changed it to Bruce blackheart, you may have heard of the black bullet, and I assure you he's earned that title.

Ruby threw the file away and looked at asagi with a cold look in her eyes.

Ruby(venomous tone): and what do you play in this?

Asagi: his new target.

Ruby(venomous tone): and why?

Asagi: I killed his best friend who happened to be my arch nemesis' son.

Balalaika: you mean that red head?

Asagi: yes.

Ruby: then consider yourself lucky...with miss balalaika's brute force and my brains together...he'll never reach a matter of fact I'll show him why they call me the wild stinger, c'mon I'll show you around the city.

Balalaika: thank you miss bloodstone and have a safe trip.

They got up and left the building.


Roberta, Fabiola and Garcia were sitting on the deck in silence until garcia broke the silence.

Garcia: so tell me roberta what made the two of you patch things up?

Roberta: to be completely honest young master...I just told him everything.


It had been a month since roberta and Bruce throes to kill each other and now they are in the hospital going under recovery, unable to move they were stuck next to each other, unable to withstand the silence bruce decided to break it.

Bruce: why? Why did you kill her?

Roberta took a glance at him and looked down.

Bruce: she was an innocent kid...a fucking kid! Ugh!

Roberta: it's not good for your health to let your emotions take control master Bruce.

Bruce: cut the shit and answer me you fucking whore!!


Bruce was stunned from the news, Before he could respond Revy and Garcia walked in as he lowered his head.

Garcia: hello Caesar, Roberta.

Revy: sup bb.

Roberta: young master

Bruce: sup, and I've already told you's Bruce now.

Garcia: I'm not a kid!

Bruce: and I'm the queen of England...hehe.

Garcia: ugh...anyway how are you two.

Bruce: I'm not even sure...

Revy: not sure how?

Bruce: I don't know.

Roberta: I'm doing better young master.

Bruce: 'yeah...better...'

(4 months later, still in flashback)

In the Lovelace estate, Bruce was walking along side Roberta, Bruce was looking down feeling the guilt eating him slowly, Roberta looked at him and put her hand on his shoulder.

Roberta: what's wrong master Bruce.

Bruce looked at her with a pained expression which confused her.

Roberta: are you alright master?

Bruce: ......I'm sorry......I....-

Roberta: it's rosarita who should be sorry to you...

Roberta took off her glasses and looked at his eyes.

Rosarita: I'm the one who should be sorry...I've turned you into a monster, but on the bright side you get to meet your younger brother, so how about I rake your pain away?

Rosarita then put both hands on his cheeks and kissed him surprising him but he eventually kissed her back.

(Lemon incoming)

Bruce pushed his tongue in her mouth asserting his dominance but rosarita fought for said dominance but it was useless, he took her clothes and kissed her neck making her moan quietly, she began rubbing his crotch while he was massaging her buffed up cheeks.

Rosarita: t-take me already!

Bruce then pinned her to the wall and began eating her pussy as she grabbed him by the hair, his technique was powerful enough to make her cum in no time, he stood up and unzipped his pants and revealed his third leg and rubbed her pussy as he used her love juice as lube as he pushed his sword all the way in making her gasp.

Rosarita: you're too big!!

Bruce: k-keep it down...don't want gar to catch us do we?

She then nodded as he began king stroking her cat as she buried her face on his shoulder while he bit hers, he increased his pace as she kept gasping for air as he spanked her cheeks.

Rosarita: you're getting bigger!

Bruce: you're getting tighter! I won't be able to last long!

Rosarita: j-just give me your seed!

Unable to withdraw this godly pussy, bruce blasted his milk into her pussy as she squirted her juices while making a silly (ahegao) face, he pulled out as both of them fell to the floor as they began kissing.

(End of flashback)

Roberta: and that's pretty much it.

Obviously roberta didn't tell him how they were fucking like dogs in heat, she gave him an over filtered story, unknown to them revy was listening to them.

Revy: so he ravaged her pussy huh...the power of rizz on that man...hehe.


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Sakura and y/n were in the kitchen cooking lunch enjoying their time together, y/n was chopping chicken as sakura was scrambling eggs.

Y/n: man I love moments like these.

Sakura: you can say that again, alright I've finished scrambling the eggs.

Y/n: now mix the spices with the flower.

Sakura: got it.

She began mixing the flower and spices as y/n took the chopped chicken and dipped it into the egg and then the flower, he did that for three times then put it in the oil and waited.

Y/n: you will taste the best fried chicken ever!

Sakura: I'm sure I will darling!


Y/n:*sigh* those two still fighting?

Sakura: they're unbelievable.

Y/n: well what can we runs in their blood, anyway would you be a darling and call them? Lunch is almost ready.

Sakura: got it babe!

She headed to the backyard and saw the carnage, she saw ingrid having her sword at bruce's neck as Bruce's guns were at her head.

Sakura: knock it off you two! Food's ready!

Ingrid: we'll continue this another time.

Bruce: took the words out of my mouth, anyway let's eat I'm starving!

They followed sakura to the kitchen, the smell of the fried chicken smacked Bruce's nose so hard it made his mouth turn into a fountain, they gathered around the table and began eating.


Sakura, ingrid and Bruce were in y/n's office discussing their plans.

Y/n: well...tonight we will begin cleaning the house and by house I mean my city...but first are you all ready to cross a certain lines you swore not to cross?, I'm looking at you Bruce.

Bruce: what does that mean?

Y/n: meaning if you don't cross that'll end up killed...this isn't roanapur...only the heartless survive my dear friend...are you ready?

Bruce looked down and thought about it.

Bruce: just no kids...

Y/n: that's the thing...there are two kids involved...twins to be exact, my younger, take a look.

Y/n gave Bruce a photo of them which surprised him.

Bruce: wait I've seen them before!

Y/n: Hansel and gretel...the vampire twins...their body count is more than yours and Roberts's combined.

Bruce: then...they are no kids...they're no different from me...monsters in human clothing.

Sakura then looked at Bruce's dead eyes which made her concerned for him, he then got up and left the room, the y/n, sakura and ingrid looked at the door.

Sakura: is he gonna be alright?

Y/n: if we want revenge on asagi, then we must cross certain lines... and to him...that's the line, anyway our job is to eliminate the incubus king ryuuji koroi and everyone associated with him

Ingrid: understood.

Sakura: got it.


Bruce was standing on the front yard of y/n's house in his combat suit as y/n, sakura and ingrid approached him.

Y/n: alright everyone knows their mission.

Without a Bruce nodded and walked over to his new bike.

He fired the bike and drove away.

Ingrid kept staring at Bruce until he was out of sight.


The lagoon crew along with Garcia, Roberta and Fabiola have finally reached tokyo as revy spoke.

Revy: never thought I'd be here again.

Rock: tell me about it, we've just arrived and I really want to go back.

Garcia then looked around as Roberta stood next to him, she then gave him a motherly look.

Roberta: alright young master, are you ready?

Garcia: yes...let's go.

As they began their search the weather changed from a clear sky to a pouring rain, as they were searching they saw a car going way too fast as one of the passengers was shooting, said car was being chased by a man on a bike also shooting at the car, Roberta immediately knew who was riding the bike just by his costume.

Roberta: that's him!, that's master Bruce!

Convenient enough, Dutch then found a black Land Rover parked next to them, he then walked towards it and broke the window with his gun, hopped in and jumped the car.

Dutch: GET IN!!

They did as told as Dutch began chasing after the bike.

(Few minutes later)

The lagoon crew and the others found the bike crashed into a building as the other car was on fire, they heard multiple gun shots from the roof of the building.

Fabiola: they're in the roof!

Revy then pulled out her cutlasses as Roberta pulled Mary (the gun Bruce gave her) and headed towards the roof, after a couple of minutes they saw a man on his knees in front of two dead white haired kids, Roberta and Revy approached the man carefully as the man turned his head towards them, his cold bloodshot eyes was all they needed to know.

Revy/Roberta: Bruce!/MASTER BRUCE!

Before they could do anything, Garcia darted past them and hugged his now broken brother.


Bruce parked his bike near a bar and looked around as he saw the two kids were staring at him as he pulled rouge and insane.

Bruce: Hansel and gretel huh...?

Hansel: look dear sister he knows us!

Gretel: I know! This is awesome!!

Hansel: it's a shame that he's going to die...

Hansel then pulled out a mg42 machine gun and began shooting at Bruce making him take cover, bruce waited for the belt to run out of bullets which eventually did as got out of cover and began shooting at them, gretel then pulled out her 1918 rifle and began shooting at Bruce as they began retreating, as gretel kept shooting at Bruce Hansel found a van parked as he broke the window and jumped the van, gretel quickly got into the van as they drove away, Bruce immediately ran to his bike and fired it up and chased them.

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Bruce then pushed the N2O button which gave him the boost he needed to catch up with then as he pulled insane and began shooting at the van, gretel then opened the back door and began shooting at Bruce again which made him swerve left and right to avoid getting shot (not that it was the first time), bruce then managed to shoot a tire making it explode as Hansel lost control of the van as they crashed into a lamppost destroying the van, Bruce stopped the bike as he saw them limping their way to a building as he hopped out of the bike and walked towards them with both guns in his hands, as he walked in he followed the blood trail which led him to the roof, he walked in and saw Hansel pointing his machine gun at Bruce as Bruce quickly shot Hansel in the head killing him, he then looked at gretel and shot her in both legs immobilising her as he approached her slowly and menacingly as he pointed rouge at her head.

Gretel: do you believe in destiny...?

Bruce: I carve my own...

And with that...

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He kept pulling the trigger of the now empty rouge as it fell to the ground followed by Bruce himself...

?/?: Bruce!/ master bruce!

He then heard a couple of footsteps behind him as he got embraced from behind, he looked over his shoulder and saw his little brother Garcia.

Bruce: what're you doing here?

Garcia: where were you Bruce?! I was worried about you!

Bruce: I'm fine...don't you worry.

He gently pushed Garcia away and stood up.

Bruce: I'm going for a drink.

He then walked past them and left the building.


In another part of the city, a man with white hair wearing a black suit overlooking the city, that man is the incubus king, ryuuji kuroi.

Kuroi: so...y/n is back...and he brought a friend...shiranui dispose of him.

He looked behind him as a thicc woman was standing behind him, the woman is the legendary phantom taimanin and the mother of yukikaze mizuki, shiranui mizuki, he gave her a picture of Bruce which she got a good look at.

Shiranui: of course my love, consider it done.

To be continued.


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